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Offline White Israelite

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Israel: Myths and Truths
« on: April 07, 2008, 01:37:33 PM »
I posted this on another forum maybe a year and a half ago, if anyone wants to use this information for debate. Information was collected from various sources, some of it may need to be edited but feel free to use it.

Myth: Israel is a parasitic state and relys on the US to survive. They receive some 6 billion dollars a year in aid from the US

Truth: Regarding the "Loan" from the US this compares figures the US gives to the rest of the middle east. Think of Israel as an investment.
The United States gives $27 billion dollars annually to the world. The Muslim nations receive far more aid from the United States than Israel.

Annually since 2004-2005:

Israel receives $525 million, yet at the same time Iraq recieves $2.3 Billion, Egypt $767 million, Jordan $666 million, Pakistan $590 million.
Yet none of the oil rich Muslim countries even appear on the top 50 grantor of foreign aid worldwide. Greedy bastards. With the exception of perhaps Qatar, Kuwait and UAE, none of them even distribute their wealth among themselves. Saddam had one of the wealthiest oil fields in Arabia and look at how he squandered his money on places and weapons to kill Iranians, while his people wallowed in poverty.

The Muslims number 1.2 Billion and control nearly 30% of all the oil in the world. What do Muslims do with oil money? The majority (not all of them) squanders their oil wealth on extravagant life styles for a few. In Saudi Arabia, the crown owns the oil fields and keeps 50% of all oil revenue for the crown and its relatives, which is distributed among 30,000 "princes" of the House of Saud. The princes each receive as much as a million dollar monthly stipend. They buy 300 million dollar airliners fitted as private airplanes. They buy 500 million dollar super yachts. The manner in which the House of Saud squanders money is pathetic example of the Muslim greed demonstrated for 1400 years.

The Muslims nations have become fat and lazy on their oil wealth. They neither share the wealth with their Muslim brothers other than token sums given to charity. Take Kuwait for example. The Kuwaitis were once the wealthiest people in the world. Their oil fields are now beginning to become less productive, their oil revenues are smaller, and the had squandered their money on imported laborers such as Pakistani Engineers, Doctors and other guest workers. The native Arab Kuwaitis used to receive a government dividend stipend from oil revenues, which was a $60,000 yearly payout, which has been grossly reduced, in the last few years, but what did they do with that money…? They bought Mercedes Benzes, Roll Royce’s and squandered all their hard cash on luxury goods and hire foreign workers to do all the labor in their land. Today Kuwait has one of the largest national debts among all the Arab oil producing nations.
Who are the real parasites?

Myth: Israel has no right to exist, they stole the land from the Palestinians

Truth: Wrong, there was never a Palestine previous 1920. The Jews started settling in the land through the Zionist movement in 1882 when it was the "OTTOMAN EMPIRE". There were a few Jews and Arabs living there yet the Arabs didn't seem to complain about "Occupation" of "Palestine" as the Ottoman Empire had full control at the time. It wasn't until 1920 that the British took over and created an artificial state called the "British Mandate of Palestine" which consisted of modern day Israel and Jordan. There were a few fights between the 2 and most of the Jews had come from Yemen at this point in time. The British were in favor of a Jewish state however restricted immigration while the Holocaust (or the holohoax and you guys seem to understand that term better) was going on. Many of the ships were sunk by the British and very few Jews made it to "Palestine" at this point in time.

1st Aliyah in 1883

Yemenite Jews coming to Israel on a bus

First settlement in 1882

Israel 1890, colored black and white photo

Jerusalem, not sure the year

Jerusalem 1890

1948 the British submitted power to the League of Nations which created 2 states, they divided modern day Israel between the Arabs and the Jews and the Palestinians were unhappy with the partition of the land despite the fact the Jews received a slightly larger percentage of land yet was mostly desert (the Negev). They rejected the land. Israel offered those living in the land citizenship as Israeli citizens however the Palestinians refused to accept this as if they were regarded as Israeli citizens they could not return to "Palestine". Many left on their own free will with the surrounding neighbors promising they would "retake" the land. A large war started up pretty much hours after Israel was created and the Arabs lost.

Regarding the occupied territories, there are no occupied territories because the Palestinians rejected a state. They are basically regions of Israel just like Chechnya (though wartorn) is a region of Russia, they want their own central government and country and cannot run it. Israel cannot help them because Palestinians refuse help from Israel and kill any Jew that trys to help along with constant suicide bombings.

Regarding from the mouth of a muslim himself. He believes the land belongs to Muslims because they were the majority, they'd do the same to Europe which they ARE doing today[/COLOR]

Myth: Israel relys on the US for all their military equipment

Truth: First of all lets go back to the IDF when they first formed.
[/COLOR]Do you even know the history when Jews started emigrating to Israel?

The First Aliyah is the first Zionist aliyah, having taken place between 1882 and 1903. Approximately 35,000 Jews immigrated to Ottoman Empire during the First Aliyah, mostly from Eastern Europe, but also from Yemen.

In 1881, the czar Alexander II of Russia was assassinated, and the ruling bodies blamed the Jews for the assassination. Consequently, major anti-Jewish pogroms swept the Pale of Settlement. A movement called Hibbat Zion (love of Zion) spread across the Pale (helped by Leon Pinsker's pamphlet Auto-emancipation), as well as the similar Bilu movement, which both encouraged Jews to immigrate to Palestine.

The First Aliyah laid the cornerstone for Jewish settlement in Israel and created several settlements - Rishon LeZion, Rosh Pina, Zikhron Ya'aqov, Gedera etc.

Most settlements met with financial difficulties and most of the settlers were not proficient in farming. Baron Edmond James de Rothschild took several of the settlements under his wing, which helped them survive until more settlers with farming experience arrive in subsequent aliyot.

Immigrants of the First Aliyah also contributed to existing towns and settlements, notably Petah Tikva. The first neighbourhoods of Tel Aviv (Neve Shalom and Neve Tzedek) were also built by members of the aliyah, although it was not until the Second Aliyah that Tel Aviv was officially founded.

Now then during this period there wasn't a whole lot to worry about as very few arabs were on the land at the time, the Jews bought land from the few that owned land there and built settlements and started agriculture. Now beginning 1909 the Jews started having problems with Arabs.

