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Hello everyone i am Croatian

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Ultra Requete:
Not likely, Polish and German skinheads are beating eachover to this day in Oder border towns. And we were in war last time sixty years ago not ten. Still we must all be united against muslims or they will pick us up one by one. The muslims make old rivals Jews and Christians alies and maybe future friends I don't see why Croats and Serbs cannot work together in the (far) future as they in past fought together Turks under Autrian leadership in XVII and XVIII century. 


--- Quote from: Ultra Requete on March 18, 2008, 01:55:28 PM ---I don't see why Croats and Serbs cannot work together in the (far) future as they in past fought together Turks under Autrian leadership in XVII and XVIII century. 

--- End quote ---

This is so disrespectfull from your side!!
You do not know what they have done to us.

I told you they committd genocide against us and have stolen our land.
How can you even say something like that.

I thought you people fully supported the Serbs in our battle against our enemies.
But no, you only think about the Muslims. And Croations are good catholics? ? ? ?

Wel you support us in our battle against Islamic fundamentalists.

But when we have problems with for example Croats (catholics) then you suddenly have other ideas.

You only support the Serbs when you have your own benefits of it!!
When the Serbs from Krajina (today Croatia) and Serbia of course were good for Europe and died  protecting Christianity and Europe against the Turks, they were supported and beloved by Europe.

As soon as the Turks left the Balkans (due Serbian struggle)
and when the Serbs started to be attacked by the Vatican they suddenly did not were respected and beloved any more.

Again when did i say i hate Serbia never i said i support them 100% when it comes to kosovo but i will not say that i hate Croatia i never had any problem with Serbia and when i said that Croatia is for Croatian i miss spoke but stop calling me a Nazi


--- Quote from: Americanhero on March 18, 2008, 03:48:30 PM ---when i said that Croatia is for Croatian i miss spoke but stop calling me a Nazi

--- End quote ---

hehe :)

Ti mislis da sam se ja juce rodio (you think that I was born yesterday)

i miss spoke because i don't know the whole history of that area i am still finding out new thing about it everyday


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