Author Topic: James Brown  (Read 4269 times)

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Offline MassuhDGoodName

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James Brown
« on: December 25, 2006, 11:15:41 PM »
James Brown has passed on from this world.
There has never been another like him, nor shall there ever be another to take his place.
At the age of 15, and against the advice of others who warned of the dangers of attending an all Negro show (segregation still at that time the enforced law of the land), I joined four other fellow bandmates, purchased tickets for $3.50@,  & attended the Sunday afternoon matinee performance of "The James Brown Revue" featuring "The Famous Flames" as well as a host of other Negro artists.
I have never in my life seen a performance which even comes close to that which we witnessed that day.  The audience of approximately 5000 Negroes and 20-25 whites sat through 2 1/2 hours of the most blazing non stop entertainment possible.  All of which choreographed, coordinated, staged, rehearsed, and performed live with frighteningly flawless precision.  Sixteen piece orchestra with three drummers on three drumsets playing simultaneously...James Brown would perform one of his already numerous hits, slip backstage for what seemed 60 seconds, and reemerge with a completely total wardrobe change, the relentless primal soul gathering in intensity until the final grand finale...a breathless Brown telling all in attendance that everything he is he owed completely to G-d and to his audience, and then the music and dance literally built to a primal frenzy the likes of which is not possible to describe.  All were on their feet, standing on the theatre seats; tiny Negro babies moving to the rhythm while their mothers held them, indeed...all of us "whiteys" dancing and clapping right along with them.  It was the unparalleled and unsurpassed height of show business, and I can honestly state that The James Brown Revue still remains the criterion against which I judge all other popular music performances.
G-d truly smiled down upon James Brown, bestowing upon him distinctly unique gifts of musical showmanship.  The lowly Negro abandoned boy who would have otherwise been a prison statistic, took his ambitious drive to better himself and maximized his gifts for the entire world's benefit.  He billed himself as "The Hardest Working Man In Show Business", and this was no mere hype, for not only were his 3 hour performances more than most entertainers could physically endure, but Brown also toured non-stop across the U.S. and around the world for almost 60 years.  He is equally well known and loved in Nigeria as is he in Japan and Sweden.  Never did he turn his back on the U.S.A. .  His lyrics were always stressing the positive behaviors required by all people for success.
Until we meet again, James Brown!  Somehow my saying "thank you" isn't good enough, but hopefully you know what I mean.
p.s.-- don't sweat the "personal problems"....I've got quite a bit of luggage and old baggage full of my own...seems to accompany life here on this planet.

Offline takebackourtemple

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Re: James Brown
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2006, 04:28:59 PM »
   I don't know much about him, but I hear he was an antisemite, a drunk, a drug users, and a woman abuser. I never liked his music anyway. I don't think Al Sharpton would be running his funeral services if he was a good man. Look at how his family can't get along.
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?

Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Re: James Brown
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2006, 10:12:01 AM »
James Brown has passed on from this world.
There has never been another like him, nor shall there ever be another to take his place.
At the age of 15, and against the advice of others who warned of the dangers of attending an all Negro show (segregation still at that time the enforced law of the land), I joined four other fellow bandmates, purchased tickets for $3.50@, & attended the Sunday afternoon matinee performance of "The James Brown Revue" featuring "The Famous Flames" as well as a host of other Negro artists.
I have never in my life seen a performance which even comes close to that which we witnessed that day. The audience of approximately 5000 Negroes and 20-25 whites sat through 2 1/2 hours of the most blazing non stop entertainment possible. All of which choreographed, coordinated, staged, rehearsed, and performed live with frighteningly flawless precision. Sixteen piece orchestra with three drummers on three drumsets playing simultaneously...James Brown would perform one of his already numerous hits, slip backstage for what seemed 60 seconds, and reemerge with a completely total wardrobe change, the relentless primal soul gathering in intensity until the final grand finale...a breathless Brown telling all in attendance that everything he is he owed completely to G-d and to his audience, and then the music and dance literally built to a primal frenzy the likes of which is not possible to describe. All were on their feet, standing on the theatre seats; tiny Negro babies moving to the rhythm while their mothers held them, indeed...all of us "whiteys" dancing and clapping right along with them. It was the unparalleled and unsurpassed height of show business, and I can honestly state that The James Brown Revue still remains the criterion against which I judge all other popular music performances.
G-d truly smiled down upon James Brown, bestowing upon him distinctly unique gifts of musical showmanship. The lowly Negro abandoned boy who would have otherwise been a prison statistic, took his ambitious drive to better himself and maximized his gifts for the entire world's benefit. He billed himself as "The Hardest Working Man In Show Business", and this was no mere hype, for not only were his 3 hour performances more than most entertainers could physically endure, but Brown also toured non-stop across the U.S. and around the world for almost 60 years. He is equally well known and loved in Nigeria as is he in Japan and Sweden. Never did he turn his back on the U.S.A. . His lyrics were always stressing the positive behaviors required by all people for success.
Until we meet again, James Brown! Somehow my saying "thank you" isn't good enough, but hopefully you know what I mean.
p.s.-- don't sweat the "personal problems"....I've got quite a bit of luggage and old baggage full of my own...seems to accompany life here on this planet.
He went directly to hell already?
I wanted to put a rope around his neck.

Offline kahaneloyalist

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Re: James Brown
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2006, 12:10:14 PM »
Guys, why so mad? ;) Whatever his failings James Brown put on a fantastic show. I think his music was actually pleasant to hear unlike most modern music which is just offensive horrible sounds strung together ::)
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: James Brown
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2006, 01:26:29 PM »
It's a good thing you detractors weren't around long ago when King David was cavorting with Bathsheba, wife of Uriah the Hittite.  He was a very good harpist and poet, our Scriptures relate.
Also good for Mozart that none of you were his contemporaries; by the age of 12 already a confirmed coprophiliac; a general no-good drunk in his adult life; buried in a pauper's grave as he was always broke.

Johannes Brahms?  Love affair with his piano teacher's wife, never married, as an old man, ran around with the most beautiful and rich young women until he dropped dead.

Franz Schubert?  Weak, passive, never made a cent; died broke very early in life from Tuberculosis.

Beethoven?  Considered during his time a dangerous revolutionary (as much as we consider a modern day Communist Party member).  Given to long periods of hermit-like seclusion, during which time he abandoned all home or personal cleanliness.  Instigated numerous violent fistfights, the last among them at the box office of the theatre immediately following the premiere performance of his Symphony no. 9 (which he both composed and also conducted while totally deaf).

Petr Ilich Tschaikovsky?   Most of his works were denounced by everyone; biographers have uncovered bouts of suicidal depression and deep guilt feelings over his homosexual inclinations.

Alexandr Scriabin?  Psychotic delusions manifested in his claim to be the Messiah.

Hugo Wolfe?  Would suffer 30 - 90 day fits of suicidal depression in which he would seclude himself and neither eat, sleep, nor bathe.  Would compose his musical works non-stop during these fits and emerge from hiding when the spells lifted.

Virgil Thomson?  Unredeemed pedophiliac his entire adult life...wrote love letters only to little boys.

Guiseppe Verdi?  Carried on a torrid affair with an actress/singer notorious for her unmarried sexual liberties.  She was considered a prostitute by her countrymen.  Later married her and they remained devoted till the end.

Giacomo Puccini?  Chain smoked cheroot cigars until succumbing to throat cancer.

James Brown?  Wrote in his autobiography that the only time in his life that he broke down crying uncontrollably was at his Jewish manager's funeral.  Self-made businessman, owner of publishing houses, wealthy from artists' royalties, worked every day of his life all day long at what he loved.  Monomanical egotist and exhibitionist, strict disciplinarian, in mid-life whilst suffering effects of spinal surgery, prostate cancer, became dependant on pain medications and alcohol.  Went nuts a few times late in life (I'm sure he had good reason) for which incarcerated.  Unstable marital relationships (imagine that;  on the road 52 wks/yearly from here to China, and couldn't maintain a stable home life!).  Hired white musicians during the days during and after segregation.  Supported Richard Nixon during the days of the Black Panthers.  Praised America in his last major hit song.  Never said one negative word about any religious or ethnic group.  Never.