Hashomer - (Hebrew) ("The Guard") - Jewish defense organization in Palestine organized 1909, ceased to operate after founding of the Haganah in 1920. The purpose of Hashomer was to provide guard services for Jewish settlements, freeing Jewish communities from dependence upon foreign consulates and Arab watchmen for their security. Hashomer was originated by socialist Zionists, mostly members of Poalei Tziyon, including Israel Shochat, Manya Shochat, Yitzhak Ben-Zvi and Rachel Yanaait, who had earlier formed a small secret guard society called Bar Giora, which guarded only the Sejera commune (now Illanit) and Mesha (now Kfar Tavor). Bar Giora had been founded by Alexander Zeid and Yitzhak Ben-Zvi among others. Hashomer was successful in providing defense for settlements throughout the country. It aroused the ire of Arab watchmen who lost their jobs and of pilferers, and antagonized the Arab population by retaliatory raids. During World War I many of its members were exiled by the Turkish government because they were enemy (Russian) nationals. When the Turks caught Yosef Lishanski of the Nili group he told all he knew, implicating 12 members of Hashomer. The group nonetheless survived. In 1920 it was decided to organize the Haganah, a much broader-based group, to cope with new defense challenges and needs of the growing community.

There were a few disputes but nothing major, bandits and Arabs weren't too friendly towards a foreigner being in these lands despite the fact "Palestine" wasn't a country but rather just a peice of land that was part of the ottoman empire. Later on Haganah which was what later became the IDF formed.

The Haganah (Hebrew: "The Defense",
[FONT='Times New Roman']ההגנה[/FONT]) was a Jewish paramilitary organization in what was then the British Mandate of Palestine from 1920 to 1948. It was the main precursor for Israel's army: the IDF ([FONT='Times New Roman']צה"ל[/FONT]).

The predecessor of Haganah was Ha-Shomer (The Guild of Watchman) established in 1909. It was a small group of Jewish immigrants who guarded settlements for an annual fee. At no time did the group have more than 100 members.

After the Arab riots of 1920 and 1921, the Jewish leadership in Palestine believed that the British, whom the League of Nations had given the Mandate of Palestine in 1920, had no desire to confront the Arabs about attacks on the Palestinian Jews, and created the Haganah to protect their farmers and settlements. The role of the Haganah was to guard the Jewish Kibbutzim and farms, and to warn the residents of and repel attacks by Palestinian Arabs. In the period between 1920-1929, the Haganah lacked a strong central authority or coordination. Haganah "units" were very localized and poorly armed: they consisted mainly of Jewish farmers who took turns guarding their farms or their Kibbutzim. Following the Arab Riots in Palestine of 1929 that killed 133 Jews and scores of Arabs, and led to the ethnic cleansing of all Jews from the city of Hebron, the Haganah's role changed dramatically. It became a much larger organization encompassing nearly all the youth and adults in the Jewish settlements, as well as thousands of members from the cities. It also acquired foreign arms and began to develop workshops to create hand grenades and simple military equipment. It went from being an untrained militia to a capable army

In 1936 the Haganah fielded 10,000 mobilized men along with 40,000 reservists. During the Great Uprising 1936-1939, it participated actively to protect British interests and to quell Arab rebellion. Although the British administration didn't officially recognize the Haganah, the British security forces cooperated with it by forming the Jewish Settlement Police, Jewish Auxiliary Forces and Special Night Squads. The battle experience gained in the Great Uprising was to become very useful in the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.

In 1931, the most right-wing elements of Haganah branched off and formed Irgun Tsva'i-Leumi (the National Military Organization), better known as "Irgun" (or by its Hebrew acronym pronounced HaEtsel). They were discontented with the policy of restraint when faced with British and Arab pressure. Irgun later split as well in 1940, and their off-shoot became known as the Lochamei Herut Israel (its Hebrew acronym often written "Lehi" but pronounced rather as L'khee, standing for Freedom Fighters of Israel, also known as the Stern Gang after its leader, Abraham Stern).

The British severely restricted Jewish immigration to Palestine by 1939. In response, the Haganah created the Palmach, or Assault Companies - the Haganah's strike force, which also organized illegal Jewish immigration to Palestine. Approximately 100,000 Jews were brought to Palestine in over one hundred ships during the final decade of the Ha'apala. It also organized demonstrations against Britsh immigration quotas.

In 1944, in response to pressure from British and the Yishuv (Palestinian Jews), the Haganah worked with the British to round up, interrogate, and, in some cases, deport Irgun members. This action was called the Saison (or hunting season), and seriously demoralized and reduced Irgun's activities.

The Saison did not, however, stop the Irgun, the Haganah, and the Stern Group from working together. The three groups had different functions, which served to move the British out of Palestine, and to make Palestine a Jewish state (versus creating a Jewish home in Palestine. As Menachem Begin, an Irgun commander, stated in a 1944 meeting: "In fact, there is a division of roles; One organisation advocates individual terrorism (the Freedom Fighters of Israel), the other conducts sporadic military operations (the Irgun) and there is a third organisation which prepares itself to throw its final weight in the decisive war." The bombing of the King David Hotel in Palestine on July 22, 1946, which killed 91 persons (mostly civilians) was an Irgun operation in which the Haganah participated.

Sources: Dr. Saul Zadka, Blood in Zion, How the Jewish Guerrillas drove the British out of Palestine. (London: Brassey's), 1995; Niv, David, The Irgun Tsva'i Leumi. (Jerusalem: World Zionist Organization (Department for Education and Culture), 1980; "Text of the British White Paper Linking Jewish Agency to Zionist Terrorism in Palestine," The New York Times, July 25, 1946, p. 8.

World War II
Despite the 1939 White Paper which deeply angered the Zionist leadership in Palestine, David Ben-Gurion, then chairman of the Jewish Agency, set the policy for the Zionist relationship with the British: We shall fight the war against Hitler as if there were no White Paper, and we shall fight the White Paper as if there were no war. The Irgun, however took a more extreme stance starting in 1944 and began bombing British installations.

In the first years of World War II, the British authorities asked Haganah for cooperation again, due to the fear for an Axis breakthrough in North Africa. After Rommel was defeated at El Alamein in 1942, the British stepped back from their all-out support for Haganah. In 1943, after a long series of requests and negotiations, the British Army announced the creation of the Jewish Brigade Group. While Palestinian Jews had been permitted to enlist in the British army since 1940, this was the first time an exclusively Jewish military unit served in the war under a Jewish flag. The Jewish Brigade Group consisted of 5,000 soldiers and was deployed in Italy in September 1944. The brigade was disbanded in 1946.

