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Stunning Pics of Unborn Animals in the Womb

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From the Daily Mail:

 An unborn elephant, tiny but perfect in every way. A dolphin swimming in the womb, just as it will have to swim in the ocean the moment it is born. An unborn dog panting.

Each one amazing and now, thanks to these remarkable pictures, they can be seen for the first time.

Unborn elephant taken approximately six months into the two-year gestation period

Tiny animal kingdom: the elephant foetus at 12 months, when it is 18 inches long and weighs approximately 26 lbs. It can use its trunk, and can curl it right up into its mouth and over its head. Inset, the foetus at 16 weeks, the trunk has developed and it is plumpish toward the rear

An elephant foetus taken at 16 weeks. The trunk has developed and it is plumpish towards the rear.

Dog in the womb: at 52 days a full coat of light cream hair is visible with whiskers forming. At 39 days, the eyelids are fused to protect from contamination.

Flipping miracle: at 29 weeks the dolphin is moving its eyes and swimming around the womb. At six weeks it can curl its tail fin around its body.

Over just 63 days, the domestic dog foetus will be armed with the tools necessary to survive, including a highly acute sense of smell and the ability to hear sounds far beyond our human range of hearing.


--- Quote from: Jizzepie on December 27, 2006, 11:42:39 AM ---Flipping miracle: at 29 weeks the dolphin is moving its eyes and swimming around the womb. At six weeks it can curl its tail fin around its body.[/b]

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He looks snug as a rug - literally.  Look at that huge grin on his face and the laid-back blissfulness of his eyes.   :D

Abortion is even worse than child murder...

Johnson Brown:

--- Quote from: Moralist on December 30, 2006, 06:12:00 AM ---Abortion is even worse than child murder...

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You are wrong child murder is murder, abortion is not murder, besides it's bettter to do away with an un-born baby then to have one suffer and then be murdered by it's parents.
Remember real animals always want their babies, people animals don't

fake plastic trees:

--- Quote from: Moralist on December 30, 2006, 06:12:00 AM ---Abortion is even worse than child murder...

--- End quote ---

If you said "equal to" then i would have overlooked this statement, but i would lke to ask 2 things:

1)why is this your first post?
2) Can you back up your opinion?


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