Save Western Civilization > Save Europe
British Labour government gives no-obligation £350,000 handout to Muslims
Great posts you guys.
Wonderfulgoy, why did you change your handle from "Get Thee Hence Satan?" And what happened to your avatar?
Ok everyone, I just did a blog post about this and hat tipped WG/Satan with a link to this page. Feel free to check out my post when you get a chance:
--- Quote from: Lisa on January 03, 2007, 02:37:12 PM ---Ok everyone, I just did a blog post about this and hat tipped WG/Satan with a link to this page. Feel free to check out my post when you get a chance:
--- End quote ---
VERY good Lisa, I left a nice little note... If you are in Britian, you might consider not paying your taxes and tell your MP why. That is insulting. Tell them that they are promoting racism, discrimination etc. Your taxes are for you not for that....
For all practical purpose, England is lost. There are so many muslims there now, that the british are scared to death of them. The same pattern is to be seen in Continental Europe. They are walking on egg shells. In the USA, the strongest weapons that the muslim cultists have is our own constitution, the American ideal of 'giving the benefit of the doubt', most people are decent, the radical left, the universities that give any radical the same respect that you would give any decent man, the AClU, the national association for the advancement of criminals, a congress with not backbone at all and a president that is some dimwitted that he could not pour urine out of a boot with the directions written on the heal. We don't kiss the muslims and the blacks tusses out of fear, we do it out of downright stupidy.
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