Author Topic: Michelle Obama "misspoke" twice????  (Read 2246 times)

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Offline SavetheWest

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Michelle Obama "misspoke" twice????
« on: March 05, 2008, 03:53:02 PM »
Barack Obama said she meant to say she was proud of politics for the first time in her life.  She made the mistake twice though???
I never heard that from the media before!!!!!

Offline Cyberella

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Re: Michelle Obama "misspoke" twice????
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2008, 11:23:04 AM »
Michelle Obama: America is ‘Just Downright Mean’
Newsbusters ^ | 3/5/2008 | Noel Sheppard

Michelle Obama: America is ‘Just Downright Mean’

By Noel Sheppard | March 5, 2008 - 10:29 ET

As NewsBusters previously reported, the wife of Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama isn't very proud of her country.

Two weeks after making her disdain for the nation clear during a campaign speech for her husband in Wisconsin, Michelle further debased America by saying that we're a country that is "just downright mean."

Given how media made excuses for her comments in Wisconsin, it will be quite interesting to see just how much of her interview in the March 10th edition of The New Yorker will be reported in the next 24 hours (emphasis added throughout, h/t JWF):
    Obama begins with a broad assessment of life in America in 2008, and life is not good: we're a divided country, we're a country that is "just downright mean," we are "guided by fear," we're a nation of cynics, sloths, and complacents. "We have become a nation of struggling folks who are barely making it every day," she said, as heads bobbed in the pews. "Folks are just jammed up, and it's gotten worse over my lifetime. And, doggone it, I'm young. Forty-four!"

We just don’t need an America-hating, socialist woman of any color for first lady. Black has nothing to do with it. Check out Gloria Steinem’s latest hate-America remarks. Most lib women regardless of skin color echo the sentiments of Michell Obama. They live wealthy, pampered, privileged lives, and they hate America for it.

Just Erica

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Re: Michelle Obama "misspoke" twice????
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2008, 11:43:42 AM »
Barack Obama said she meant to say she was proud of politics for the first time in her life.  She made the mistake twice though???
I never heard that from the media before!!!!!

Actually, I don't see a difference between one speech and the other. She said she was proud of her country because not many people, before hand took voting seriously. She's right. I don't think she meant that she hates the country...she's talking about our country's people. People are coming out in record numbers participating in the action of voting. That wasn't the case for the past 17 years in elections. The black vote was down because not many thought that it was important for them to vote and there were others who didn't vote because they didn't think anything would go their way, anyway. That's what she meant.

I think the media as well as people like John McCain's wife are too hard on her.

And what's this about them being educated through Affirmative Action? Why couldn't it be that they both were accepted because they were qualified? And how does it make her and Barack mean because they earned money, she works out (because if she was overweight you'd really have something to bash her over the head for), attended college? She wasn't talking about not being proud of her country, in general, but of the people who actually had the guts to step out and want to change, instead of just letting it happen before their eyes without their imput.

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Michelle Obama "misspoke" twice????
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2008, 01:47:58 PM »

Michelle Obama had chances to clarify herself and she didn't.  She stated multiple times that she has always been embarrassed of her country.  She meant it.  She also stated "American is downright mean."   

She whined that she didn't want to have to take time off from her job to campaign because she didn't want to have to cut down on her working hours.  With just Obama's income, they have plenty of money.  So if she had to cut back on her hours, it would not pose any problem to them financially.  Why should anyone feel bad if she had to take off some hours campaigning, when she has so much money?

Meanwhile, while Michelle was treated very well as a student at Princeton, she wrote a thesis that accused the school of being racist. 

Obama has an awful record as a politician.  Do you defend him because he's Black? 

Offline Cyberella

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Re: Michelle Obama "misspoke" twice????
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2008, 07:14:20 PM »
How would you like to have this shrew as your first lady?
She needs to shut her big mouth and be grateful for all America has made it possible for her to have.
She got herself a Harvard education with the assistance of affirmative action, lives in a multi-million dollar mansion, sends her offspring to exclusive private schools, her totally unqualified husband is running for the president of the United States with media/PC/White Guilt making it impossible  to question him on his ties to black hate groups and Muslim activists.

