This happened to a friend of mine, and is a funny story.
MY area is almost 100% Jewish, and almost all Orthodox Jews. Unfortunately, there are housing projects nearby, and because I live in Toronto, most housing projects are filled with immigrants.
So my friend was driving down the street at which point he sees two Somalian kids(lots of them live in the projects) at least 13 or 14 years old, shoving two Hassidic kids off their bikes, even though the kids were no older than 10 or 11.
At this point, my friend called me to tell me to head over. Unfortunately, by the time I arrived about 2 or 3 minutes later, my friend had already delivered a thorough beating to the two kids, and the street was packed with Jewish people scolding these little black kids.
Becase the kids were young, the beating hurt them more than my friend expected, to the point that they couldn't walk home. Police got called, at which point their hijab-wearing mothers came to pick them up.
Due to the black kids' guilt, and the fact that his parents couldn't even speak proper English, my friend got let off scot-free, as he should have.
The only problem with this is that this is only one incident, and many times there is nobody there to protect the young Jewish kids who live close to these projects.