What then was the motivation of the maker of the clip in calling Nadia a "traitoress"?
Since physically fighting the Israeli police, yassamniks, yamassniks and soldiers would result in broken arms, fractured skulls, jail time, and even death, was Nadia and even Aviner correct in defanging "the young hothead kenayim" who wanted to fight, and thereby sparing them and their families years of hurt and suffering?
50 year old R.Kahane was prepared to fight in Yamit in 1982. Did he get the chance for fisticuffs or stickwork?
2005If a 73 year old Rabbi Kahane assisted by a 48 year old Chaim had been at Gush Katif in 2005, would they have advised to youths who would be facing certain injury or death
al michemes mitzvah and
al Kiddush Hashem?
In which case, if one's going the whole hog, resist with firearms, grenades, boiling pitch, and Molotov cocktails, not just buckets of colored water! Give the Yasamniks something to
really remember you by, by taking a lot of them with you!
Of course, such a resistance, the day after, with the body count tallied up, will result in a nationwide banning of all rightwing yeshivas and schools and settlements. Indeed, not just rightwing, but probably
anyone wearing a kippah will be enough to be cracked down on. But that's how all revolutions...the English, French, American etc begin...with people,
many people actually giving their lives and dying!
Although Kahane's last book was "Revolution or Referendum", I can't see anyone prepared to actually give his life, even the best: "The second skin of
every Jew is
fear !" (Anwar Sadat).
There's no doubt Chaim is brave. But against hordes of unfeeling stick-wielding brutish grey-clad Jewish/Druze/Circassian/Turkish/Negroidal Yassamniks just itching to break his skull, legs and arms, even he might think that this time discretion is the better part of valor!
R.Binyamin Zeev Kahane said that the Har Habayit will only be taken through great deeds of "mesirut nefesh" ie one or more
kenayim attempting to seize it, as in the film "Hahesder".
But he emphasized that his followers should not expect such a level of
mesirus nefesh from him!
From here we see the heroism of the Hasmoneans. They put their bodies and lives on the line against the Greeks, and Hashem did a miracle for them, and they beat the Greeks.
Would Hashem have done a miracle for us in Gush Katif?