Just Erica

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Re: Michelle Obama "misspoke" twice????
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2008, 07:15:17 PM »

Michelle Obama had chances to clarify herself and she didn't.  She stated multiple times that she has always been embarrassed of her country.  She meant it.  She also stated "American is downright mean."   

She whined that she didn't want to have to take time off from her job to campaign because she didn't want to have to cut down on her working hours.  With just Obama's income, they have plenty of money.  So if she had to cut back on her hours, it would not pose any problem to them financially.  Why should anyone feel bad if she had to take off some hours campaigning, when she has so much money?

Meanwhile, while Michelle was treated very well as a student at Princeton, she wrote a thesis that accused the school of being racist. 

Obama has an awful record as a politician.  Do you defend him because he's Black? 
Oh my goodness... She stated multiple times that she has always been embarrassed of her country.  She meant it.  She also stated "American is downright mean."  

She said no such thing...that she was embarrassed of her country. Where did you get THAT from? Please, materialize a sound byte to prove your position...unlike you, I can't just go on words on one-sided websites.  

while Michelle was treated very well as a student at Princeton, she wrote a thesis that accused the school of being racist.  

That's bs also. She never accused the school of being fact, did you even READ the thesis? If not, it can be found here... . Click on the highlighted "page 1, Page 2...." in the first paragraph. Read the entire thesis before coming in here with your 'findings'.

Offline SavetheWest

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Re: Michelle Obama "misspoke" twice????
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2008, 12:45:27 AM »
Barack Obama said she meant to say she was proud of politics for the first time in her life.  She made the mistake twice though???
I never heard that from the media before!!!!!

Actually, I don't see a difference between one speech and the other. She said she was proud of her country because not many people, before hand took voting seriously. She's right. I don't think she meant that she hates the country...she's talking about our country's people. People are coming out in record numbers participating in the action of voting. That wasn't the case for the past 17 years in elections. The black vote was down because not many thought that it was important for them to vote and there were others who didn't vote because they didn't think anything would go their way, anyway. That's what she meant.

I think the media as well as people like John McCain's wife are too hard on her.

And what's this about them being educated through Affirmative Action? Why couldn't it be that they both were accepted because they were qualified? And how does it make her and Barack mean because they earned money, she works out (because if she was overweight you'd really have something to bash her over the head for), attended college? She wasn't talking about not being proud of her country, in general, but of the people who actually had the guts to step out and want to change, instead of just letting it happen before their eyes without their imput.

If you indeed read and can site parts of her entire senior thesis I think it's a safe bet that you work for the Obama campaign.

 Regardless, there wasn't any difference between the speeches. That was my point.  The media and Barack said she "misspoke."  Anyone can do that but if you make the same exact statement twice (and add really), there was no mistake.  If she cannot be proud of America's response to Hurricane Katrina and 9/11, Americans record participation in that last few elections, defeating Communism, Nazism and the founding of this country, that does not bode well for her as a person. She either was 1. never proud of the USA before because it wasn't run by black people, or 2. Never proud of the USA because she and her husband were not on their way to running the country.  I think it's a bit of both but that's just my opinion.

I know you said, "The black vote was down because not many thought that it was important for them to vote and there were others who didn't vote because they didn't think anything would go their way, anyway. That's what she meant. "  So she never felt proud of the millions of blacks who participated in earlier elections? What about the first black lawyer, governor, etc???

Just Erica

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Re: Michelle Obama "misspoke" twice????
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2008, 11:13:22 AM »
Barack Obama said she meant to say she was proud of politics for the first time in her life.  She made the mistake twice though???
I never heard that from the media before!!!!!

Actually, I don't see a difference between one speech and the other. She said she was proud of her country because not many people, before hand took voting seriously. She's right. I don't think she meant that she hates the country...she's talking about our country's people. People are coming out in record numbers participating in the action of voting. That wasn't the case for the past 17 years in elections. The black vote was down because not many thought that it was important for them to vote and there were others who didn't vote because they didn't think anything would go their way, anyway. That's what she meant.

I think the media as well as people like John McCain's wife are too hard on her.

