General Category > Introduce Yourself
Hello, I'm Reuven from Israel (Haifa)! I'm new here, but in Israel not!
You have a nice signature, where did you found it?!
White Israelite:
--- Quote from: Rubi1965 on April 03, 2008, 12:38:36 PM ---You have a nice signature, where did you found it?!
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Oleg Volk runs a gun rights forum and is also a photographer so he has a lot of political ad's about gun rights.
--- Quote from: Yohonathan Ben Yakov on April 03, 2008, 09:28:43 PM ---Shalom Reuven O0
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Shalom to you as well! :)
--- Quote ---What most of all interesting me is freedom and liberty.
--- End quote ---
You are OK by me, Rubi! I want to see a strong and free Israel. Never lose mercy. It is a rare and beautiful gift.
Welcome Reuven. I agree that Israel's going down the toilet. Very little Jewishness within the State itself and most definately within the Knesset. Israel needs one, just one JEW, in the Knesset with the financial backing to say what he means and have the financial power to stave off the "politically correct" anti-Jew "Jewish" lovers of the Mohammadans which seek to do to him what they did to Rabbi Kahane.
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