Author Topic: Any other parents here?  (Read 5743 times)

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Offline briann

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Re: Any other parents here?
« Reply #25 on: February 28, 2008, 03:02:19 PM »
Erica... I knew you were on my side on this.  Ive always said... that the teachers who push racial categories to innocent children do way more harm than good.

They will obviously learn this stuff later on, so its not as though they 'll go through life ignorant of what other people are talking about. 

If you push racial categories at a young age,  you promote that it is perfectly alright to categorize people based upon something they have no control over.  They think their pushing tolerance, but in 90% of the kids they are pushing an Us vs them attitude, AND promoting victimization.


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Re: Any other parents here?
« Reply #26 on: February 28, 2008, 03:03:20 PM »
I'm out of this site. Too many racist StørmFrønt wannabees.

Edit by Ruby:

You should really make just one more post so you don't end your post count at 88. That's a bad, bad number.

(tried to reply, but hit the wrong button)
« Last Edit: March 02, 2008, 02:55:54 AM by Rubystars »
Formely known as "1986"

Offline briann

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Re: Any other parents here?
« Reply #27 on: February 28, 2008, 03:44:57 PM »
I'm out of this site. Too many racist StørmFrønt wannabees.

And to think, it was my post that got ridda him.. I'm such a shameful individual  :::D

Offline Ben Yehuda

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Re: Any other parents here?
« Reply #28 on: February 28, 2008, 03:59:03 PM »
I have 2, an 8 year old boy and a 5 year old girl. I have not run into this problem yet, however, I live in Tampa, FL, not SoCal. I am sure you could find a better place to live with regard to this issue. I would see if you could find other like-minded parents in your district and make a stink. Try a conservative news media to see if they're interested in your story [sometimes FOX  news does stories like this on Hannity and Combs or O'Reilly Factor].

Offline Vito

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Re: Any other parents here?
« Reply #29 on: February 28, 2008, 04:12:25 PM »
I'm out of this site. Too many racist StørmFrønt wannabees.

Are you kidding? We boot anybody from StørmFrønt. Erica is black, we don't have a problem with her being on the forum...


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Re: Any other parents here?
« Reply #30 on: March 01, 2008, 09:21:15 PM »
^ Yeah I know. Just overreacted a lil to a comment
Formely known as "1986"

Offline firster555

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Re: Any other parents here?
« Reply #31 on: March 01, 2008, 11:58:58 PM »
Brian, so sorry to hear this and even more sorry to inform you this is just the beginning. I have two kids already in high school. One in a Catholic school and one in a public school, but it is a public school that you need to actually test for admittance into, it is considered one of the three elite public schools here in NYC. They both went to Catholic school for elementary school. While private school, in my opinion anyway, is much more preferable than public education it is far from perfect.
My son, in 8th grade, was taught by a nun that the Crusaders were the aggressors against the peaceful islamic world. This same nun also had the kids say "native American" whenever they read the word Indian, even if it actually says Indian in the book.
My daughter took the National Merit Scholarship. She recieved the commended scholar award, that is the second level. The top level is the actual National Merit scholarship. My daughter(half white/half asian), and three other white girls recieved the commended award. A black girl and a hispanic girl recieved the National Black merit Scholarship and the National Hispanic Merit Scholarship even though they both scored lower than the four white girls and even though they all attend the same private school.
Even though both my kids are excellent students grade wise and do very well in school they had no clue who Presley O'Bannon was, that George Custer was at Gettysburg, did not ever hear of a revolutionary war commander even though we live on a street named after him, never heard of Anzio, never heard of Charles Martel or Jon Sobieski, did not know what the Nuremberg trials or the McCarthy hearings were, this list could go on for pages. Just trying to make a point of how certain things are conviently left out of education. I have made sure that I educated them where school was lacking. I unfortunetly cannot do this with math though but I guess there is not much political indoctrination that can be done in mathematics, is there?
Brian, about confronting the teachers. I have done so in the past and was on the verge of doing so just this week once again. There is a double, actually multiple edged sword, here. First, as sad as this sounds, your kid then becomes a target of these radical lefty teachers. Second, your child gets embarressed by his fellow students. First grade this might not be a big issue yet but it will be in a few years. Third, because of these first two things it can alienate your own kid against accepting knowledge from you. I am far from an expert, just relaying my opinion based on my experience. My best advice would be to continue to educate your children to the truth and when they are old enough they will understand the difference between the truth and what they need to do just for the grades.
What got me going this week was seeing my sons school newspaper. It seems one of the clubs had a guest speaker, a former black panther. When the speaker was asked what the biggest mistake the panthers made was his reply was not that they hated white people or killed cops but that they should have been more liberal with promoting women in their ranks. I was fuming and was going to complain to the principal but my son was begging me not to because of the ramifacations that would come back to him. Yes, I am the parent and when absolutely neccesary I will confront what needs to be confronted but also as a parent you need to know when to pick a fight with your childs concerns thought of.
There were two lines in the movie the Patriot that make me always think of this dilemna of being a parent and a patriotic American. The Mel Gibson character said, " I have a family, I don't have the luxury of principles". The Heath Ledger character replied, "When I have a family I won't hide behind them".
It's tough, I know from experience. I don't know if I said anything helpful, I probably ranted and rambled more than anything else, but I truly know what you are going through.