All in all, more than 30,000 Palestinian Jews served in the British army during the war.

On May 19, 1941 the Haganah created the Palmach (an acronym for Plugot Mahatz—strike companies), a military-like section which focused on providing training to youngsters. It was never large, by 1947 it amounted to merely five battalions (about 2,000 men), but its members had received not only physical and basic military training, but also acquired some leadership skills that, in retrospect, would allow them to take up command positions in Israel's future army.

After the war

On May 28, 1948, less than two weeks after the creation of the state of Israel on May 15, the provisional government created the Israeli Defense Forces which would succeed the Haganah. It also outlawed maintenance of any other armed force. Irgun challenged the decision which led to a brief clash between Haganah and Irgun. Eventually Irgun laid down their weapons and Menachem Begin transformed his militia to a political party, the Herut.

Famous members of the Haganah included: Yitzhak Rabin, Ariel Sharon, Rehavam Zeevi, Dov Hoz, Moshe Dayan, and Dr. Ruth Westheimer.

Regarding Israel military technology
Israel produces a wide range of products from ammunition, small arms and artillery pieces to sophisticated electronic systems and the world's most advanced tank.
Having to fight five major wars in its first four decades, Israel built a comprehensive standing army – the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) - and furnished it with an arsenal of highly advanced military hardware. The government, which owns three major defense firms, also encouraged the formation of private companies to equip the IDF. The development of a sophisticated defense industry inevitably led to exports, which today account for a majority of its revenues and allows the country's defense industry to compete against some of the largest companies in the world for foreign contracts, in addition to producing many of the arms needed for Israel's own defense.
Faced with a shrinking market for military hardware over the last decade and a half, Israeli defense concerns have made a concerted effort to employ their research and development teams in devising products for non-military markets and, more frequently, in adapting defense technology for civilian applications. Indeed, many of the most innovative products developed by Israel's civilian high tech industry, especially in the field of telecommunications, trace their origins to military technology.
The modern defense industry in Israel was set in motion in the early 1920s. Faced by an increasingly hostile Arab population, the Jewish community began to manufacture homemade hand grenades and explosives. In the early 1930s, members of the Haganah (the pre-state Jewish underground defense organization) set up clandestine small arms factories, which became the Israel Military Industries (IMI) in 1948. In the first two decades after independence, IMI produced many of the basic weapons used by the IDF, including the Uzi sub-machine gun. The more costly aircraft and other advanced weapons were procured from foreign suppliers, principally France.
The major catalyst for Israel's metamorphosis from a small-arms manufacturer to a producer of sophisticated military systems came after the 1967 Six-Day War. During the war, France imposed an embargo on arms sales to Israel, including the Mirage planes already on order from the Dassault aircraft factory. When the United States became the primary supplier of combat aircraft, Israel began to develop its own production capability. The government-owned Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI), founded as a maintenance facility in 1953, soon began developing and assembling a variety of its own aircraft, including the Kfir - a replacement for the Mirage - as well as the Arava and Nesher planes. At the same time, IAI's contacts with US suppliers advanced from subcontracting jobs to joint ventures with Boeing and Lockheed-Martin. As a result, employment at IAI grew rapidly from 4,000 to a peak of 14,000 in the late 1980s.
The growing sophistication of Israel's defense industry gave it the confidence to develop an all-Israeli military aircraft, the Lavi. Over the first half of the 1980s, IAI developed avionics, electronics and weapons systems for the aircraft, and by 1986 the first prototype had taken to the air. However, the government concluded that it was unable to finance such an ambitious undertaking, and the project was canceled a year later. Shorn of the Lavi, IAI began to develop a variety of products in the military and civilian spheres - such as advanced radar systems, precision weapon systems, unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) and commercial and military aircraft conversion - many of which were based on the technology developed during the Lavi project.
There are approximately 150 defense firms in Israel, with combined revenues of an estimated $3.5 billion. The three largest entities are the government-owned IAI, IMI and the Rafael Arms Development Authority, all of which produce a wide range of conventional arms and advanced defense electronics. The medium-sized privately owned companies include Elbit Systems and the Tadiran Group, which focus mainly on defense electronics. The smaller firms produce a narrower range of products. In all, the industry employs close to 50,000 people, all of whom share a commitment to high levels of research and development and the ability to make use of the IDF's combat experience.
Israel's defense exports are coordinated and regulated through SIBAT - the Foreign Defense Assistance and Defense Export Organization - which is run by the Ministry of Defense. SIBAT's tasks include licensing all defense exports as well as marketing products developed for the IDF, from electronic components to missile boats and tanks. Each year, SIBAT publishes a defense sales directory, an authoritative guide to what the industry has to offer.
Despite their far-reaching client base, even the biggest local firms are relatively small players in the global defense market. With increasing competition from the major world aerospace players, Israeli companies tend to specialize in niche markets, or have sought to combine forces through mergers or joint marketing efforts. In addition, declining global defense spending has provided them with new opportunities as foreign governments seek to upgrade their existing arsenal rather than buy new equipment. This policy is typified by the Phantom 2000, a sweeping modernization of the F-4 aircraft that Israel acquired from the US in the early 1970s.
In the wake of the Lavi's cancellation, IAI diversified and expanded with funding from the United States, developing the Amos and Ofeq satellites and the world's first operational anti-missile missile system, the Arrow. IAI's unmanned air vehicles (UAV or pilotless aircraft) systems, including the Hunter, have now become standard for military establishments in many countries around world. The company is also engaged in the repair and maintenance of aircraft and helicopters, and in upgrading aircraft with state-of-the-art avionics. It also designs, develops and manufacturers naval and ground systems, electronic warfare and radar equipment and missiles. Company sales in 2000 amounted to $2.18 billion, of which exports accounted for $1.7 billion. In the same year, IAI signed some 1,600 new contracts worth approximately $2.6 billion.
Israel Military Industries (IMI) was founded in 1933, as a secret small-arms plant. After the establishment of the State in 1948, it was operated by the Ministry of Defense, developing and manufacturing assault weapons - from the classic Uzi sub-machine gun to the Tavor assault rifle - heavy ammunition, aircraft and rocket systems, armored vehicles like the Merkava tank, and integrated security systems. In 1990, IMI was converted into a government-owned company. Altogether IMI manufactures some 350 products and employs over 4,000 people. In addition to Israel and the US, IMI has distributors in a number of countries, including Norway, Belgium, the Philippines and Greece. Some 60% of its revenues, worth approximately $550 million, come from exports.
The third government-owned defense firm, the Rafael Arms Development Authority, developed and now manufactures Python and Popeye "smart" airborne missiles, both of which have co-production agreements with major US aerospace companies. In addition, its products include such varied categories as passive armor, naval decoys, observation balloon systems, acoustic torpedo countermeasures, ceramic armor, air-breathing propulsion, and air-to-air, air-to-surface and surface-to-surface missiles.
Elbit Systems, based in Haifa, develops, manufactures and integrates advanced, high-performance defense electronics systems, focusing on upgrade programs for aircraft and armored vehicles. The company also manufactures command, control and communication (C3) systems, and upgrades in weapons platforms and electronic systems and products for both Western and former Eastern bloc countries. In 2000, Elbit Systems merged with another major private-sector defense concern, El-Op Electro-Optics Industries Ltd, and combined sales reached $591 million, up from $436 million the previous year.
The second major private sector defense firm is the Tadiran-Elisra Group, whose subsidiaries specialize in defense electronics. The group's Elisra Electronics offers a range of electronic warfare systems for the military, including radar warning systems, active countermeasure systems, comprehensive self-protection systems, ESM and ELINT systems, and sophisticated communication links complemented by extremely lightweight components and super components. It employs a staff of over 800, two thirds of whom are engineers. Tadiran Electronic Systems designs and produces a wide range of military applications, including intelligence, reconnaissance and electronic warfare and specialized naval communication systems, all tailored to customer specifications. Tadiran Spectralink specializes in pilot-rescue electronic equipment while BVR Systems develops innovative flight simulators for fighter pilots. The group, which is controlled by Koor Industries, announced sales of $284 million in 2000.
In addition to Elbit and Tadiran-Elisra, there are scores of smaller, more specialized defense firms in the private sector, including: Cyclone Aviation, which upgrades helicopters and makes aircraft components; Urdan Industries, which through its Associated Steel Foundries makes many of the components of the Merkava tank; Magal Security Systems, whose products include sensors for security perimeter fences and explosive-detection devices for airports and other public facilities; BVR Technologies, which produces airborne collision-avoidance security systems, trainers for pilots and for the use of "smart" weapons, and a variety of simulators for combat training and pilot debriefing; the Elul Group, a complex of companies which specialize in development and coordination of defense business for Israeli firms abroad, and for international firms in Israel; RSL Electronics, which produces both airborne electronics systems for airplanes and helicopters and muzzle-velocity radar for field artillery; and Soltam, which makes both mortars and heavy artillery pieces as well as Israel's most popular line of stainless steel kitchen equipment.
Since the end of the Cold War, the global defense industry, including the IDF, has had to cope with declining military spending. In response, many private companies have either merged or reduced staff, or diversified into civilian markets, with some companies fully spinning off their civilian activities into separate businesses. Many of the high technology products designed by Israeli companies for such areas as the Internet, medical electronics and robotics, are based on technology originally developed by the IDF or the defense industries. Friendly Robotics is one notable high-tech start-up that traces its origins to the army. Its top executives worked in army technology units and the company's robot lawnmowers are based on advanced missile guidance technology, providing accurate positioning and navigation functions to perform its tasks. Among the few private sector defense firms with civilian activities, Elisra designs, develops and produces electronic and microwave applications for the commercial market.
In 1968, IAI acquired the rights to manufacture the Jet Commander executive aircraft from the US company Rockwell, which eventually evolved into the IAI's Astra. In the 1990s, IAI began producing the Galaxy executive jet in partnership with the Pritzker family of Chicago. In April 2001, the international aerospace firm General Dynamics contracted to purchase the Galaxy firm for approximately $600 million. In addition, in the late 1970s Bedek, a division of IAI specializing in aircraft maintenance, began overhauling and refitting Boeing 707 airliners, and today the upgrade of commercial aircraft has become a major business for IAI. The civilian content of the new contracts signed in 2000 was worth $1.1 billion, or 42% of total new contracts. IMI has fewer civilian businesses but has developed technology for electronic wallets and computerized payment systems.
Rafael develops military technologies for civilian use through its Rafael Development Corp., a joint venture with the private sector Discount Investment Group. One of these projects used miniaturization and guidance techniques to produce a transmitter and camera the size of a vitamin capsule. The capsule is swallowed by a patient and pictures of the gastrointestinal tract are then taken by the camera for use by diagnosticians, substituting for invasive diagnostic procedures. The system, which was developed by Given Imaging, was the brainchild of a missile guidance expert.
Regarding Israeli military firms

