General Category > Introduce Yourself

Shalom, from an ex muslim

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Ex Muslim 4 Israel:

--- Quote from: Kabilov on March 02, 2008, 03:20:02 AM ---before i used to say, "a good muslim is a dead muslim" now i could say "a good muslim is a ex muslim"

welcome  O0

you said you had some Jewish blood, who was Jewish

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shalom, actually i didn't say I have jewish blood, I do belive that I might have soem jewish ancestry as I feel very "jewish" if you know what I mean. Maybe what you read is that I don't have jewish blood in my veins, but I'm super Israeli at heart. and I love everything about Israel, the country, the religion, the people, the army, the landscape, the histroy, everything. Israel really does rock my world.

Ex Muslim 4 Israel:

--- Quote from: Sarah on March 02, 2008, 08:47:21 AM ---Now do you hate muslims?

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Do I have to? Actually I hate islam,I despise muslim atrocities and fundemantilists. I even enjoy see them extrerminated by the Idf. And I really would find it strange that some jews or israelis feelspity for "innocent "casualties in recent IDF strikes. There's nothing called "innocent" in islamic socities. they are all in a battle against the whole world, and israel is on the front. Israel can do whatever it wants to protect its safety. and the muslims will soon reproduce again, no matter how many are killed. Don't worry about them.

Ex Muslim 4 Israel:

--- Quote from: Ultra Requete on March 02, 2008, 11:01:35 AM ---One question, Are you Israeli citisen or from Yesha? I don't want to know details which can endanger you; just curius if you was in IDF.   

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No no, I'm from outside Israel. I wish I could visit someday. And I'm not an IDf, what an honour that would be to be one.


--- Quote from: Ex Muslim 4 Israel on March 02, 2008, 12:39:59 PM ---
--- Quote from: Sarah on March 02, 2008, 08:47:21 AM ---Now do you hate muslims?

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Do I have to? Actually I hate islam,I despise muslim atrocities and fundemantilists. I even enjoy see them extrerminated by the Idf. And I really would find it strange that some jews or israelis feelspity for "innocent "casualties in recent IDF strikes. There's nothing called "innocent" in islamic socities. they are all in a battle against the whole world, and israel is on the front. Israel can do whatever it wants to protect its safety. and the muslims will soon reproduce again, no matter how many are killed. Don't worry about them.

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I don't want you to hate them.

You said you left Islam because all they incited was hatred.......towards non-muslims. Now you've stepped over the bridge, to hate the muslims is hypocritical. You are doing the same thing vice-versa.

Hating someone who wants to kill you is rational hating people for no reasons, as the Muslims do is evil.


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