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Offline Mifletzet

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McCain visiting Israel next week
« on: March 09, 2008, 03:50:21 AM »
Israel Radio is reporting that McCain is going to Israel next week.

He is very pro-Israel, perceived as a shtickel warmonger ("we'll stay in Iraq 100 years", "I will bomb Iran back to the Stone Age" etc), and no doubt it'll get him some Jewish and Xtian Zionist votes, as he says he's going to the Temple Mount with a big skullcap and will refuse to visit Abbas in Ramallah!

But with his renowned USN airman's temper, and not being too smart, and slightly senile, could McCain put his foot in it big time - enraging the Arabs, the Muslim world, Israeli leftists and the State Department?

Or is that part of the plan?!

What happens to the Republican selection if he doesn't come back alive?

Is the even more pro-Israeli Romney then shoed in by an emergency GOP convention?

Or does Ron Paul still have a chance - he having sworn that not one US$ (for what it's worth!) goes to Israel or the Palestinains!

Presumably Rav Kahane would have advised to vote for Ron Paul, as he wanted to sever Israel's financial dependence on the USA and thereby restore the Jewish Work Ethic!

« Last Edit: March 09, 2008, 04:07:57 AM by Mifletzet »

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Re: McCain visting Israel next week
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2008, 03:53:11 AM »
As much as I hate McCain's candidacy, I hope he doesn't mess up too badly at this point, because Obama would be worse.

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Re: McCain visiting Israel next week
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2008, 04:38:30 AM »
As much as I hate Juan Mccain, at this point he is totally a lesser of the evils compared to the democrat nazis. I heard him make some pro Israel statements and I actually think he is more conservative than bushtamante. Of course it would of been so much better to have Duncan Hunter.
I am urinating on a Koran.

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Re: McCain visiting Israel next week
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2008, 04:57:54 AM »
As much as I hate Juan Mccain, at this point he is totally a lesser of the evils compared to the democrat nazis. I heard him make some pro Israel statements and I actually think he is more conservative than bushtamante. Of course it would of been so much better to have Duncan Hunter.
He is the only option open other than having Obama or Hillery. He will be very similar to Bush except he is even more liberal. McCain will go out of his way even more than Bush did to open our borders and legalize every law breaking invader that has crept across the border. He says we need many more to come here we don't have near enough according to him. He is clearly nothing more than a lessor of the evils choice. How much less remains to be seen.
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Offline Mifletzet

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Re: McCain visiting Israel next week
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2008, 05:07:26 AM »
Since Ron Paul is just the opposite, pledging to seal the borders and expel all illegals, as well as following the Kahane line of cutingt all $$ aid to Israel, exactly why is Chaim so anti-Ron?!

« Last Edit: March 09, 2008, 05:10:24 AM by Mifletzet »

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: McCain visiting Israel next week
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2008, 05:12:02 AM »
Of note about Mccain:

Posted: May 17, 2006 in and for the Jewish Press - the alleged source of information for Honigman's article:

"In statements to The Jewish Press this week, Arizona Senator John McCain reacted sharply to an article earlier this month in the Israeli daily Haaretz that he said left "several serious misimpressions" regarding his views on Israel and the Middle East.

As reported in the Media Monitor column in last week’s Jewish Press, the May 1 Haaretz article portrayed McCain, the early front-runner for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination, as someone who, if elected president, would "micromanage" a more even-handed Mideast policy than that of President Bush; envisioned "concessions and sacrifices by both sides"; and expected Israel to eventually retreat, with some modifications, to pre-Six Day War borders. A source in McCain’s office characterized the Haaretz interview as a brief, impromptu session and the resulting article as long on a reporter’ssuppositions and short on concrete quotes from McCain.

"You’ll note," said the source, "that the article featured perhaps one complete sentence from the senator; otherwise the report is basically the reporter’s narrative interspersed with several fragmentary quotes" from McCain.

The senator himself was clearly miffed at his portrayal in Haaretz, saying that "after reading the Haaretz article and subsequent report in The Jewish Press," he felt the need to "clear up several serious misimpressions."

McCain said that "in contrast to the impression left by the Haaretz article, I’ve never held the position that Israel should return to 1967 lines, and that is not my position today."

