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Offline AriseSouthAfrica

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US determined to compound africa's problems
« on: April 03, 2008, 05:21:46 AM »
US determined to compound africa's problems

by Truthsayer USA

That's right, the US is adamant to add fuel to the fire, no matter who says what.

I can't make up my mind if it is brilliantly disguised solution to the problem, or just a bunch of ignorant power spenders who just don't know any better.

I'd love to believe it's the first option.

If there is anything africa DOES NOT need, it is more 'help'. Since the invention of the monetary system on the planet, money has been dumped into africa, never to be seen again.

It does have an effect, though. It creates this false sense of well-being amongst the millions upon millions of gaping holes and breeding pens called rural villages. And why should they not think all is well when those magic noisy birds just keep on coming with those white bags of maize and medicine?

Africans have been bred to believe that they have to do absolutely nothing and still, help will come. And so, the breeding cycle continues, whilst the rabbits have no idea what is going on in the world beyond the trees, or for that matter, what goes on inside their own bodies as the nifty little critter called HIV takes root, and destroys indiscriminately.

And what is the US, and the western world's answer to the 'problem'? Pump more cash into the continent.

Africa is a dead body connected to a live support machine, and the intravenous fluid is the white man's money, and the machine is registering a heartbeat, so the body has GOT to be alive, even though the moment the power goes out, the body will die.

I guess $50 billion is the ultimate white-guilt package. It seems as though the liberals think they will be able to sleep better tonight because of the cash-boost.

What strikes me as strange is why the US, and the west, is willing to pump so many resources into something they understand not in the least.

If you want to know AFRICA, move there. Stay there.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: if it wasn't for africa, and pure-bred africans, the white man would have already colonized Mars. We would have had bases on the moon. We would be living under the ocean if we so chose, and we would have had one perfect city after the other. But instead valuable, limited resources are 100% WASTED on something that cannot be fixed.

$1000 billion will not heal the cancer of earth. The more food you pump into africa, the more africans pump. They defy logic by pumping out spawn when there is not even enough brains to look after those already there. I say 'brains' and not 'food' because there is not a lack of food, but a severe lack of ability to cultivate it.

Every single colonized country was not just better off than before, but was better off than any other non-colonized country in the region. White South Africa is a shining example, and an even brighter star has risen to show the best of what africans are capable of: rampant crime, the return of eradicated diseases, power shortages, corruption like you've never seen it, abuse of power, the collapse of a once first-world schooling system, state run hospitals where your chances of dying is amplified a hundred times the moment you set foot in them, the loss of hundreds of thousands of skilled labor, all in the name of misguided 'employment equity'.

For the anc it is all about the 'employment'; the quality of the work is as unimportant as the white man's demands for constitution-guaranteed safety and security.

And it is practically impossible to convince a liberal of the truth; they are blind by their own illogical convictions, like we are all the same (then why the need for equal employment opportunities?), our abilities are the same (then why can one race make a success out of anything they attempt, whilst the other one cannot live without social security?).

We, the white conservative, are trapped. We are being held hostage by the ignorance of the white liberal. Just like oprah let in a single white girl to her soweto school for girls to keep the fingers from pointing to her, the conservative can say in utter truth that we are not racists because we hate whites more than we can ever dislike blacks. Liberal whites.

Liberal whites are the TRUE cancer of the human race, and unconditional help for africans are nothing more than the pats they give themselves on each other's backs.

US set to spend $50bn against HIV

The US is set to spend $50bn to battle HIV/Aids in the next five years.

The US House of Representatives has passed a bill to more than triple government spending in Africa and other badly-affected parts of the world.

The bipartisan measure, which is backed by the White House, was passed by 308 votes to 116.

The bill marks a huge increase from the $15bn authorised during the first five years of an initiative launched by President Bush in 2003.

"There is a moral imperative to combat this epidemic," said Nancy Pelosi, the House's Democratic speaker.

The initiative would be the largest US investment ever against a single disease.

Last May, Mr Bush asked Congress to set aside $30bn for the plan, aimed at providing treatment for 2.5 million people and preventing more than 12 million new infections.

Too expensive?

The programme currently supports life-saving treatment for nearly 1.5m people, the White House said.

Initially focused on Vietnam, Guyana, Haiti and 12 African nations, the programme will be expanded to include Malawi, Swaziland and Lesotho as well as some Caribbean nations.

Opponents of the bill argued that it was too expensive, and that more pressing needs closer to home needed to be addressed.

The UN estimates that two-thirds of the 33m people infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) - the virus that causes Aids - live in sub-Saharan Africa.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2008, 05:23:19 AM by arisesouthafrica »
Let G_d arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. (Psalm 68:1)

Offline crazyhorse

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Re: US determined to compound africa's problems
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2008, 03:27:31 PM »
Never a truer word printed or spoken!