Author Topic: TV and Garbage  (Read 3152 times)

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TV and Garbage
« on: December 21, 2006, 04:56:08 PM »
I started to post this as a reply to "Former Arutz Sheva broadcaster Avi Hyman" but it digressed from the topic so I moved it here. The original thread can be found at .

So I used to find Bill O'Reilly entertaining. Now I don't even bother to watch FOX. In fact I don't even watch TV most of the time. I don't use it as a source of news unless the news happens to be on while the TV is on. I only use it watch sports sometimes (Especially during baseball season.) and I tape The Bold and The Beautiful (Yes, I know it's immoral but all shows are immoral.). It takes a lot for Chaim to approve of a TV show. If I watch immoral stuff on TV, I separate it from the real World but some people are stupid enough to think that in real life, it is okay to go sleep around or whatever else you see on TV. I used to watch MTV when I was a teenager but most of the time they have garbage on that isn't even music such as "reality" TV or baboon nonsense (My apology to real baboons.). When I was a young teenager, I liked VH1 because they had real music and MTV was just schvartza noise but then it spread to VH1 too and MTV was actually the lesser of the evils when it came to taste in music even though the people singing were sluts such as Britney Spears. They were immoral but the music itself was better. But some of the white music was white trash noise. Now even Britney regressed into that trash. Once you start dressing that way, it keeps going. I heard she has a tattoo of a Hebrew name of G-d which she shows off while dressing immodestly which is such a Hillul Hashem (Desecration of G-d's Name. I mean literally.).

« Last Edit: December 21, 2006, 05:05:55 PM by Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim »


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Re: TV and Garbage
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2006, 04:59:58 AM »
Madonna has been indoctrinating anyone she can lay her [censored] hands on into the pop-star version of Kabbalah.  Everyone knows about Britney's evil lesbian kiss with Madonna but not everyone knows about her kiss with Christina Aguilera.  Madonna is leading young girls into acts of lesbianism, studying kabbalah, and adopting black children.  Madonna is an agent of Evil Forces which operate through the entertainment industry.  I watched some MTV Base for the first time in ages yesterday.  Nothing but images of black men kissing and fondling white women.

In 2003, Britney Spears began studying Jewish mysticism, also called Kabbalah, and became a member of the Kabbalah Centre after having been introduced to Jewish mysticism by friend and mentor Madonna. Soon after joining, Britney's mother Lynne became a member, and Britney had a Hebrew tattoo inked onto her neck (מהש) representing one of the seventy-two names of God in Kabbalah. Britney previously had a Kabbalah-inspired Hebrew tattoo inked onto her neck that was proved to be meaningless in an incident that was her second tattoo-related mishap; in the first, she had Japanese characters inked onto her leg that she thought to mean "mysterious" - it actually said "strange."

Offline cjd

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Re: TV and Garbage
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2006, 07:37:46 AM »
Madonna has been indoctrinating anyone she can lay her Jezebel hands on into the pop-star version of Kabbalah.  Everyone knows about Britney's evil lesbian kiss with Madonna but not everyone knows about her kiss with Christina Aguilera.  Madonna is leading young girls into acts of lesbianism, studying kabbalah, and adopting black children.  Madonna is an agent of Evil Forces which operate through the entertainment industry.  I watched some MTV Base for the first time in ages yesterday.  Nothing but images of black men kissing and fondling white women.

In 2003, Britney Spears began studying Jewish mysticism, also called Kabbalah, and became a member of the Kabbalah Centre after having been introduced to Jewish mysticism by friend and mentor Madonna. Soon after joining, Britney's mother Lynne became a member, and Britney had a Hebrew tattoo inked onto her neck (מהש) representing one of the seventy-two names of G-d in Kabbalah. Britney previously had a Kabbalah-inspired Hebrew tattoo inked onto her neck that was proved to be meaningless in an incident that was her second tattoo-related mishap; in the first, she had Japanese characters inked onto her leg that she thought to mean "mysterious" - it actually said "strange."
I would be hard pressed to identify a picture of Britney Spears or even Madonna for that matter. I do see them on the news and in the paper but have to be told or read who they are. In short I pay little or no attention to animals like them and other low beasts who are dragging society to its lowest levels. MTV, BTV and all the other similar pieces of cr-p have done more harm to young people in the last 20 years than any other form of liberal indoctrination. The garbage shown on this venue directly fosters the miscegenation that has bought white society to its pressent condition. I am not exactly sure but I think it was Nikita Khrushchev that said capitalism will collapse from within and this is exactly what is happening. People should open their eyes and study closely what they are being indoctrinated with. They may not care for what they really see.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2006, 07:50:50 AM by cjd »
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