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--- Quote from: JelenaSrb on March 31, 2008, 04:30:31 PM ---Well, I don't want to argue! He said first that I believe in false ideology! I am strong Orthodox believer and if I were Jewish I would probably be ultra-orthodox! :)  Now you know how fanatical I am! Anyway,  I was talking about Muslims not Jews!
You see, there cannot be deeper friendship between us ( Orthodox) and Jews and we all know why! I am too honest maybe and that is why they can't stand it! 

--- End quote ---
Who do you mean can't stand it, and what and why?! Please tell me...


Well, some Jews here can't stand my being too honest! That is my impression! As Orthodox Christian I believe Jews are not chosen people anymore since I believe in the New Testament as well! I will not talk about it anymore because I don't want to upset you! 

Wayne Jude:
You do realize the 12 disiples were ALL Jews.100% of the New Testiment was hand written by Jews.
Dont get upset.We Christians and Jews have commen enemies ,mabey you should try to focus on that.
wayne jude


I don't want to upset them ! I am not upset at all! :) I do realize they were Jews and I don't have problem with that! But they were Jews who accepted Christ and all Jews who became part of His mystical Body( Orthodox Church) are my dear brothers and sisters just like Greeks ,Russians etc etc 

However, I respect other Jews as well even though they  don't like Christ and Theotokos but that is their choice! So, generally speaking , they  can't be chosen people and I don't understand Christians who say that they are.

Welcome ;D


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