Quote from: mamin888
almost all of those weapons are basic US designs with small changes made to them.  The idea came from other US designs.
Since Israel appears to be completely parasitic and requires the wests aid lets look at Israel companies since their so dependent on Americans.

RAFAEL Armament Development Authority, known as RAFAEL or Rafael, (also spelled as Raphael or Rephael, and in Hebrew: [FONT='Times New Roman']רפאל - רשות לפיתוח אמצעי לחימה[/FONT]) is the Israeli authority for development of weapons and military technology. Rafael is a former sub-division of the Israeli Defence ministry and is considered a governmental firm.

Rafael develops and produces fighting-technologies for the Israel Defence Forces as well for exporting abroad. All current projects are, of course, secret.

Famous technologies
Overhead Weapon Station (OWS) - a remote controlled weapon installed on armoured fighting vehicles and is being operated by a soldier from within the armoured cabin, thus enabling the gunner to shoot with maximal safety without being exposed to enemy gunfire. It is usually a machine gun armed with 7.62 mm ammo (known as MAG Rafael).
LITENING targeting pod - precision targeting system.
Stabilized naval weapon station (SNWS) Typhoon
Rafael Python 5 - One of the world's most advanced air-to-air missile with full-sphere capabilities.
Air-to-surface standoff missile Popeye (AGM-142)
SPIKE-ER ATGM (anti-tank guided missile).
SIMON breach grenade - Door Breaching Rifle Grenade (RELM/GREM)
WallBuster - Wall Breaching Grenade Launcher
CARPET minefield clearing
Add-on armour: passive armor and reactive armor coats.
Electronics and Electro-Optics.
Remote Controlled Weapon Station (RCWS) - a remote controlled weapon installed on armoured fighting vehicles or naval vessels and can be controlled from within the cabin. Various armaments are possible:
7.62 mm machine gun (known as MAG Rafael)
autocannon in caliber of 20 mm up to 40 mm
30 mm autocannon combined with two ATGMs pod and 7.62 mm light machine gun
TROPHY Active Protection System for armored fighting vehicles [1]
Skylark\Skylite canister-launched mini-UAV [2]
High-tech systems for the Merkava main battle tank and the Merkava APC "Nammer".

