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Shalom, from an ex muslim

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Ex Muslim 4 Israel, did your family also leave Islam? Have you received any death threats? 

Ex Muslim 4 Israel:
shalom Newman, thank you. In response to your question, actually, not yet, I haven't received any, since it's all very "secret" at the moment, sure I'll be getting some once I go public. The mindset of a muslim now is all fixed on murder and killing, it's alll what they understand. and that's whast israel is giving them at the moment in Gaza, Muslim extermists and their mohammad well can kiss my boots.  i'm 100 % sure of what I'm doing and what I want to be in the future. Israel is the center of the universe and the light for the whole world, and I'm proud to be the tiniest soldier at Israel's service.


--- Quote from: Ex Muslim 4 Israel on March 01, 2008, 10:59:45 PM ---shalom Newman, thank you. In response to your question, actually, not yet, I haven't received any, since it's all very "secret" at the moment, sure I'll be getting some once I go public. The mindset of a muslim now is all fixed on murder and killing, it's alll what they understand. and that's whast israel is giving them at the moment in Gaza, Muslim extermists and their mohammad well can kiss my boots.  i'm 100 % sure of what I'm doing and what I want to be in the future. Israel is the center of the universe and the light for the whole world, and I'm proud to be the tiniest soldier at Israel's service.

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I wholeheartedly commend you for your decency and bravery, Ex'. But I urge you to take care. Don't shout your new awakening from the rooftops if it means your life. You're worth more to the world alive than dead. An isider could be a help to Israel's cause.


Have you considered that you are probably of Phoenician blood more than arab..........not that it matters. The mid-east had many a great people and culture before the curse of iSSlam. The Phoenicians, Assyrians, Persians.................all of whom contributed to civilisation. I hope more can reject the cult of misery and death.

Ex Muslim 4 Israel:
You are right newman, don't worry, it's the first place in here where I write anything related to Israel. I know I'm living with barbaric criminals or (nazi terrorists, as Chaim calls them) so I'm very careful about what to say and when to say it.I'm even paranoid about it.


--- Quote from: Ex Muslim 4 Israel on March 01, 2008, 11:26:00 PM ---You are right newman, don't worry, it's the first place in here where I write anything related to Israel. I know I'm living with barbaric criminals or (nazi terrorists, as Chaim calls them) so I'm very careful about what to say and when to say it.I'm even paranoid about it.

--- End quote ---

You're right to be.

Many arabs/Phoenicians came to the realisation their land was inhabited by savages and that their once great cultures were hijacked by a death cult. I don't know whether you're aware of Brigitte Gabriel, Walid Shoebat or Wafa sultan but here are their sites:

Use this forum and the web to speak out and have your say (you'll go nuts if you bottle it up), but exercise caution in the physical world until you can move to a place of safety.


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