Author Topic: Ask jtf Aug 3rd: Would you provide a guest posting for a liberal coffee company?  (Read 1166 times)

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Offline grappledoctor

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To JTFers and Chaim, I am a long, long time fan.  I have a blog called    I post articles with a Korean friend of mine.  We posted an article about a company trying to get all religions to work together.  I would love a "guest celebrity " response to their CEO.  I am a huge fan.  I have old shows I believe you may want from the 1990's public TV on video tape if you want.  Finally I have 2 books with Rabbi Kahane's autograph which I am extremely proud of.  I would love to email a picture of them to you.  Keep up the great work.

  My email is available on my webpage and I encourage anyone on this page to also respond on my page.  Finally, I believe since you are banned from many sites, guest posting on other sites would help spread the word!  You would be able to generate much more traffic to your site by having a link at the end of every post or guest hosted article.  Banning long time pages with primarily other content Right Wing related would stay online and never be flagged for removal.  "social marketing" Web 2.0

Offline SavetheWest

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If this is serious then respond to the marketing request post.