Israel Military Industries Ltd., or IMI, ([FONT='Times New Roman']התעשייה הצבאית - תע"ש[/FONT]) is an Israeli government-owned firearm manufacturer. It manufactures firearms mainly for Israeli security forces (especially Israel's army, the Israel Defence Force or IDF), although its small arms are very popular throughout the world. In 2005 The Small Arms Division of IMI has been privatized as Israel Weapon Industries (IWI) Ltd. IWI is part of a group of companies that develops and manufactures a wide array of products used by armies and law enforcement agencies everywhere. IWI's weapon systems include the UZI SMG, JERICHO and BARAK handguns, the NEGEV light machine gun, GALIL Assault Rifle, GALIL Sniper Rifle, as well as the new TAVOR and MICRO TAVOR lines.

All these firearms have been weapons of choice of top military units and law enforcement agencies throughout the world.

Israel Weapon Industries firearms are developed in close collaboration with the Israel Defense Forces. IWI and the IDF establish joint R&D teams to create these weapons, whose ultimate configuration is the product of ongoing interaction, field tests, and modifications resulting from combat requirements.

Contents [hide]
1 History
2 Small firearms
3 Other products
4 Famous products
5 See also
6 External links

The history of IMI goes back to the era of the British Mandate of Palestine when the Jewish underground at the time (the Haganah) resorted to manufacturing illegal weapons. Some therefore claim that the nucleus of IMI was formed as early as 1933.

Small firearms
Israel Weapon Industries (IWI) Ltd., small arms are some of the most popular in the world. The Uzi submachine gun is arguably the most popular submachine gun in the world, because of its compact nature and reliability. Overall, the Uzi has the highest sales statistics of all modern submachine guns, worldwide.

The IWI Galil is a compact assault rifle, along with integrating some other design features. The Negev is IMI's main light machine gun. The Jericho 941 is a semi-automatic pistol, while the Tavor is a bullpup assault rifle.

In the 1980s an American firearms designer, Magnum Research, contracted IWI to re-design and manufacture a Magnum caliber (.44 Magnum , .357 Magnum and .50 AE), semi-automatic pistol. The result was the Desert Eagle, a very powerful handgun made famous by Hollywood and first-person shooters.

Other products are created, mainly for use by IDF. The Uzi, however, is popular with many forces worldwide, while the Galil and Tavor are popular with counter-terrorist forces.

Other products
IMI has dedicated factories manufacturing ammunition for firearms, artillery (both explosive rounds and rockets), tanks and air-to-ground (both stand-off and direct attack). Many of its products are standard NATO-compatible, but IMI also produces eastern bloc-caliber munitions. IMI is one of the leading suppliers of munitions to the US Army and other NATO members.

Beside small firearms, the IMI also produces heavy firearms. IMI also engages in many upgrade project for military assault vehicles (tanks, APCs and other armoured fighting vehicles). Upgrade components include firepower, survivability and maneouverability.

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Israel: Myths and Truths
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2008, 01:38:30 PM »

IMI also produces a wide range of defensive products such as vehicles add-on armor packages, landmine clearing systems, reconnaissance systems and bridges. It also produces aircraft countermeasures such as flares, decoys and electronic countermeasures control systems, some of which IMI now offers for land and sea-based platforms.

Israel Aircraft Industries (Hebrew: [FONT='Times New Roman']התעשייה האווירית לישראל[/FONT]) or IAI ([FONT='Times New Roman']תע"א[/FONT]) is Israel's prime aerospace and aviation manufacturer, producing aerial systems for both military and civilian usage. It has 14,000 employees as of 2005.

In addition to local construction of fighter aircraft, IAI also builds civil aircraft (for Gulfstream, on the G100/G150 and G200) and performs local maintenance of foreign-built fighters. In addition, the company works on a number of missile and avionics systems. In 2003, Israel Aircraft Industries attempted to enter the VLJ (Very Light Jet) Market, by launching the Avocet ProJet, a 6-8 seat, high utilization air taxi, with a list price almost half the cost of the least expensive business jet available today. In early 2006, the ProJet stalled after a major undisclosed US OEM pulled out of the program due to unspecified reasons.

Although the IAI main focus is aviation and high-tech electronics, it also manufactures military system for ground and naval forces. Many of these products are specially suited for the Israeli Defence Forces needs, while others are also marketed to foreign armies.

Contents [hide]
1 Products
1.1 Civilian Air systems
1.2 Military air systems
1.3 Ground defense systems
1.4 Ground transportation
1.5 Naval systems
1.6 Aerospace systems
2 Manufacturing plants
3 See also
4 External link

Civilian Air systems
Arava - medium sized STOL transport aircraft
Westwind business jet
Astra/Galaxy business jets (now produced for Gulfstream Aerospace as the G100/G200)
IAI Avocet ProJet Revolutionary Very Light Jet [1]
Military air systems
Lavi - an Israeli fighter jet, abandoned due lack of budget
Kfir - fighter jet, derivative of the French Mirage 5
Nesher - fighter jet
UAV - unmanned aerial drones
Pioneer (with the USA)
RQ-5 Hunter (with the USA)
Skylite - Canister Launched mini-UAV system
Rafael Python 5 air-to-air missile (together with Rafael)
Upgrades to F-16 and F-15, and foreign Mig-21 jet fighters
Upgrades to Sikorsky CH-53 Yas'ur in project "Yas'ur 2000".
Avionics upgrades for the Ka-50-2 Erdogan gunship in collaboration with Kamov
Phalcon air surveillance system
Ground defense systems
IDF Caterpillar D9's armor kit
Nimrod and Lahat anti-tank missiles
Ground transportation
Assembly of IC3 diesel multiple unit trains and double-decker railway coaches under license from Bombardier Transportation
Naval systems
Gabriel (missile) sea-to-sea missile
Super Dvora Mk-III patrol boat [2]
Aerospace systems
EROS, Amos and Ofeq Satellite series
Arrow Ballistic Missile defence system
Shavit space launcher
Manufacturing plants
official org-chart
Systems, Missiles & Space Group
Malam - integration
Mabat - missiles and satellites
Tamam - inertial guidance and electro-optic systems
Military Aircraft Group
Lahav - aircraft upgrades
Mata - helicopter upgrades
Golan Industries - crash survival seats and other aircraft parts
Malat - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Elta - Radars, electronic warfare and ELINT
Bedek - aircraft maintenance
Commercial Aircraft Group
Ramta - railcars, patrol boats etc.
Shahal - landing gear and other aircraft parts
Engineering Division - aircraft manufacturing and integration