The senator further maintained that "in the course of that brief, off-the-cuff conversation, I never discussed settlement blocs, a total withdrawal, or anything of the sort."Final settlement lines, McCain added, "depend on the decisions of the Israeli government and its interlocutor on the Palestinian side." The problem, he continued, is that "at the moment there simply is no Palestinian interlocutor, as it is impossible to negotiate with people calling for one’s destruction."

And that, McCain said, is where he believes "the confusion about the article comes in. The questioner asked a few hypothetical questions about some time in the indeterminate future – but that future will never arrive so long as Israel lacks a partner for peace. Talk of concessions on either side or of negotiators is premature so long as Hamas remains dedicated to the use of violence and the extinction of Israel."

McCain sounded a pessimistic note on the viability of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, at least in the short term. "There can be no comprehensive peace accord between Israel and the Palestinians until the Palestinians recognize Israel, forswear forever the use of violence, recognize their previous agreements, and reform their internal institutions," he said.

"Unfortunately, with the election of Hamas, this process has taken a huge step backward, and it’s simply impossible to push today for a comprehensive accord."

McCain’s remarks reflect a long-standing commitment to Israeli security and a skepticism about the readiness of Palestinians to coexist with Israel. It is precisely his outspokenness in defense of Israel and strong pro-Israel voting record that had observers scratching their heads over the Haaretz article.

"That just didn’t sound like the John McCain everyone in Washington knows," said a political consultant who’s worked with both Democrats and Republicans and who requested anonymity because he doesn’t know who, if anyone, he might sign on with in 2008. "If there’s anyone who doesn’t buy into the State Department, striped-pants view of the Middle East, it’s McCain."

The McCain that both supporters and opponents have come to know, said the consultant, is the McCain who in June 2001 told a special AIPAC seminar that "America’s unequivocal support for Israel – not evenhandedness, not moral equivalence, not winking at Palestinian violence – is the best guarantor of peace in the Middle East."

AIPAC spokesperson Jennifer Cannata told The Jewish Press that McCain "has a strong record on behalf of the U.S.-Israel relationship. The senator consistently supports U.S. foreign aid to Israel and is a cosponsor of bills currently under consideration in the Senate that impose sanctions on Iran’s nuclear program and isolate the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority."

Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, characterized McCain’s record on Israel-related issues as "excellent."

"McCain has identified with many Jewish causes," said Hoenlein, who noted that the Presidents Conference will be hosting McCain in a few weeks. "He’s definitely a staunch supporter of a strong U.S.-Israel relationship."

McCain was unequivocal in his remarks to The Jewish Press.

"I’m proudly pro-Israel, and my positions have been consistent and clear," he said. "Israel, as one of America’s closest allies and the only democracy in a dangerous neighborhood, deserves our support and assistance. That’s why I view with such alarm the victory of Hamas and the Iranian president’s vile comments about wiping Israel off the map."

Honigman presents Mccain's alleged opinions by not citing their original source, a May 1st article in Haaretz by Amir Oren, an anti-settler leftist reporter, but rather citing a secondary source - a Jason Maoz article written in the pro-settler Jewish Press. McCain strongly repudiated Oren's distortion of what he said. McCain's repudiation appears in the Jewish Press:§ionid=1&contentid=17926&contentName=%3Ci%3EJewish%20Press%20Exclusive%20-%20%3C/i%3E%20McCain:%20'Proudly%20Pro-Israel'%20%20-%20%3Ci%3ESays%20Haaretz%20Article%20Left%20'Serious 20Misimpressions'%20%3C/i%3E

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: McCain visiting Israel next week
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2008, 05:18:57 AM »
Still, pro-arab james baker Jew Hater will be mccain's go-to guy for the 'conflict.'

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Re: McCain visiting Israel next week
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2008, 05:27:32 AM »
Still, pro-arab james baker Jew Hater will be mccain's go-to guy for the 'conflict.'
If Baker is directing the show it will be more of the same. He is at the root to many of the cozy relationships arabs have in Washington.
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Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: McCain visiting Israel next week
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2008, 07:47:34 AM »
Presumably Rav Kahane would have advised to vote for Ron Paul, as he wanted to sever Israel's financial dependence on the USA and thereby restore the Jewish Work Ethic!

This is a terribly ill informed and absurd assumption.

