The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
The JTF Forum Celebrates The Death of Saddam Hussein, YSH"V.
fake plastic trees:
I'm not impressed with how you enjoy the video, I find it sick. However this is a man who did deserve worse than death. He got what was coming to him, but I am not keen on taking pleasure from watching him hang.
--- Quote from: fake plastic trees on December 30, 2006, 07:11:13 PM ---I'm not impressed with how you enjoy the video, I find it sick. However this is a man who did deserve worse than death. He got what was coming to him, but I am not keen on taking pleasure from watching him hang.
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To tell you the truth. Knowing that Capital Punnishment is a principal pillar in the laws of morality. I'd much rather take pleasure seeing these animals hung like the savages they are than see far worse on every television channel, popular music video and the like 24 hours a day. If people weren't savages there wouldn't be any hangings...
I understand your point and concern, I just feel when it comes to pure should pass from this world..
Saddam Hussein and the Bathists are committed Marxists. One whom professes the Stalinist ideology is not only a fraud to humanity but to Islam as well. May Gehennom make his blessed accomodations and many more like him! ;)
--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on December 30, 2006, 09:15:33 PM ---You know the funny thing about it is that Saddam was breast fed by an Iraqi Jewish woman as a baby.
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Yes she also convinced his mother not to abort him.Now he would be a perfect canidate to have been aborted
Yacov and Mord, you are correct 100%. Communism is "International Socialism", Nazism is "National Socialism" (which subsequently had been in practice a globalist ideology). The only difference between National Socialism and Communism was its embracing Madam Blavatsky's Theosophy. Theosophy is where the entire racial aspect professed by Alfred Rosenberg and the Thule Society's: Nazism. If you look at the practice of both Communism and Nazism you will see they are both VERY similar, to the point of almost being identical in practice. Nazi Germany "Nationalized" everything as well did Russia. Both were financed by American Wealth. Nazi's had concentration camps and massive slave labor and the Soviets had the Gulag system and more White slaves than the entire British Commonwealth during the hey days of slavery. 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust while a comparable number died in the Gulags only thanks to "Political Correctness" and whitewashing Communism one often forgets this fact. Nazis looked down on the Poles, Slavs, Ukranians, Gypsies and Jews while the Soviets did the exact same after The Great Purge in the 1930's getting all the Jews out of government and any influential places in Soviet economy. One must not forget the Great Starvation in the Ukrane then as well.
Nazis Germany used to do medical experiments on Jews, Russians, Gypsies as well did the Russians. You might have heard about Joseph Stalins obsession with trying to breed Gorillas with Humans to make a "super race". These are some of the diabolical things that comes from absolute power.
Yes there were differences but in practice, they were in many respects almost identical. Islam, you are 100% correct as well... just horrible.... :)
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