Re: "...this dick Ted Pike? He has a rather ridicilous "documenatary" on how Jews secretly control the world..."
Well,...if our controlling the world is a "secret", then how does dick Ted Pike know about it???
1. dick Ted Pike can only know about our "secret", if HE HIMSELF IS NOTHING BUT A DEMONIC JEW! now his audience will have to "terminate" him.
2. or...; If dick Ted Pike is NOT a Jew, and he DID find out our "secret", then INTERNATIONAL DEMON JEW is incompetent to maintain power over the entire world, and our rule is over...kaput...finito.
3. dick Ted Pike is such a stupid moron that he doesn't know our REAL SECRET! (which is....2 Jews each have at least 3 opinions each, about everything, and will fight and argue until hell freezes over...they're incapable of cooperation. Not to mention the fact that just one Jewish housewife will get on the telephone and tell the whole world every single thing she knows (and doesn't know, for that matter) about everybody she knows or ever even heard about)...thereby rendering any "Secret Conspiracy" null & void from the git-go!