The Rav would NEVER have advised anyone to vote for the neo-nazi Ron Paulestinian.

The Rav certainly would have done everything possible to reduce and eventually end Israeli acceptance and reliance on American financial and military support--but he would have done it on his own terms.

He definitely wouldn't have accepted any aid that came with any strings attached that in any way infringed upon Israeli sovereignty.

Ideally, he would have eventually been able to amicably tell America her financial support, while appreciated, was no longer desired or necessary.

But there's absolutely no chance the Rav would ever endorse voting for a pro-ayrab nazi piece of crap just because he wanted to end aid to Israel.

Try not to insult the memory of Rav Kahane by ever insinuating or presuming he would support an evil scumbag like Ron Paulestinian.

Offline Mifletzet

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Re: McCain visiting Israel next week
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2008, 08:29:58 AM »
Is Paul an anti-semite or a judophobe?

Is he any worse than Spiro Agnew?

Or like most Americans, is he simply not a "jew-luvva"?

Is he actually actively anti-Israeli?

Or, like most goyim, just more "pro-Arab"?

He's called "Dr No" in the Senate for voting against everything and being in no ones's pocket.

Or is he beholden to Arab oil money, like all the others?

What would you say to those Jews who support Ron?
« Last Edit: March 09, 2008, 08:37:05 AM by Mifletzet »

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: McCain visiting Israel next week
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2008, 09:09:30 AM »
Each and every one of Jorge Bush's "advisers & handlers" are the team now running the McCain Presidency.

Next week, McCain's trip to Israel most likely will be made so that he may inform Olmert, Livni, & Netanyahu to the effect of "Look"..."You guys know I'm for Israel"..."So when I turn against you and side with the Terrorists, just don't forget that I'm your best friend, and am only siding with the PLO because they [CFR, UN, Tri-Lateral Commision] who control everything are forcing me to do so"..."But it is I that is the best one to be forced to destroy you, because I will destroy Israel as the compassionate conservative."

Offline Johnson Brown

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Re: McCain visiting Israel next week
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2008, 09:34:54 AM »
I like all this talk and worry about McCain and Israel and that he is going to give the Arabs everything, McCain is cozy with Mexicans not Muslims.
He was the only one to say that Iran is a  big problem when everyone else looks the other way.
The problem with Israel is not who becomes President over here, the major problem is within Israel and all the people there don't seem to want to stand up to their government and get a hard line leader, this country should help Israel but how do you help people who don't want to help themselves.
McCain is the only choice here.

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: McCain visiting Israel next week
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2008, 10:02:55 AM »
Is Paul an anti-semite or a judophobe?

Is he any worse than Spiro Agnew?

Or like most Americans, is he simply not a "jew-luvva"?

Is he actually actively anti-Israeli?

Or, like most goyim, just more "pro-Arab"?

He's called "Dr No" in the Senate for voting against everything and being in no ones's pocket.

Or is he beholden to Arab oil money, like all the others?

What would you say to those Jews who support Ron?

There's been many threads on this forum about Ron Paul.
Unbelievably, there were a few fools here supporting him.

Here's an excellent post by Chaim Ben Pesach detailing some of the reasons no Jew in his right mind would ever support Ron Paul:

Any Jew who supports Ron Paul is self-hating. His entire campaign reeks of the worst Nazi Jew-hatred and Jews that are comfortable with that are demented.

Paul himself is the ONLY Republican who accepts the support and contributions of open Nazis because he privately agrees with them.

Any Jew who supports Paul when he says that we should not care if Muslim Nazi Iran develops nuclear weapons is a traitor. And any American who supports that suicidal policy is a traitor to the United States.

And yes, ALL Paul supporters are certifiable morons. Only a moron would believe that the world's 1.5 billion Muslims will stop trying to conquer the world for Allah if the U.S. ignores their genocidal plans. ALL Paul supporters have learned nothing from history and know even less about Islam or Arabs. These insane imbeciles will guarantee that America will be hit with an Islamic nuclear attack.

That filthy pig Paul keeps saying that the Muslim terrorists murdered thousands of Americans "because we're over there in their countries. We would feel the same way if someone came here to our country." In other words, he justifies the Muslim terrorism and feels that we would do the same thing. Just as he thinks there's nothing wrong with taking money and support from open Nazis, he thinks there's nothing wrong with the Muslim terrorists, because they are just defending themselves against America and Israel. America and Israel are the real bad guys. There's nothing wrong with Iran or Hezballah or with open Nazis giving Paul money. The only bad people are the "neo-cons".

