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Gentile from good ole USA
Glad I found this. I saw the videos on Youtube or LiveLeak and agreed 1000 percent with everything I heard. I consider myself somewhat informed and a student of history and current events and have taken the effort to learn about Islam and Arab culture. Things I believe:
1. Saudi Arabia is the number one enemy of the US and Israel. Why we are friends with them is mind boggling. The spend billions setting up madrassas everywhere in the US that teach hate and intolerance and then complain when people say bad things about them...they say you must respect our religion, your country has freedom of religion, all the while all religions are outlawed in Saudi other than stupIdSlam.
2. Arabs/Muslims look at diplomacy as a weakness....why are our leaders so stupid in thinking that they "think like us" and can be reasoned with. They only respect a might -- aka: a good [censored] whipping.
3. Islam intends to spread across the globe. They will use our systems against us to gain power and then implement Sharia law.
4. And I agree with all here...we MUST get off of oil. I am willing to endure the short term hardships for the long term "independence".
That is just a few things. I am glad to find this site. I must admit that I had "skewed" view of Jews in America. I thought that they all thought like the Hollywood Jews (ie Jon Stewart) who are so liberal and weak and who for some reason were so against the US killing Saddam all the while he is paying Palestinian (OK, I know there are no such things as what is the correct term to be used here?) suicide bomber's families and launching Scuds at Israel...I have to say, sometimes I don't think these Hollywood types are true friends of Israel.
So...glad to join the good fight.
Welcome aboard! O0
The image of American Jews as ALL being a bunch of left, anti-gun, 'let's just surrender' kykes is created by the same liberal media that tells you ALL gun owners are neo-nazi conspiracy whackos, ALL conservatives are racist and the 'majority' favour gun control.
Here you'll learn what REAL Judaism and REAL biblical values are about.
The Bible is like the US Constitution..................It's a brilliant, pure and noble thing. It just gets perverted and misinterpreted by stupid/evil people.
Welcome to JTF!
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