Author Topic: Warning: Sadistic Child Abuser in Canada Masquerading as Rabbi  (Read 911 times)

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Warning: Sadistic Child Abuser in Canada Masquerading as Rabbi by Naomi Ragan


On the cover of yesterday's newspaper, Yediot Acharonot, is aphoto of hammers, knives, guns, turpentine, and heaters all ofwhich - according to the newspaper -were used to torture smallchildren allegedly at the behest of a so-called haredi Rabbi,Elior Chen(see photo at to the article, a four year old is in the hospitalwith irreversible brain damage from one of Chen's "hassidim",David Kugman. Chen and Kugman have fled the country and are nowin Canada, along with at least one family of Chen's "hassidim,"the family of Joseph Fisher. Chen is suspected of leading a cultthat believed that torturing children would remove the "devil"from them.The removal of the devil, according to notebooks foundin Chen's apartment filled with his instructions, includedforce-feeding toddlers drinks of alcohol and turpentine. Makingthem eat feces. Forcing them against electric heaters untiltheir skin turned black then pouring alcohol on the wounds.Stuffing their mouths with skullcaps and taping them closed, andthen zipping them into suitcases for days. Leaving stones on theShabbat "blech"all day and then placing the stones on the tenderskin of these babies. The following is excerpted from an articlein Haaretz on April 8 by Uri Blau, Yair Ettinger, Jonathan Lisand Ofra Edelman:"Chen may be meeting other members of the sect in Canada, wherethe family of one of the members lives, according to a friend of Chen's who isfamiliar with the group but doesn't belong to it. The friend said Chenfled with Joseph Fisher, whose name was not mentioned in an indictmentfiled yesterday against the mother of the children suspected of being abused byChen's followers. The remand of the mother was extended Sunday untilApril 14.    Two of the family's eight children, aged 4 and 5, werehospitalized in serious condition two weeks ago, after Chen allegedly ordered twoof his followers to discipline the children by beating, burning, pushingand shaking them, and tying them up as a way of "correcting" theirbehavior.    The 4-year-old remains in a coma. Police suspect that Chen'ssupporters also doused the children in hot and cold water and broke their boneswith hammers and blows. The mother was charged with forcing the children toeat feces, beating them unconscious and locking them up in a suitcase forthree days.    Jerusalem police also arrested an additional suspect in the case,and have issued a gag order regarding his identity. The Magistrate's Courtextended his remand by five days.    Chen and three of his supporters allegedly began providing thefamily with "educational lessons" several months ago. They allegedly kickedthe father out of his home and began abusing several of the family's eightchildren, especially the two youngest.    Chen and Fisher left the country legally, and their exit wasregistered at border control. Afterward, their wives and children went intohiding. The Fisher apartment has been cleared out and its contents have beenplaced in storage.    Police said they do not know the location of Chen's and Fisher'sfamilies, but Chen's friend said they were hoping to go to Canada as welland may have already left the country.    Chen and his supporters chose Canada in part, the source said,because "the extradition law is tough" there. "Only in very exceptional casesdoes Canada extradite," he said. "  All families with children involved in this cult are IN IMMINENTDANGER if even a fraction of these allegations turn out to betrue. The people involved all dress as haredi Jews and are mostlikely to live in a haredi neighborhood. Other members of thecult are still in Israel. Please keep your eyes and ears openand report anything that might be helpful to the authorities. Theheart weeps and the heart cannot fathom such cruelty. As formerChief Rabbi Yisroel Meir Lau said: "Judaism cannot justify thetears of helpless child...I call on every mother in Israel torecognize that not every person who wraps himself in the title ofRabbi is deserving of thie title... Is the terror of a mothertowards her children any different from a terrorist who spillsinnocent blood?" This is the worst case of child abuse in Israeli history. Eventhe police are in shock.  Naomi
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.