I'm getting tired of seeing these sicknesses on our forum. Supporting Paul is supporting Muslim terrorism, supporting Iran's nuclear bomb-making program, supporting enabling the Iranians to commit nuclear genocide, and legitimizing open Nazis.

Ron Paul is a piece of crap. End of story.

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Re: McCain visiting Israel next week
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2008, 10:19:26 AM »
I like all this talk and worry about McCain and Israel and that he is going to give the Arabs everything, McCain is cozy with Mexicans not Muslims.
He was the only one to say that Iran is a  big problem when everyone else looks the other way.
The problem with Israel is not who becomes President over here, the major problem is within Israel and all the people there don't seem to want to stand up to their government and get a hard line leader, this country should help Israel but how do you help people who don't want to help themselves.
McCain is the only choice here.
You make a good point JB. Even in the first term of the Bush administration it was said that the people in the new administration questioned the wisdom of Israels path in the land surrender process. Israels leaders back then said they were comfortable with the arrangement. I guess once you show people a way thats how it goes from then on. I don't care for McCain however in this game he is the best of what we have to pick from. I think he will be better on foreign issues than he will be on domestic ones. With McCain my fears are for America.  For now Israel should put a halt on all talks and say each time violence takes place against the people of Israel we walk away from the table for 5 years and aggressive measures will be taken to remedy the violence.   
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Re: McCain visiting Israel next week
« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2008, 10:22:30 AM »
Is Paul an anti-semite or a judophobe?

Is he any worse than Spiro Agnew?

Or like most Americans, is he simply not a "jew-luvva"?

Is he actually actively anti-Israeli?

Or, like most goyim, just more "pro-Arab"?

He's called "Dr No" in the Senate for voting against everything and being in no ones's pocket.

Or is he beholden to Arab oil money, like all the others?

What would you say to those Jews who support Ron?

There's been many threads on this forum about Ron Paul.
Unbelievably, there were a few fools here supporting him.

Here's an excellent post by Chaim Ben Pesach detailing some of the reasons no Jew in his right mind would ever support Ron Paul:

Any Jew who supports Ron Paul is self-hating. His entire campaign reeks of the worst Nazi Jew-hatred and Jews that are comfortable with that are demented.

Paul himself is the ONLY Republican who accepts the support and contributions of open Nazis because he privately agrees with them.

Any Jew who supports Paul when he says that we should not care if Muslim Nazi Iran develops nuclear weapons is a traitor. And any American who supports that suicidal policy is a traitor to the United States.

And yes, ALL Paul supporters are certifiable morons. Only a moron would believe that the world's 1.5 billion Muslims will stop trying to conquer the world for Allah if the U.S. ignores their genocidal plans. ALL Paul supporters have learned nothing from history and know even less about Islam or Arabs. These insane imbeciles will guarantee that America will be hit with an Islamic nuclear attack.

That filthy pig Paul keeps saying that the Muslim terrorists murdered thousands of Americans "because we're over there in their countries. We would feel the same way if someone came here to our country." In other words, he justifies the Muslim terrorism and feels that we would do the same thing. Just as he thinks there's nothing wrong with taking money and support from open Nazis, he thinks there's nothing wrong with the Muslim terrorists, because they are just defending themselves against America and Israel. America and Israel are the real bad guys. There's nothing wrong with Iran or Hezballah or with open Nazis giving Paul money. The only bad people are the "neo-cons".

I'm getting tired of seeing these sicknesses on our forum. Supporting Paul is supporting Muslim terrorism, supporting Iran's nuclear bomb-making program, supporting enabling the Iranians to commit nuclear genocide, and legitimizing open Nazis.

Ron Paul is a piece of crap. End of story.
A great post but your last sentence says it all. O0
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Re: McCain visiting Israel next week
« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2008, 10:49:26 AM »
What choice do we have than to vote for McCain! Half of the right ideas are better than none.

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Re: McCain visiting Israel next week
« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2008, 12:56:35 PM »
blah blah blah blah blah blah....
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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