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Shalom, from an ex muslim
q_q_ it wasn't a whole book on powerful Jewish lobbies. There was one line, which said the Jewish Lobbies in New York strengthed the link between the U.S and Israel.
Sarah, even if there is a so-called Jewish Lobby, so what?
The Arab/Muslim countries, with all their oil money donate tons of money to American Universities to set up anti-Israeli, pro-Arab Middle Eastern Studies programs. They have purchased shares of our media outlets, which is why the news is often biased against Israel. And finally, they have most of the world's oil, which they used as a Damocles sword over other countries as a veto of their foreign and domestic policies.
So with that being said, why shouldn't Israel have some kind of group to represent her interests?
Yeah I know. I don't have anything against any Jewish Lobby at all.
Mills the Jewish Lobby business was just intergrated in some of our work, it wasn't bias just factual, confirming that there was one.
Yes, I don't want to understand the views of JTF anymore because they are twisted.
--- Quote from: Sarah on March 07, 2008, 04:16:57 PM ---I don't want to understand the views of JTF anymore because they are twisted.
--- End quote ---
This is very troubling.
How could you say you agree so deeply, say you denounce islam, tell us you want to convert to Judaism, and then turn 180 degrees like this? And then to throw it off on not wanting to understand?
To be honest, I feel betrayed by this comment. Islam is a cancer and replaces logic and reason with extreme bais against Israel and other non-muslims. I think the people you were around at your school have affected you.
Mills, please don't be so hard on Sarah. She's only a 15 year old Muslohide who, after many many months being here believes JTF's views are twisted? Have you read the Qur'an lately or moreso the Hadith? Perhaps step back and took a look at Sharia Law as it is practiced in the Mohammadan homelands? You'd probably be stoned to death just for talking on a Jewish forum.
If you think JTF's views are "twisted" perhaps consider your neglect to identify that in no Arab/Islamic country today is there effective democracy or the universal recognition of fundamental human rights? Perhaps knowing there is no gender equality, no equality of non-Muslims with Muslims or full religious freedoms might be worthy of consideration?
Now whose views are truly "twisted"?
I truly don't understand you Sarah. You came on a very long time ago to which I had suggested books for you to learn and acquire knowledge on, not only Judaism but Christianity and Islam with their respective histories. I believe I even suggested the book "9 Questions People Ask About Judaism" by Dennis Prager..
Ah, nevermind there is no use anyway...
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