And what's this about them being educated through Affirmative Action? Why couldn't it be that they both were accepted because they were qualified? And how does it make her and Barack mean because they earned money, she works out (because if she was overweight you'd really have something to bash her over the head for), attended college? She wasn't talking about not being proud of her country, in general, but of the people who actually had the guts to step out and want to change, instead of just letting it happen before their eyes without their imput.

If you indeed read and can site parts of her entire senior thesis I think it's a safe bet that you work for the Obama campaign.

 Regardless, there wasn't any difference between the speeches. That was my point.  The media and Barack said she "misspoke."  Anyone can do that but if you make the same exact statement twice (and add really), there was no mistake.  If she cannot be proud of America's response to Hurricane Katrina and 9/11, Americans record participation in that last few elections, defeating Communism, Nazism and the founding of this country, that does not bode well for her as a person. She either was 1. never proud of the USA before because it wasn't run by black people, or 2. Never proud of the USA because she and her husband were not on their way to running the country.  I think it's a bit of both but that's just my opinion.

I know you said, "The black vote was down because not many thought that it was important for them to vote and there were others who didn't vote because they didn't think anything would go their way, anyway. That's what she meant. "  So she never felt proud of the millions of blacks who participated in earlier elections? What about the first black lawyer, governor, etc???

If you indeed read and can site parts of her entire senior thesis I think it's a safe bet that you work for the Obama campaign

I want to dissect this statement first.... First of all, I didn't learn about Michelle ever writing a thesis in college until I came here and someone who I assumed read it posted that it was racist and against white people at the college. I went to check it out for myself because that's what I do. When people post one-sided information, I look for non-biased information on the subject (which speaks from multiple positions). All I  had to do was Google  "Michelle Obama's Thesis" and found the links to it. It took all of 10 seconds. It's funny you think I'm working for the Obama campaign because I found the information on her's not hidden or in  a closed's open to the world on the world wide web. Look for yourself...that was the purpose of me posting it here. Oh, and another reason why I went looking for the thesis is because someone here said that it was written in 4th grade manner. Not only did I find out that the text is indeed an intelligent view of race relations with STUDENTS (NOT THE COLLEGE), but was written without calling anyone 'whitey, cracker, or  peckerwood" (which I consider 4th grade jargon.) Btw, I live on a military base with my husband and kids...where is headquaters for Obama's campaign? In Illinois or in Washington D.C. So sorry, but you're wrong.

As for her pride, let me bring something else to your attention. How many people are in here RIGHT NOW bashing anyone and everyone who has voted for Barack Obama in the Primaries, then saying that Americans are stupid for voting for him? A lot of you. So far, the consensus is that whites who voted for him are 'self-haters' who are "hypnotized". (I don't know what that's about, but it sounds as if some of you are angry because they didn't vote in your favor.) Trust me, I wasn't proud of the people in our country for voting G.W.Bush into office for 2 terms despite the fact that he was bad for the needs of this country. Not a lot of blacks came out and voted against him and his policies because they all thought that the white vote would overrule everyone else's. Which is a dumb move... I wasn't proud of America on that front. I was even less proud when Hurricane Katrina hit and instead of FEMA helping out , they shuffled and denied any wrong-doing. Not only that...I was most ashamed when monsters were raping and killing their own people during that time. I was NOT proud of them for their actions. I was also upset that instead of going to war in Afghanastan, Bush decided to pick a fight with Iraq, a country who had NOTHING to do with the 9/11 attacks. Is that something to be proud of? So understand that Michelle meant that she wasn't proud of the bad decisions that America's people made that caused major catastrophes for our country. She didn't mean that she hated/hates America. I mean, you mention how stupid America is for allowing illegal immigrants to reside in the country. Does that make you otherwise proud of America?

