You are perfectly right on that!!! It's very sad, but in the same time we Serbs are very proud we stood up against the bigest forces and we never gave up on our identity!!

Yes, we had some good examples from the past.
We have great heroes who showed us how to fight for your religion and land!
All we need to do now is to start using the same ways like our forefathers have done and have learn us.
We must not cooperate with the enemy which is the EU. But at the same time we must not fanatical attack them because they are right now much stronger. We must wait for the right time. Remember what our forefathers have said "tiha voda rusi breg"
in English something like a slome river will demolish a huge mountain.
It is import to not reject our values and accept those of the enemy.
If we do that than we will follow they same way on which they are walking right now. See how they live they have totally forgotten about the real values of Christianity. We do not want to be part of that. If we decide to become like that then we will face a real dark future.
Their end will come but we must now persevere...