if some 1 is ignorant in Torah, let them go and learn, little by little they can be educated. How can we have that type of person be a True leader? Okay if its nomination for a friend, okay, but leader of the Jewish people?
"and tries sincerely to do what is morally right and logically correct,"
What is right isnt allways what SEEMS logical in the short-run. look at the leaders today, for many it Seems logical and morally right to give arabs land becuase the mean Jews came and took the arab land away. Think about it, without the Torah what justification if their in taking other peoples land?( if it wasnt for the Torah commanding it, which is the only reason)
Ok, from your Bible King David, Samson, Saul, Solomon were not all Rabbis and were not alway "moral" but they happened to be good political leaders surrounded by good advisors, for the most part, and had the Sanhedran to administer law over the people. There can be a medium. Allow me to display logic to base response on your statement. Remember what is stated above?
1. If the Jews took the land from the Arabs, who did the British take the land from? (Jews took it from the British and lived there before Islam)
2. Was "Palestine" Arab land when the non Arab Ottoman Turks held the land for 500 years? (with mass Jewish population West of the River Jordan: 1860 Mark Twain "The Innocents Abroad")
3. Was "Palestine" ever an Arab "Nation"? (No, but it was the last Jewish Nation)
4. Did the Arabs ever know a "Palestine" historically? (No due to the fact the name "Palestine" was resurrected by the Italian artists during the Rennesiance when they embraced their pagan mythological pasts, but never applied to the land itself)
5. How important is it to Islam if it is never mentioned in the entire Quraan? (over 800 times in the Tanach)
6. If the Jews took the land why does JNF have receipts for over 70% from absentee land lords? (Jewish National Fund Archives)
7. Is it morally right to give the Arabs more land considering 1/4 of the entire Earth's surface is the Islamic World with dozens of States?
8. Is it morally and logically right to award more land knowing that thousands of murders, 5 wars, continual breaking of every agreement to wage war, lieing like a $10 crack whore do they deserve the land have all been repeatedly shown on the part of the Muslim/Arab?
9. Is it moral correct to reward terrorism, lies murder and broken promises with another Terrorist State? (I guess it is considering Arafat got a Nobel Pieces Prize

The Rambam professed "If something is not logical chances are it is not correct". Combine that with and Rabbinical Guidance on Torah..... I'd feel very comfortable knowing my Prime Minister was a G-d fearing man....unlike most of those sitting in the Bolshevik Israel Knesset.