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Hello everyone i am Croatian
well the consequences i think are that the country it seceded from has the right tho invade it and take it back but hear this i will never turn my back on Croatia just because most of the people during WW2 killed the Serbs and the Jews does not mean that i will hate my country but look if the Muslims start another war there the Serbs will need the Croats help because they don't want Muslims there because how they destroyed homes they stayed at i mean the refugees
when was i bashing Serbs and Jews i said that kosovo belongs to Serbia and i said i don't want Muslims anywhere in the balkans period
--- Quote from: Americanhero on March 17, 2008, 05:29:28 PM ---well the consequences i think are that the country it seceded from has the right tho invade it and take it back but hear this i will never turn my back on Croatia just because most of the people during WW2 killed the Serbs and the Jews does not mean that i will hate my country but look if the Muslims start another war there the Serbs will need the Croats help because they don't want Muslims there because how they destroyed homes they stayed at i mean the refugees
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Just this:
Do you recognize that the Serbs from Krajina had the rights for self governnace on the territories on which they were the majority?
--- Quote from: Americanhero on March 17, 2008, 05:31:21 PM ---when was i bashing Serbs and Jews i said that kosovo belongs to Serbia and i said i don't want Muslims anywhere in the balkans period
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Read this:
--- Quote from: Americanhero on March 17, 2008, 04:48:55 PM ---That might be true but back then the germans were the only country that helped Croatia so that is why most supported plus since the Serbs hated the germans they liked the germans then
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You can not justife that Nazi Germnay's help was a right thing.
no because croatia is for croatians serbia is for serbians
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