The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

The "Amazing Racist" stirs up rage in a mosque.


Hello to all.

I just wanted to call some attention to a somewhat amusing thing I saw on the internet. It can be found at, and it's about the guy who goes by the name the 'amazing racist'. There are a bunch of different videos. Who this guy is I don't know but he really took his A-game to the muslim scum bags in one of his segments. If this has been mentioned elsewhere on the forum I apologize, but it is good for a laugh. He sets up shop in front of a US mosque and tries to sell funny shirts to the arab nazis, with such slogans as 'My parents went to Mecca and all they brought back was horrible body odor'. He also tries to unload shaving gear for the women and fake ID for their taxi driver wannabes. He then goes into the mosque and disturbs prayer and again tries to get the arab women to shave. Whether or not he is for real is hard to guess but it is funny. Very funny indeed.

Check it out for yourselves and tell me what you think.

All the best


Hail Columbia:
Is it this one?

LOL! The amazing racist is funny I remember him going to an asian restaurant and trying to give the asian cook a dog  :D

fake plastic trees:
That's actually hilarious!


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