Elbit Systems Ltd. NASDAQ: ESLT is one of Israel's largest defense electronics manufacturers and integrators. Established in 1966, Elbit has over 5000 employees.

Elbit is traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange as well as on NASDAQ

Soltam is an Israeli company which operates both on the military market and the civilian market. Its military expertise is artillery systems, cannons and ammunition. It is a subsidiary of the Israeli defense firm Elbit.

Military products:

Merkava smoothbore 120 mm main gun
Artillery - towed gun and self-propelled guns\howitzers
M-71 towed gun
Rascal (self-propelled)
Slammer (Sholef) - Merkava-based self-propelled howitzer.
Mortar (weapon)
Cardom 120 mm self-propelled mortar
Dragon EFSS (Cardom, version for the USMC)
Merkava 60 mm internal mortar
Mortar shells (60 mm, 81 mm, 120 mm)
Artillery shells (155 mm , 175 mm)
Civilian products:

Cooking pots

[FONT='Times New Roman']Israel[/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman'] sells many of it's systems, missiles, optics, software, and electronics to the United States. They are like any other provider as the Defense market is a HUGE market. They are generally lower profile as their equipments quite a bit more expensive, a lot of European nations purchase from them. Theres MUCH more systems they develop of course if you really wanted me to list it all this thread would be double the size it is now.
[FONT='Times New Roman']

See for Israeli developed systems and weapons. Some of them are American however any that are, usually are modified heavily such as the F-16 to the point the only thing American about it is the "look"
Myth: Israel is a desert

Truth: It depends what region of Israel your talking about. Politically Israel is a very small nation however in the south It is mainly desert, in the north and the coastal towns it’s quite nice. The media seems to think Israel and Palestine look the same, lets compare the differences.

Rafah, Palestine

Ramallah, Palestine

Tel Aviv, Israel

Israeli Nature in the North

Myth: Jews control the US and Europe, they are all in it to support Israel

Truth: There are a number of Jews involved in the government yes but not as many as everyone thinks. From all the “White Power” websites I’ve visited people seem to think George Bush and every politician is a pro Israel supporter. There are Jews that are against Israel and are out there only to benefit themselves. A large amount of Neo Nazis seem to think Liberals are in favor of Israel when it is indeed the opposite. If you’ve ever talked politics with a Liberal most will instantly bring up Israel and the “occupation” and the “security wall”. They are an enemy to Israel just like Liberal Jews are an enemy to Israel. George Bush has pushed numerous times for Israel to leave “Occupied Territories” and in exchange would send money to Israel as part of the “peace process”. Why? It benefits US interests because then the rest of the bitchy middle eastern world is happy and will lower prices per barrel for gas. It’s nothing more than propaganda about “peace process”. Israel could survive militarily on it’s own fine as it’s become a large interest in the world with various military contracts. What it relys on is natural resources which Israel would have had plenty of had the UN not forced Israel to withdraw from Sinai. Anyone remember Jimmy Carter?

Just like the White race and it’s problems with race traitors, Israel has problems with left wingers who think giving away land will create security when in reality it’s a “false sense of security”. You sympathize with the enemy then the enemy knows what works and will push for more suicide bombings hence why withdrawing from Gaza did nothing. Problems include Liberals, some extreme Ultra Orthodox Jews who feel Jews are not supposed to have a homeland until the Messiah comes, the Russians, the Filipinos that do all manual work, and the US policy bitching about Israel selling UAV’s which didn’t even have American technology in them to begin with despite the fact the US has sold Israeli weapons to Saudi Arabia and Egypt.


Myth: Israel is a racist Jewish only nation. Arabs are suffering Apartheid

Truth: There is a huge amount of different ethnicities in Israel. A large amount of the population are Russian (Not Jewish) as well as a large Arab population (not the territories) read which also has citations of sources. There are a large amount of Bedouin Arabs who voluntarily serve in the IDF as well as Druze who are classed as Arab. There is a Christian population in Israel which consists of several mosques and churches as Israel is a very secular state. I wish everyone else could practice their beliefs in a Muslim country which is under Sharia law. Try building a Church or a Synagogue and see how long you last. I’m sure you won’t enjoy paying a Kaffir tax either.

Offered arabs their own country Palestine
Evacuated from Gaza and dismantled settlements
Provided power/water
Provided jobs
Allowed Palestine to have a government (Democracy)
Allowed Palestine to have police
Allowed Palestine to have a military (limited)
Gave Palestinians weapons (The PLA gets M16’s)
Withdrew from Sinai/dismantled settlements
Respected arab religious sights including Al-Aqsa

Peace (yet to offer this)

Theres not much the Palestinians can offer Israelis, they offer them a false sense of security if they give land to the Arabs.

Do you want to know why the middle east is the way it is? Because they've never accompolished anything, the majority of the middle east are full of a bunch of religious nuts and the only reason the world gives a **** about them is because they got lucky and landed in a desert with oil. They have never accompolished anything, they have never done the world any good, they have never invented anything, they have been nothing but trouble. The world has tried to help this place and the only country that has somewhat done something is the UAE which Dubai was built by a bunch of Europeans.

The Palestinianss are a bunch of ungreatful animals who don't have any respect for anyones culture and is perhaps a group of the largest hoax in the world. None of them have any ties to the Canaanites nor can they prove it. They destroy culture and history. Anyone remember the tomb of Joseph? It was a shrine in the West Bank in Nablus. In the weeks prior to February 23, 2003 (when the incident was first reported), Palestinians returned to the site and destroyed the carved stone covering the grave.

