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Answers to Ask Yesha – 6 April/2 Nissan (audio download)

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Zev shalom rav,

What is your opinion on the BNP, and to which party do you vote?

Ben Ish Chai:
let's get to know you...

what is your background, are you in Israel, and why are you active in JTF?

Kahane-Was-Right BT:
Hello Yesha,

In Israel, the left called the wall the "separation fence" while the right called the wall the "security fence."  With either name, undeniably, still was constructed the intended future "Border" wall of the Fakestinian state.  Why does the national/religious/faith-based sector of Israel's society not offer a true alternative to the left and always seem to instead just accept the left's worldview, definitions, premises, etc and simply craft them slightly different or shine them through a different lens (ie the border wall issue)?  Do they not understand yet that an unclear or unpresent alternative offered will simply result in the fulfillment of the left's vision, whether by an ezer weizmann calling himself leftwing or an ariel sharon calling himself rightwing?

Also, is it true that that wall has prevented suicide bombings and terrorist attacks or is this just propaganda to justify its presence when the world says no and to convince the rightwing to accept it even though it crafts the future fakestinian state G-d forbid?

Thank you, hope that question wasn't too long.

Thank you all for your questions. I hope you find the show useful and informative.

Show size: 23MB| time: 49 mins.

Download link:

The next show will be, please G-d, in two weeks’ time – Tuesday, 1st intermediate day (Chol Ha’moed) of Pesach (Passover).  Date: 22 April/17 Nissan. A new thread “Ask Yesha, 22 April/2 Nissan” is the place all questions for my audio show.
-Zev Ben Yisrael


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