I feel sorry for the one-eyed cat that died shortly after birth. It would have been nice if it had survived. It would be a great way to scare off burglars. The incidence of dicephalus among many of the animals was interesting.
Have you heard of Abigail and Brittany Hensel? They're two Americans girls who each control one side of a shared body. They can coordinate their movements well enough to type at normal speed, drive a car, and play sports. They hope to become mothers one day.

They've had a couple of specials about them on TLC. When I see them I always get such a positive feeling from them. They're just so completely normal as people despite being stuck together.
I hope that they are able to continue to live as normal a life as possible.
I might ask Chaim what he thinks about them possibly being married one day as far as the Biblical morals are concerned.