General Category > Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone i am Croatian
--- Quote from: Sergio 11 on March 17, 2008, 01:55:18 AM ---I don't know why the Croats and the Serbs fight each other...
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Let me turn this question:
My friend. Learn something about the history of the Croatians.
Shall I tell you why they fought each others?
The Croatians have always tried to eliminate the Serbian presence on the territories of today's Croatia. According to the politic of Ante Starcevic (the father of all Croats) the Croatian state must only be populated with Croats. Based on the instructions of Ante Starcevic the Croatians started to conduct genocide against the Serbs.
- During WW2 the Croats managed to exterminate 800.000 Serbs in concentrationcamps.
- In the periode of 1990 till 1995 the Croats exiled the whole Serbian population (800.000 Serbian people) from Krajina and Croatia.
I hope you understand now why these two nations were and still are figting each others!
--- Quote from: Americanhero on March 17, 2008, 04:36:44 PM ---they fought them with what ever they could find my grand father used farm equipment to kill them because during WW2 not all Croatians supported the Nazis
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Respect to the brave Croatians who honestly fougth the Nazi sand Ustashi during WW2. But it was just a small minority.
But the facts are stil facts!
90% of the Croatians supported fanatically the Nazi government of Croatia during WW2.
The Serbs did the same are you telling me that Serbs should be allowed to live in Croatia but not the other way around i admit the Croatians and the Serbians hate each other and allways will but look when Yugoslavia was created the two country's that were supposed to be in charge were the the Serbs and the Croats not just one but when Milosevic came he wanted it all to be controlled by Serbia tell me why do you think the Croats should have done? They did what they had to survive they fought back let me tell you something if you go to Croatia now they would rather live with Serbs then Muslims
That might be true but back then the germans were the only country that helped Croatia so that is why most supported plus since the Serbs hated the germans they liked the germans then
--- Quote from: Americanhero on March 17, 2008, 04:47:08 PM ---The Serbs did the same
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You do not know what you are saying.
The Croatians committed the worst atrocities and genocide which was ever committed in the history of man kind. The savage slauthering of + 800.000 Serbian civilians in the camp of Jasenovac was the most brutal committed atrocity against the Serbs!
Serbs did not committ anything like that!
Neigther did a Serbian government organized something like that.
In the same time 90% of the Croatian citizens supported the Croatian government of Ante Pavelic.
My intentions are to convince you with the truth. You can accept it or deny it like your government's institutions are doing it. Now.
--- Quote from: Americanhero on March 17, 2008, 04:47:08 PM ---but when Milosevic came he wanted it all to be controlled by Serbia tell me why do you think the Croats should have done? They did what they had to survive they fought back let me tell you something if you go to Croatia now they would rather live with Serbs then Muslims
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Milosevic did not start the war. He did NOT want to control Croatia.
Tell me do you really thing that Milosevic wanted to become some kind of president of Croatia?
No Milosevic wanted to save Yugoslavia from collapsing.
In 1990, It was Croatia which wanted to iligaly leave the Yugoslavian federation.
Croatia was a separatist force which started to violate the principles of the Yugoslavian constituions.
Tell, what are the consequences if you vilolate the constituions of a world's recognized country?
Please anwser my question!
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