As far as Barack's insistence that she's proud of politics for the first time in her life...that may very well be true because she's never been a fan of politics. Now may be the time to have a new perspective on the way politics is being run. We have, for the first time in history, possibly the first woman President, and the first black President running neck-n-neck in the competition. I guess it is about time. And to think, many Americans said that there will never be a woman president (because she will let 'female problems control the way she runs the country'  ::)  >:( ) and they also said there will never be a black president (because 'blacks will be throwing barbeques in the front lawns, leaving watermelon rhinds and chicken bones everywhere.  ::)   >:( )

And about this statement/question... So she never felt proud of the millions of blacks who participated in earlier elections? What about the first black lawyer, governor, etc??? She said that she was proud for the first time in her ADULT life, not when she was growing up. I'm sure she was proud of elections hence when droves of blacks took the vote seriously...she's been an adult  for 20 years or so... I think her math is just about right.

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Michelle Obama "misspoke" twice????
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2008, 04:19:01 PM »

        So Michelle Obama must have been ashamed when Clarence Thomas was appointed to the Supreme Court. 

       Sounds like Michelle Obama is no different than Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. 

         Obama had a communism flag in one of his campaign offices.  Maybe that's something Michelle Obama is proud of.

Offline SavetheWest

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Re: Michelle Obama "misspoke" twice????
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2008, 07:10:41 AM »
Barack Obama said she meant to say she was proud of politics for the first time in her life.  She made the mistake twice though???
I never heard that from the media before!!!!!

Actually, I don't see a difference between one speech and the other. She said she was proud of her country because not many people, before hand took voting seriously. She's right. I don't think she meant that she hates the country...she's talking about our country's people. People are coming out in record numbers participating in the action of voting. That wasn't the case for the past 17 years in elections. The black vote was down because not many thought that it was important for them to vote and there were others who didn't vote because they didn't think anything would go their way, anyway. That's what she meant.

I think the media as well as people like John McCain's wife are too hard on her.

And what's this about them being educated through Affirmative Action? Why couldn't it be that they both were accepted because they were qualified? And how does it make her and Barack mean because they earned money, she works out (because if she was overweight you'd really have something to bash her over the head for), attended college? She wasn't talking about not being proud of her country, in general, but of the people who actually had the guts to step out and want to change, instead of just letting it happen before their eyes without their imput.

If you indeed read and can site parts of her entire senior thesis I think it's a safe bet that you work for the Obama campaign.

 Regardless, there wasn't any difference between the speeches. That was my point.  The media and Barack said she "misspoke."  Anyone can do that but if you make the same exact statement twice (and add really), there was no mistake.  If she cannot be proud of America's response to Hurricane Katrina and 9/11, Americans record participation in that last few elections, defeating Communism, Nazism and the founding of this country, that does not bode well for her as a person. She either was 1. never proud of the USA before because it wasn't run by black people, or 2. Never proud of the USA because she and her husband were not on their way to running the country.  I think it's a bit of both but that's just my opinion.

I know you said, "The black vote was down because not many thought that it was important for them to vote and there were others who didn't vote because they didn't think anything would go their way, anyway. That's what she meant. "  So she never felt proud of the millions of blacks who participated in earlier elections? What about the first black lawyer, governor, etc???

If you indeed read and can site parts of her entire senior thesis I think it's a safe bet that you work for the Obama campaign

I want to dissect this statement first.... First of all, I didn't learn about Michelle ever writing a thesis in college until I came here and someone who I assumed read it posted that it was racist and against white people at the college. I went to check it out for myself because that's what I do. When people post one-sided information, I look for non-biased information on the subject (which speaks from multiple positions). All I  had to do was Google  "Michelle Obama's Thesis" and found the links to it. It took all of 10 seconds. It's funny you think I'm working for the Obama campaign because I found the information on her's not hidden or in  a closed's open to the world on the world wide web. Look for yourself...that was the purpose of me posting it here. Oh, and another reason why I went looking for the thesis is because someone here said that it was written in 4th grade manner. Not only did I find out that the text is indeed an intelligent view of race relations with STUDENTS (NOT THE COLLEGE), but was written without calling anyone 'whitey, cracker, or  peckerwood" (which I consider 4th grade jargon.) Btw, I live on a military base with my husband and kids...where is headquarters for Obama's campaign? In Illinois or in Washington D.C. So sorry, but you're wrong.

