General Category > Introduce Yourself

Amen to all

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I don't want to argue with all of you here! I just thought we could have a normal discussion although we have  different opinions..but I guess that is impossible! I don't feel I should apologize to anyone since it wasn't my intention to make you angry or annoyed so that you want me to leave this forum! If you have problems with my beliefs, that is not my problem! :)

Dear Jelena,calm down!

Avinu She BaShmayim_Our Father in Heaven -is the same!
Atah beChartanu-You have Chosen us to come here,and lets calm
 and love enter in you,me and the rest of good people here! :-* :-*,

Dear Boyana, I am perfectly calm! I just want to clarify some things! I told all of you who I am...a Serbian - a 
practising Orthodox Christian! You can't expect me to  talk about Kosovo , conflicts with Muslims..from non-religious point of view! If it is a problem, I will leave this forum!

Wayne Jude:
We are trying to form alliances not destroy them.I came here from a web site named AfricanCrisis.We are far right Christians but we did come here to destroy but we can as they say ;cooperate;. :)

I personally am not offended by the honesty expressed by some relatively new posters on the forum, whose experiences in life have taught them to distrust others; even to the point of refusing their help.

I think is shows a very healthy world view.

Perhaps with time they may at least be willing to accept our "expressed" support for their cause.

Many Jewish people also distrust the "expressed" support of the Christian Evangelicals for similar reasons.

It's unfortunate, but as the old saying goes, "Once bitten, twice shy".


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