General Category > Introduce Yourself


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Boyana now I don't get it, are you Serb and you speak hebrew?

as for Jelena (correct me if I'm wrong), It seems to me her main interest is in preaching Orthodox Christianity to the Serbs.

Zelhar!Ani Medaberer IIvrit!
Atah Tzodek ,yes I am Serb! :-*
Jelena Serb is here to teach me to love muslems,which i can not,never will,and I do not think I am wrong!

Boyana, I just want to know if you are my sister in Christ or by Adam? I asked you whether you understood Serbian or not because I wrote something to you in Serbian which explains how Orthodox Christians should behave towards their "enemies"! It is deeper theology and I know that is it difficult to understand but we should try to understand and to behave according to what our faith teaches us! OK? I am not here to teach you or anybody else anything! I am just suggesting you learn more about our faith!
By the way, I love Hebrew! :)

My dear Jelena,my sunday school has finished a long time ago!

So, you forgot what our faith teaches us? You didn't answer my question...are you Orthodox Christian? It is important for me to know!


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