General Category > Introduce Yourself
Wayne Jude:
Do you consider The Jews or Italians Christ killers cause If you do our discusion is over!
respectivly wayne jude
No, I don't! But certain people who were catholics or protestants defended their faith in a very strange way not typical of Christians! I think that is why there are many people who are atheists in the West and who dislike church very much! Especially catholic church...since they never heard of Orthodox Church they don't dislike Eastern form of Christianity that much! :)
Wayne Jude:
I dont hate eastern Christians but If it werent the Jews it would have to be some other people.This is not a great place to convert people.I dont have a real hatred of Jews, my mothers side of my family is jewish.Mabey to Eastern Christians im not christian enough but I wont hate Jews and I take great offense.
You seem nice, just remember to show respect! :)
wayne jude
Really? What do you think about Russians? :)
Wayne Jude:
what about them?
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