General Category > Introduce Yourself

Hi from South Africa!

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haha no problem,
I knew you would enjoy that!  ;D

wonderlik, dankie

Yehudi, do you know any more?

not much... but I know German, so it helps a little haha..
so dankie I know... its like danke!
sleg... like shlecht,
voel... is similar to Vogel

It's a very interesting language!
So I know a few vocabulary words, but that's it unfortunately.

Is wonderlik like wonderbar/wonderful?

sehr gut mein fruend!  ;)

und ja, wonderlik ist 'like' wonderlich


--- Quote from: Boeregeneraal on April 02, 2008, 10:46:23 PM ---sehr gut mein fruend!  ;)

und ja, wonderlik ist 'like' wonderlich

--- End quote ---

haha.. hast du Deutsch "wonderlich", mann!
Mein Deutsch ist nicht perfekt, aber ich still lerne.


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