Author Topic: Tazria- Parshat Hachodesh  (Read 2244 times)

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Tazria- Parshat Hachodesh
« on: April 03, 2008, 10:17:49 PM »

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Tazria- Parshat Hachodesh

NY City Candle lighting 7:06

Shabbat ends 8:06
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Mevarchim Nissan. The Molad is Saturday Night 9:34 and 7 Chalakim p.m.

Rosh Chodesh is Sunday


  Shalom and Bracha!


  This Shabbat we read Parshat Tazria, which begins with the laws of childbirth and continues with the laws of Tzora’at (leprosy). In a separate scroll, we read the portion of Hachodesh, which includes the Mitzvah of Rosh Chodesh and all of the Mitzvot concerning Pesach. We also bless the upcoming month of Nissan, which begins on Sunday.


  There is a special connection between the portion of Tazria and the portion of Hachodesh, because the birth of the Jewish people was during Pesach. The Mitzvah of Rosh Chodesh is the birth of a New Month. A woman who gives birth brings an offering of thanks, which parallels the Passover offering. The Mitzvah of Milah is in the portion, which is a prerequisite to the Pesach offering. An uncircumcised male cannot eat the Pesach offering.


 There is a further connection between the laws of Tzora’at and the portion of Hachodesh. The Pesach offering was unique in that although it was a private offering, the status of the offering was affected by the entire Jewish people and it had to be brought in partnership. The Torah stresses that if one family was lacking, they should combine with another family. When we sit down to our Pesach Seder, we invite the hungry and the excluded to join us. This is because Pesach, the birth and redemption of the Jewish people, is dependent upon our unity and caring for others.


  Three forms of Tzora’at are discussed in the portions: the home, the clothing and the skin. Tzora’at of the home was a sudden green or red growth on the walls. Tzora’at of the clothing was a sudden red or green growth on clothing. Tzora’at of the skin was a sudden growth of either white or bright red skin. The Metzora had to be locked into his home, and if the growth continued he had to be removed from the community until he was healed. Rashi explains that Tzora’at was a punishment for slander. First the home would develop Tzora’at. If the slanderer was wise, he repented. If not, his clothes were next. If he still didn’t repent, his skin was next. If he still didn’t repent, he was exiled.


    Before the Kohen would investigate a home and declare the Tzora’at, the home would be emptied. The reason for this was that once the home was declared Tzora’at, everything inside would become impure, causing financial suffering to the owner.


    There is an interesting law concerning Tzora’at. The Metzora only became impure after the Kohen saw the Tzora’at and declared him impure. Under certain circumstances, the Kohen had to wait. A groom was given the entire seven days of his wedding feast before the Kohen checked him. During Holidays, the Kohen didn’t check in order not to mar the joy of the holiday.


  The Metzora was a wicked slanderer. Nevertheless, Hashem command that we worry about his financial well being. Hashem commands that we allow him to enjoy his wedding and his holiday. Even if someone has done wrong and continues to do wrong, we must continue to love and care for them.


  The Tmple was destroyed because of strife. Through unity and care we will merit the coming of Moshiach! Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh Tov,


  Rabbi Biggs


Dedicated to Morris Chabbott and Gloria Harary on the occasion of their engagement. May Hashem bless them with remarkable joy every day of their lives.


A project of Chabad of Great Neck

400 East Shore Rd.

Great Neck NY 11024

516 4874554       fax 516 4874807








  This Sunday, April 6th, is Rosh Chodesh Nissan. The month of Nissan is unique in that Tachanun (penitential prayers) are not said the entire month. This is because the first twelve days are the celebration of the consecration of the Temple in the desert. The fourteenth until the twenty-second are Pesach. Since most of the month is celebration, the entire month is treated as a holiday. It is customary during the first twelve days in Nissan to recite the occurrences of that day as related in Bamidbar (Numbers) chapter 7. Many communities have the customs to add related prayers as found in the Prayer book.


  Passover begins the eve of April 19th and continues through April 27th. From the morning of the 19th throughout Passover, it is forbidden to own any Chametz, i.e. any grain products or byproducts that are not prepared specially for Pesach. As disposal of all Chametz is often difficult, it is customary to sell all Chametz to a non-Jewish person before Pesach and buy it back after Pesach. Because Pesach is Saturday night, the sale must be performed Friday. Due to the complications in Jewish law concerning the sale, most people appoint a Rabbi as their agent. If anyone would like me to arrange the sale of their Chametz, please fill out the form below and either e mail it to me at [email protected] or mail it to me at Chabad of Great Neck 400 East Shore Rd. Great Neck NY 11024. It must arrive by Thursday April 17th. Please include all addresses where your Chametz may be found.


If you know of anyone who needs a place to go for the Seder, in the Great Neck area please contact my office at (516) 487554. In the New York area call (718) 9531000. Throughout the world, contact (718) 7744000 or go to


The Rebbe has encouraged on numerous occasions that if at all possible everyone should have hand baked Shmurah Matzah for the Seder. Similarly, we should try to see that others get Shmurah Matzah. During the Nazi occupation of France, the Rebbe risked his life and personally distributed Shmurah Matzah to many Jews throughout Paris. Jewish unity is the key to redemption and Pesach is the time when we feel that bond most intensely.


Because of the great expenses involved with the holiday, a special collection called Maot Chittim is made throughout the Jewish community to provide the needy with Passover expenses. Whoever would like to participate in this charity can send a check to

Chabad Pesach Fund, 400 East Shore Road, Great Neck NY, 11024

Those who would prefer to donate via credit card can call my office at 516 4874554 or contact me via e-mail at [email protected]


May Hashem grant that this year we will celebrate Pesach as one great family in Yerushalayim together with Moshiach.


Rabbi Biggs



Form for selling Chametz

   I,                                              , hereby authorize Rabbi Biggs or Rabbi Osdoba or their appointees to sell or arrange the sale of all Chametz and Chametz derivatives that are in my possession. My address is





  My business address is     





Dedicated to Leon Harary and Stephanie Zamir on the occasion of their engagement. May their home be a beacon of blessings.


A project of Chabad of Great Neck

400 East Shore Rd.

Great Neck NY 11024

516 4874554       fax 516 4874807


  The Talmud teaches that increasing Torah study brings Hashem's protection to the Jewish people and particularly to the people of Israel. If you know of anyone who might enjoy Torah e mail, please send me their addresses.


  This e mail is part of a worldwide program of Jewish awareness by Chabad of Great Neck. May this Torah study help bring Hashem's protection to the people of Israel and throughout the world. If you have received this in error or would like to unsubscribe, contact me at [email protected]


There is a great Pesach website at

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Re: Tazria- Parashat Hachodesh
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2008, 02:08:57 PM »
Tazria was my Torah Portion for my bar mitzva and Metzora was my haftorah portion (next week)
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