But just remember that intelligence tests show that Asians are smarter than Whites, and therefore Whites are inferior to Asians. Yeah... not that I agree with that statement but that's what the tests show, no?
For me that's perfectly fine. As long as they don't interbreed on such a large scale to wipe our race out.
Yeah sure. I'm sure you love to be racially inferior to Asians. 
Anyone else who is white on the forum, do YOU like to be racially inferior to Asians? Isn't it grand to know that Asians are superior to us? LOL, I just love to think that I, a white woman, am racially inferior to an Asian woman.
Who's with Ambiorix and me on this one?
What about our hispanic members on JTF, do YOU like the thought that whites are racially superior to you?
What about JTF members of black ancestry, do you agree that you are inferior to whites, hispanics and asians?
Hooray to superiority, I suppose.
Anywho, I'm done with this topic. I am not into "race realism"...like I said... I am a "CULTURE REALIST"
I can't stand that my city is full of non-whites, that are out-breeding us but, once again, they are free to live in their own countries.
I don't feel bad about the fact that somebody of Japanese background statistically has 6 IQ points more than Belgians.
They are hard-workers, produce good products, and are very focused in what they do.
I regard their culture as valuable, but I do not feel inferior to them.
They' re are not a danger for us in terms of destroying our race or culture.
In fact Japanese and Koreans are very fond of European (classical) music.
I am totally convinced European culture is superior to Japanese, but,
a good Japanese nationalist should think the same about his/her culture.
I never heard negative stories about Japs that are immigrating to europe, or living here temporarily.
Black culture for me is ok, as long as it is 1000+km from our southern borders in Gibraltar.
Inside Europe, behaving alike in black culture, should be regarded as a criminal offense.
I regard people with higher IQ's as more welcome to Europe than the blacks with their statistically lower IQ's, but once again,
in both cases, it is bad, if their numbers reach a certain threshold, so that they can outnumber us.
My conclusion is that it is a crime of our politicians/armies to let in aliens by the millions.