I'll stop here...I guess it's obvious to everyone here that James Brown was a really evil person with problems, but not so any Jewish or white musicians.

Some of you guys out there really need to realize that hating others' flaws of character, even those whose life of excellence and positive achievements far outweigh their defects, is not exactly acting the life of "A Light Unto The Nations...and A Nation Of Priests".  James Brown did not receive Torah from Ha'Shem at Sinai.  He was abandoned in the streets and never knew even one good parent.  Many who met him claim that he was personally responsible for convincing them to turn their life around and begin reading the Bible.

Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Re: James Brown
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2006, 02:02:18 PM »
Guys, why so mad? ;) Whatever his failings James Brown put on a fantastic show. I think his music was actually pleasant to hear unlike most modern music which is just offensive horrible sounds strung together ::)
That's pleasant to hear??
Sounds like two cop cars and an ambulance at a rap concert.

Offline takebackourtemple

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Re: James Brown
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2006, 04:05:13 PM »
Guys, why so mad? ;) Whatever his failings James Brown put on a fantastic show. I think his music was actually pleasant to hear unlike most modern music which is just offensive horrible sounds strung together ::)

   I don't like his so called music. I can't comment on his show because I've never been to one. Even if I was to take your word that his shows were great, how does that align with the JTF or Kahane platform. I have my doubts that Rabbi Kahane was a fan of James Brown. I also have my doubts that Chaim is. I'll admit that there is plenty of music that sounds good to me but is not necessarily good music. Death metal sometimes sounds good because I am a fan of the electric guitar and the effects that are used with it. While it sounds good, I do not listen to it because it is satanic. If James Brown sounds good to you, you should really think about listening too much to something that is evil.
   Some issues that do align with the JTF platform are domestic abuse, drug abuse, and anti-Semitism. If you want to show that the world is at a loss from his death, prove that he was good for Israel and bible believing Jews and Righteous Gentiles. The whole Al Sharpton thing is not really Christianity.
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?


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Re: James Brown
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2006, 04:40:04 PM »
     James Brown was aconvicted felon who served three years in prison.


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Re: James Brown
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2006, 05:34:11 PM »
Have you heard THIS IS A MAN'S WORLD?

Offline New Yorker

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Re: James Brown
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2006, 06:41:52 PM »
"Johannes Brahms?  Love affair with his piano teacher's wife, never married, as an old man, ran around with the most beautiful and rich young women until he dropped dead."

Yeah that's what I have planned too!  ;D
Nuke the arabs till they glow, then shoot them in the dark.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: James Brown
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2006, 09:09:47 PM »
Re:  "...James Brown was a convicted felon..."

So was Chaim Ben Pesach, and SO WAS I.

Not to mention Colonel Oliver North, Caspar Weinberger, the Cabinet of President Richard M. Nixon, Admiral Poindexter of DARPA, Johnny Paycheck, Merle Haggard, President Jefferson Davis of the Confederate States Of America, Chuck Berry, and numerous other outstanding individuals.


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Re: James Brown
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2006, 12:36:58 AM »
Mentioning the likes of James Brown in the same post as Mozart is like blaspheming against the Holy Spirit.  Why?  First of all there are a lot of similarities between the ill behaviour of contemporary musicians and the decadence of 17-19th century Europe.  Plenty of debauchery and other evil.  But more important than that is you are slandering the past by saying it is really no different to the present.  ANd if the past was really no different from what we see before us today, viz, diverse and rampant abominations run amok, then we have to conclude by extrapolation that the future will be the same too: for which reason there is no reason left to live, all is vanity, all is futile.

Offline Yoel

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Re: James Brown
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2006, 08:18:31 PM »

fake plastic trees

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Re: James Brown
« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2006, 09:30:30 AM »