As for her pride, let me bring something else to your attention. How many people are in here RIGHT NOW bashing anyone and everyone who has voted for Barack Obama in the Primaries, then saying that Americans are stupid for voting for him? A lot of you. So far, the consensus is that whites who voted for him are 'self-haters' who are "hypnotized". (I don't know what that's about, but it sounds as if some of you are angry because they didn't vote in your favor.) Trust me, I wasn't proud of the people in our country for voting G.W.Bush into office for 2 terms despite the fact that he was bad for the needs of this country. Not a lot of blacks came out and voted against him and his policies because they all thought that the white vote would overrule everyone else's. Which is a dumb move... I wasn't proud of America on that front. I was even less proud when Hurricane Katrina hit and instead of FEMA helping out , they shuffled and denied any wrong-doing. Not only that...I was most ashamed when monsters were raping and killing their own people during that time. I was NOT proud of them for their actions. I was also upset that instead of going to war in Afghanistan, Bush decided to pick a fight with Iraq, a country who had NOTHING to do with the 9/11 attacks. Is that something to be proud of? So understand that Michelle meant that she wasn't proud of the bad decisions that America's people made that caused major catastrophes for our country. She didn't mean that she hated/hates America. I mean, you mention how stupid America is for allowing illegal immigrants to reside in the country. Does that make you otherwise proud of America?

As far as Barack's insistence that she's proud of politics for the first time in her life...that may very well be true because she's never been a fan of politics. Now may be the time to have a new perspective on the way politics is being run. We have, for the first time in history, possibly the first woman President, and the first black President running neck-n-neck in the competition. I guess it is about time. And to think, many Americans said that there will never be a woman president (because she will let 'female problems control the way she runs the country'  ::)  >:( ) and they also said there will never be a black president (because 'blacks will be throwing barbeques in the front lawns, leaving watermelon rhinds and chicken bones everywhere.  ::)   >:( )

And about this statement/question... So she never felt proud of the millions of blacks who participated in earlier elections? What about the first black lawyer, governor, etc??? She said that she was proud for the first time in her ADULT life, not when she was growing up. I'm sure she was proud of elections hence when droves of blacks took the vote seriously...she's been an adult  for 20 years or so... I think her math is just about right.

I'll believe you about not working for the Obama campaign because that was brought up by someone else. It's a lot of info and for someone to read the whole darn thing would mean they are pretty dedicated. Still, Obama has offices throughout the country so it wouldn't be that unbelievable that you could work for him.In any case, I never called you names or even argued the senior thesis point.  I'll get through it as soon as I can.  Also, I respect that your husband is a marine and that you're raising a large family. 

With your points about her being proud of politics, she never said that.  Barak said that afterwards but I thought it wasn't as much of an issue, until I heard from a random Youtube clip, making a totally different point about something else,that she said it twice.  She's in her 40's and there are many many things that have been very good that have happened over her adult lifetime.  How difficult would have had been to say, I feel so proud about this monumental moment in history."  No she made it very clear that there was nothing to be proud of before.  No one said a woman or a black man couldn't do the job.  99.9% of the people here have no problem that he's black.  It's that he identifies with black supremacist, has a Muslim past that he hides and comes from the corrupt city of Chicago's political system.  Also, people have a problem with his sketchy take on Israel and his extremely liberal polices.  I know you're debating thirty people at once but half the things you said, were never things I brought up.

Also, I don't think you'll find a lot of GWB supporters here.  Although I have to disagree with your point about Al Qaeda.  According to the liberal 9-11 Commission, Iraq had no tie to 9-11 but DID have ties to Al Qaeda, particularily with the Kurdish, pro Al Qaeda, Ansar Al Islam movement.  Bush made the case for Iraq for many reasons besides WMD's.  It may have not been the best strategy but the Bush Administration should have sold it differently.  They should have said clearly that there are many different threats to America and that 9-11 proves we can't ignore any of them, instead of making other implications to sell the war more easily.  And you said of "instead of going to war in Afghanistan." I think you know that America has been there since 2001 and Iraq started in 2003. 

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Re: Michelle Obama "misspoke" twice????
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2008, 01:30:42 PM »
I know this probably won't happen but if John McCain wants to win he must harp on the Obamas as being very anti patriotic and as being Muslims.  The writing is all over the walls here.