Save Western Civilization > Save America

Blacks are not the real problem-We have our own "Enemy Within"

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My sister insists on wearing skirts that I think are thick belts at best, my dad agrees with me and has asked her not to wear them, but she takes no notice of that fact, and my dad doesn't like telling her to do things now rather than asking, as she's 19. She says that these "short skirts" are more comfortable in the summer, and they are cheaper. In my opinion they are almost as indecent as the pictures on page three of the british "newspaper" called the sun.

I just prefer not to be assaulted and sexually harassed by scantily-clad, gorgeous females all day long when I am out in public.

Agreed.  But women don't do things for no good reason.  They are sexualizing themselves and going with blacks because the 'white' race is on its last legs.

White guys are today where Jews were in 586 BCE.  The future of the white race will be the same as what happened to the Jews, i.e., humiliation, degradation, rape of women by foreign invaders, etc.



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