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Only becouse they didn't had the brains and right technology to do this Kachane Loyalist they always had the will; the great mufti woed to build the KC lager in Nablus outfitted with latest gass chambers if his friend shitler G-d forbid win the war. Plus they always needed Jewish and Christian milk cow dhimis to support their retarted societies. That's the secret beyound myths of Al-Andalus, muslim tolerance and "golden age".
Welcome on our side Yelena; check out this sites to find out why we here Jews, Christians, Hindus etc.. opose iSSlam:
--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on March 25, 2008, 05:53:00 AM ---
Do not tell me to have respect for that Kopher whose followers have murdered more Jews then the Muslims ever did.
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There are many communities who say that they are the true followers of Jesus Christ.
That does not mean that they are automatically the real resentatives of Christ.
Kahaneloyalist, you should have learned so far that the only true form of CHristianity is Eastern ORTHODOX Christianity! Orthodox CHurch is the One Holy Catholic ( Universal) Apostolic Church and it is established at 33 A.D at the Pentacost ! I know that to you it is all the same! But it is not! When you talk about true Christians they are 1) Orthodox 2) a very small percentage even among those who are baptized in Orthodox Church
--- Quote from: JelenaSrb on March 25, 2008, 05:43:57 AM ---
I just don't see any reason to hate all Muslims just for being Muslims! That's all! Have a nice day! :)
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I may agree with you on this but this is not the place to discuss about it. You can make a thread on "Save Serbia" section and we'll talk but I doubt many would agree with you. I personally don't talk about it cause I'm somewhere in the middle. Anyway, welcome and enjoy you staying.
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