In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man. Brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.

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Re: Any other parents here?
« Reply #32 on: March 02, 2008, 02:04:51 AM »
I'm sorry you have to go through this Brian, but it's just another part of the dumbing down of America by liberals.  I think as long as you reinforce in your son to think independantly he will turn out fine in the end and forget this early indoctrination.  Keep the faith. O0

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Any other parents here?
« Reply #33 on: March 04, 2008, 02:25:58 PM »
I'm getting more and more sickened at what my 1rst grade son is learning from his teacher at public school.  He's already come home from school saying he wants Obama to be president, and he can already identify someone as being 'African American' ; And I havent discussed either of these topics with him.

Unfortunately private school is too expensive in my area.. and home schooling isnt an option as my wife works.  How am I supposed to shield him from this type of propaganda?


Is it possible for you to complain to an administrator at the school?  Would the principal or someone else be willing to listen to your complaints?

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Any other parents here?
« Reply #34 on: March 04, 2008, 02:27:44 PM »
wow all these black teachers trying to brainwash innocent kids for Obama to win. Thats messed up u got to be careful about choosing schools for your son. Why would he even mention anything about election to a first grade kids?? i say you should make a meeting with teacher and confront him and ask him why is he talking to first grade kids about election which has nothing to do with 1st grade material..

Brian never said that the teacher is black. 

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Any other parents here?
« Reply #35 on: March 04, 2008, 02:32:38 PM »

Hey Vito.  I actually already did, with another parent, about an unrelated issue, and the teacher refused to listen to us, and rudely and abruptly ran out during our parent/teacher conference, so I complained to the principal, and nothing has been done since.

Tenured teachers and administrators in public school live in a parallel universe where they are completely untouchable.  It is impossible to fire them.  All the principals can do is say, dont do it again!!, and at worst, 'write them up' which is meaningless too.  I knew one Vice Principal (A black one) who would never show up on time, would always SLEEP in his corner office, would use derogatory terms against whites, AND I found porno on his school computer, and reported it. I led a campaign to fire him, tracking everything he did, and it was useless.  No adminsitrator would dare stand up against this guy, and the Union had already blocked a previous attempt to fire him.  Thankfully, he finally retired (but our taxes are now paying his absurdly large $65,000/yr pension.

So basically, Im just focusing on making sure my son doesn't become one of them.  (I still havent taken him to a gunshow yet though :( )

There are GOOD teachers (Myself and my wife included :) ) but the bad ones are untouchable.

If he retired, why does he receive a pension like that annually?

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Any other parents here?
« Reply #36 on: March 04, 2008, 02:41:18 PM »
Erica... I knew you were on my side on this.  Ive always said... that the teachers who push racial categories to innocent children do way more harm than good.

They will obviously learn this stuff later on, so its not as though they 'll go through life ignorant of what other people are talking about. 

If you push racial categories at a young age,  you promote that it is perfectly alright to categorize people based upon something they have no control over.  They think their pushing tolerance, but in 90% of the kids they are pushing an Us vs them attitude, AND promoting victimization.

And that's exactly what many of the politicians keep doing in the Democrat party.  They keep identifying voters by racial categories. 

Offline briann

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Re: Any other parents here?
« Reply #37 on: March 05, 2008, 05:04:17 PM »

Hey Vito.  I actually already did, with another parent, about an unrelated issue, and the teacher refused to listen to us, and rudely and abruptly ran out during our parent/teacher conference, so I complained to the principal, and nothing has been done since.

Tenured teachers and administrators in public school live in a parallel universe where they are completely untouchable.  It is impossible to fire them.  All the principals can do is say, dont do it again!!, and at worst, 'write them up' which is meaningless too.  I knew one Vice Principal (A black one) who would never show up on time, would always SLEEP in his corner office, would use derogatory terms against whites, AND I found porno on his school computer, and reported it. I led a campaign to fire him, tracking everything he did, and it was useless.  No adminsitrator would dare stand up against this guy, and the Union had already blocked a previous attempt to fire him.  Thankfully, he finally retired (but our taxes are now paying his absurdly large $65,000/yr pension.

So basically, Im just focusing on making sure my son doesn't become one of them.  (I still havent taken him to a gunshow yet though :( )

There are GOOD teachers (Myself and my wife included :) ) but the bad ones are untouchable.

If he retired, why does he receive a pension like that annually?

Thats just a typical administrative pension.  Its partially why California is experiencing so many budget problems.