The continued desecration of the site by Palestinians, and Israel's banning of Jews from the site is a source of ongoing frustration and increasing anger amongst Jews.

The world feels the Palestinians are some unique culture of people who had their land stolen by them by Zionists. The truth and reality of it is the only logical answer is that the Arabs in "Palestine" today are indeed Arabs from Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and all over that claim they are the original Arabs who were supposedly kicked out. In reality the Arabs that lived on the land were nomads which are called Bedouin Arabs and live in Israel today in settlements in the Negev desert in peace. The "Palestinian" description is the biggest hoax of all time. And the only claim is that their religion says they are entitled to it even though they aknowledge they weren't the original people there simply because the Jews didn't accept Allah.

The security wall, perhaps America could learn some lessons how to keep illegal immigrants out. Blame the Jews for that too though ;)
The "fence" is a grim looking structure that is part barbed wire, part electrified metal, and part high concrete wall with a watch tower and sniper positions. It is designed to keep Palestinian militants out. Israel's frontier with the West Bank is 365-kilometers long. The Government has decided to fence the whole line, but has yet to publish the exact route. About $1.5 billion has been allocated for the first two stages of the project.
  It takes different forms in different areas. There are areas of the wall that are a huge concrete wall 8 meters high. It has watchtowers every few hundred meters, very similar to the Berlin Wall. On either side of the wall they have what they call 'buffer zones' so property is destroyed if it's too close to the wall. They also have trenches and a series of military roads with barbed wire on either side of the wall.
  The Israeli Defense Ministry also wants to build a second fence on the eastern side of the West Bank, in order to sever Palestinian areas from the Jordan   River Valley. During a tour in March 2003 to inspect the construction of the fence, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon spoke of the importance of an eastern security barrier, although it still has not been fully planned or funded.
  In interim peace accords, both sides decided that the border between Israel and a future Palestinian state would be determined by negotiations. As the peace process eroded during the past several years and suicide attacks increased, talk of a security fence became more frequent. Finally, the government agreed, and construction on the first phase began in June 2001, but there had been little progress in the following six months. Officials envision that the fence will eventually run close to 200 kilometers and will cost about one-million-dollars per-kilometer to build.
  By early 2002, after more than two years of a Palestinian uprising, many Israelis felt that building a high wall between the two communities may be the only way to enhance their security. According to opinion polls, more than 70-percent of Israelis favored the idea of a security barrier to control Palestinian access to Israel.
  In June 2002 Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon approved construction of a fence between Israel and the West Bank to help stop Palestinian militants from crossing into the Jewish state. Israeli officials say the fence will run about 110-kilometers from a point northeast of Tel Aviv to south of the port city of Haifa, running roughly parallel to the Mediterranean Sea. For most of the distance the fence will run along the currently unmarked frontier, known as the Green Line, that separates Israel from the West Bank. At some points along Israel's narrow coastal strip the country is only about 15-kilometers wide. The fence is meant to separate the Palestinian-ruled towns of Jenin, Tulkarm and Qalqilya from nearby Israeli cities. Before Israel captured the West Bank during the 1967 Middle East war, there was a fence along the entire area, which was then ruled by Jordan. The new barrier will follow the old line, but at some points will veer into the West  Bank, meaning the appropriation of at least 77-square kilometers of occupied land. At least 11 Palestinian villages will end up on the Israeli side of the barrier. The fence reportedly will take about one-year to build and will cost about one-million dollars per kilometer.
  Sharon reportedly was reluctant to approve construction of the fence because many of his supporters, including Jewish settlers in the West Bank, see it as a first step in giving up parts of the Palestinian territories, which they claim for security and religious reasons. Israeli Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, who drafted the barrier plan, says he opposes any unilateral decision about borders. He supports building a fence along the entire frontier and maintaining an Israeli military presence in parts of the West Bank until both sides negotiate a permanent peace agreement.
  In March 2003 Israel prepared to extend the controversial security fence in the West Bank farther eastward, in order for it to encompass more Israeli settlements. Palestinian officials have condemned the move, saying it amounts to Israel effectively seizing more territory. The Israeli Defense Ministry confirmed that it planned to move a security barrier around the West Bank to the east. The move will mean about 40-thousand additional settlers will be on the Israeli side of the fence. Among the settlements to be included in the new course of the fence is Ariel, one of the largest in the West  Bank, with about 20,000 residents. Ariel is close to the Palestinian city of Nablus, which is regarded by the Israeli army as a stronghold of militant Palestinian groups. About 3,000 Palestinians will be also be affected by the re-alignment, which will separate them from the majority of Palestinians living on the other side of the barrier.
  As part of the "Jerusalem Defense Plan" approved in March 2003, building also has begun around three parts of the capital city, which has been the most frequent target of suicide bombers.
  Supporters of the security barrier cite Gaza as an example. Barbed wire fences have been strung along the line between the Gaza Strip and Israel, effectively cutting off infiltration by militants. The Israeli barrier, only partially completed, loosely follows the 1967 "Green Line" that separated Israel from the West Bank, but it veers deeply into occupied territory at several points to protect Jewish settlements and leaves several Palestinian villages cut off from the rest of the West Bank. Israel contends the barrier is for security only and not meant to delineate a border for a future Palestinian state, which is to be negotiated under the final stage of the "road map." Proponents say the fence is a means of addressing Israel's security needs if there is not cooperation from the Palestinian leadership itself.
  Robert Satloff, director of policy at the Washington Institute for Middle East Policy, wrote in the July 24, 2003 Baltimore Sun that "more than the road map … the fence stands a good chance of transforming the political landscape between Israelis and Palestinians." Mr. Satloff says that the fence is "not, as some have characterized it, a Middle East version of the Berlin Wall." The Berlin Wall separated "one people Germans from Germans, denying freedom to half. Israel's security fence will separate two peoples, Israelis and Palestinians, offering the prospect of security to both." But most important, Mr. Satloff says, the fence has the prospect of producing what he calls a "rare political hat trick." Namely, reducing terrorism against Israel, raising the Palestinians' "incentive to fight terror themselves," and fueling an "internal Israeli debate" about settlements.
  There is also opposition to the fence. Some Israelis fear that it will become a de-facto border and will leave a number of settlements on the "wrong" side, well inside Palestinian territory.
