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Question For Marzutra - Dollar & Euro

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--- Quote from: MarZutra on January 02, 2007, 09:05:55 AM ---Shalom CZ, Chaim will probably say something very similar. 

To answer your question about the Euro.  It is my opinion only, that the entire system is totally corrupted and a fraud due to the international monitary system not having its base on anything, previously gold pound sterling or even pieces of wood in early British times.  Since that the monitary systems have moved to a "Federal"/ central reserve systems of credit the values of currencies have really no reflection of the society/country they belong, directly comparable to stocks in the stock market.  J.M.Keynes was a very active player in this with his Keynesian Economic to control inflation via government spending and taxation.  Well, if this was supposed to work, why did it cause the great depression and depressions in every country with a continually falling dollar.  The Jordanian Dinar should not be worth more than the Euro or the Canadian Dollar, but it is. 

I feel that, from what I have read politically, and know from a MBA in International Finance, that the Globalists, with Bush's: CFR etc. aid are deliberately trying to bring down America because America is the last nation which has any real Capitalism left. 

It is a very good question to which international monitary manipulators are artificially bumping up the Euro while every avenue agaisnt America: Socialism and big foreign business are working together.  When a currency/country has no base for its mony, gold, the value is always a speculative one in that the government or, in the case of Britian and America, private corporations can just print money.  They are in fact producing money out of thin air.  This causes inflation not to mention the staggering interest rate you, as Americans are paying to your government to fund their "borrowing" to private people.  This to me is another part of the sham because in YOUR constitution it specifically states that the Government HAS the power/authority to print and control the monitary supply NOT private citizens.  Sort of similar to your unconstitutional income tax schema.

Similar to share prices of a stocks are supposed to be a reflection of that companies management and over all operations, so too is the dollar: GNP, GDP etc..  America still out performs ALL of Socialist Europe combined in output even with its fleeing manufacturing base to the Turd World.  This is a clue something is wrong...similar to Arafat winning a Nobel Prize....

One big artifical game my friend for speculators and corruption......  I hope this helps.  Capitalism is not even comparable to Socialism.  Socialism has never worked and will never work not even on paper as Marx's Das Kapial turned out to be absolutely fraudulant and worthy of the dust bin of history.  It will end in a big empoverished bloody mess for someone else to clean....

Here is a very good documentary that might answer many of your questions:

Re:  "...According to the Constitution,  a  Federal Reserve type system is supposed to be controlled by Congress, not the Rockefeller's..."


The Constitution clearly states that Congress must first amend the Constitution for any changes or departures from it to take place.

The Congress is responsible for the currency & oversight thereof.

There is not supposed to be a "Federal Reserve".

The Constitution states clearly which precious metals are the basis for monetary measurement; gold and silver.

The currrent "floating fiat currency" + Federal Reserve + IRS are all illegal departures from the Constitution.

Nor does the Constitution allow the Executive or Judicial Branch of Government to wage war or establish "international police actions" or put U.S. Armed Forces under UN control or under UN service.

Congress is not allowed to vote to remove their Constitutional dictate to declare and wage war, and place all power of a Caesar Dictator in the hands of a President, as they have clearly done in attempt to "wash their hands of responsibility".

All of these assaults on America by its ruling class of "new aristocrats" are resulting in loss of American national sovereignty, loss of American rights and freedoms, and loss of American territory; all leading inevitably to a Global One-World Government led by a Dictatorship serving only Supra-National Corporate Interests and Big Science.

Year after year, government "of the corporations, by the corporations, and for the corporations, have made laws and designed government "as they saw fit", giving "lip service" to the Constitution, and offering to legislate anything asked of them by the wealthiest and most corrupted individuals and corporations.

Congress today is concerned only with the quickest and least expensive way to enslave, poison, or imprison, anyone refusing to accept the "New Global Feudalism".

Our Founding Fathers warned repeatedly what would happen to us should we opt to depart from their Constitutional framework, and today "the chickens have returned home to the roost".

According to the CIA website, if the American trend for Globalization and "Free Trade" continues to the end of 2007, then it will be completely irreversible.

The new weaponry now in development by the Military-Industrial-Media Complex is designed for use on and against American citizens who are waking up to the growing Tyranny.

Exactly...that is what I was trying to say.  Thanks for clearification... 


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