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Shalom, from an ex muslim

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--- Quote from: Ex Muslim 4 Israel on March 02, 2008, 12:39:59 PM ---
--- Quote from: Sarah on March 02, 2008, 08:47:21 AM ---Now do you hate muslims?

--- End quote ---

Do I have to? Actually I hate islam,I despise muslim atrocities and fundemantilists. I even enjoy see them extrerminated by the Idf. And I really would find it strange that some jews or israelis feelspity for "innocent "casualties in recent IDF strikes. There's nothing called "innocent" in islamic socities. they are all in a battle against the whole world, and israel is on the front. Israel can do whatever it wants to protect its safety. and the muslims will soon reproduce again, no matter how many are killed. Don't worry about them.

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Just so you know. Sarah is 15 year old, from britain, brought up as a muslim.. For a moment she left it and became a kahanist. Then she seemed to go back to it and refused to deny it, and then she admitted some fallacies of its "claims to be true". She seems to be on the fence with islam, and she goes to a muslim school. And she has sympathised alot with "innocent" people israel kills e.g. rachel corrie, even saying it is wrong/immoral.

Just so you know!!

No worries qq. ;)   Sarah has been here for a very long time now....


--- Quote from: MarZutra on March 03, 2008, 05:02:32 PM ---No worries qq. ;)   Sarah has been here for a very long time now....

--- End quote ---

My comment (that sarah is in a muslim school and the rest ) was for our new comrade from lebanon. (the one that started the thread, and the one I quoted!)

I would have written it anyway, but it was all the more important in light of sarah`s posts and his response to them.

Sergio 11:
You see what Chaim has been saying about everyone having free will...

this is an example of that and it just shows that JTF can appeal to even "past muslims"

You are most welcome ex-muslim and we hope you remain active on our forum.


--- Quote from: newman on March 03, 2008, 02:11:26 AM ---
--- Quote from: Sarah on March 02, 2008, 06:10:57 PM ---So the muslims started it according to you, and the Jews are finishing it by fighting back. It is still a vicious circle, that will not end.

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That's a stupid mentallity. By your reasoning nobody should have fought hitler (YS) so they could avoid the 'cycle of violence'.

It is iSSlam that demand world domination, not Judaism or christianity. It is iSSlam that initiates terror, not Judaism or christianity. The cycle will end when the evil of iSSlam is defeated.

--- End quote ---

No, No. I didn't suggest that one side has to stop fighting in order to break whatever cycle. I don't think that is possible, because both sides one to win.

It'll just take the more powerful side to completely prevent and stop the other from continuing the cucle.

--- Quote ---  I'm not even going to entertain such ignorace, closed mindedness and in my opinion Koranimalist deception...
--- End quote ---

I don't get it, what I said makes sense. ???

Both the Jews and muslims will continue fighting, non-stop. Kabilov said the muslims started it and the Jews are fighting back. I just reiterated it.


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