  In February 2004 Israel decided to shorten its controversial West Bank security barrier in the hope of easing hardships on Palestinians. Observers said that the move was intended to win world support as the project comes before the International Court of Justice. Israel cut the length of its security barrier by moving it westward and reducing the number of Palestinian areas encircled by the project. The changes meant the final route of the barrier will be 600 kilometers, about 100 less than under the plan originally approved by the Israeli cabinet.
  American Perspective
  In a 30 July 2003 interview with Reuters, Secretary of State Colin Powell expressed concerns over Israel's efforts to build a fence that could impact Palestinian efforts to establish a state. President Bush, Powell said, has "concerns" about the fence. "He has a problem with the fence, as he said to the Prime Minister [Ariel Sharon], if the fence is constructed in a way or continues to be constructed in a way that takes additional Palestinian land and sort of prejudges what might be left for a Palestinian state, or if it complicates our discussions going forward," Powell said.
  In the press conference following the meeting between President Bush and Prime Minister Abbas, the President said he thinks the "wall is a problem," and he has discussed the matter with Prime Minister Sharon. "It is very difficult to develop confidence between the Palestinians and Israel with a wall snaking through the West Bank. And I will continue to discuss this issue very clearly with the Prime Minister. As I said in my statement today, he has issued a statement saying that he is willing to come and discuss that with us."
  In August 2003 the Bush administration was reported to be looking for ways to press Israel to halt construction of the fence, and that one option was reducing the nine billion dollar loan package approved by Congress for Israel earlier this year to help it cope with the economic effects of the Iraq war. At a news briefing, State Department spokesman Philip Reeker reiterated US concern about the fence project and said administration officials are pleased that Israeli officials have said they are taking US concerns into account. As to the loan package, he noted that the relevant legislation already provides for deductions for Israeli settlement activity and acknowledged that linking US loans to the fence project was under discussion. Secretary of State Colin Powell said a nation is within its rights to build a border fence. But he said when a fence "crosses over onto the land of others," and is built in a way which makes it more difficult to move forward on the "road map" to Middle East peace, this as he put it, "causes us a problem."
  Palestinian Perspective
  At its most basic level, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict remains a dispute about land. Accordingly, the issue of territory is a central focus of permanent status negotiations between the PLO and Israel, implicating almost all of the other issues on the agenda. The Palestinian position regarding the issue of borders is simple: the international borders between the states of Palestine and Israel shall be the armistice cease-fire lines in effect on June 4, 1967. United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 emphasizes the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war and calls for the withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the 1967 war.
  Palestinians describe the fence as another Berlin Wall that turns Palestinian areas into giant prison camps. Palestinians say proof that the fence is just an Israeli land grab is clear in its proposed location, which is not exactly along the Green Line. Israel is swinging the fence around some West Bank settlements and other areas the Israeli army wants to patrol. Israel says both sides will have to yield some territory for the barrier. But Palestinians look at the proposed location and see too many areas where they are ceding large tracts of land. Some Palestinian farmers say the fence will block them from moving between the villages where they live and the fields they work. Palestinians say the wall is being built in such a way as to divide Palestinian population centers from their adjacent agricultural and water resources.
  Phase one of the Roadmap calls for the Government of Israel to freeze all settlement activity including natural growth. The Palestinians say that both settlements and the wall must be stopped if a Palestinian sovereign state is to be realized. The settlements are the picture and the wall serves to frame the picture. Even if the Israeli PM were to freeze settlement growth, the PNA argues that he would still be able to continue de facto territorial annexation by building the frame with continued construction, i.e. building a frame around the pictures, that Sharon can later fill in through resumed settlement expansion at a later date. Similarly, if Sharon stops the wall but continues settlement expansion, he would continue to expand settlements, i.e., create the picture, and would subsequently frame it later by resuming construction of the wall.
  Phase two of the Roadmap calls for enhancing Palestinian maximum territorial contiguity. The wall and settlements will prevent the establishment of a viable Palestinian state with territorial contiguity. The wall and settlements are creating cantons and enclaves. Ariel Sharon says that he is meeting the Roadmap requirements of providing Palestinians territorial contiguity because he will construct roads or tunnels that would link the cantons. This is not contiguity, and it is not acceptable to the Palestinians. Take one example of the effect on the economy. The towns of Bidya and Salfit are 10 kilometer distant without the wall and settlements. With the wall and settlements, and the road used to establish contiguity, the journey becomes 80 kilometers.
  Sharon has indicated he would make concessions and evacuate some settlements. Recently, a list of 17 settlements to be evacuated was published in Israeli press. These settlements are smaller, isolated ones. While their removal will in essence makes things a bit less crowded, it will not address the lack of territorial contiguity created by the wall and settlements.
  Qalqiliya [Kalkiliya], with a population of approximately 40,000 has been enclosed on three sides by the wall; the only exit is a gate controlled by the Israeli army to the immediate east of Kalkiliya, the bottle shaped area. The effect of enclosing Kalkiya by the wall and the gate has been devastating. Unemployment in Kalkiliya is approximately 80%; approximately 1/3 of its businesses/shops have closed (600 out of 1800); and approximately 8000 people have left. Moreover, as a result of the Israeli roadblocks and closures of villages and the wall, Israel has severed access by the surrounding villages to Kalkiliya, creating instead islands cantons, as shown on the map by areas such as Habla, Ras Atiya, Izbat, Azzun Atma,). As a result, Palestinians from the villages are denied access to necessary health, education, and other social services. The settler by-pass roads are also causing the same effect of cantonization and isolation.
  International Court of Justice Ruling
  On July 9, 2004 the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the judicial branch of the United Nations, issued its Advisory Opinion on the case addressing the Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. By a vote fourteen to one, the ICJ found that the wall under construction by Israel in occupied Palestinian territory is contrary to international law. Moreover, the ICJ stated that Israel is "under an obligation to cease forthwith the works of construction of the wall" and "make reparation for all damage caused by the construction of the wall in the Occupied  Palestinian Territory".
  The Advisory Opinion was requested by the United Nation's General Assembly who wanted advice on the legality of the situation. The Advisory Opinion is based on the principles outlined in the UN Charter which prohibit "the threat or use of force and the illegality of any territorial acquisition by such means, as reflected in customary international law" and uphold the right of self-determination.
  Secretary-General Kofi Annan fowarded the ICJ's opinion to the General Assembly. The General Assembly along with the Security Council will take the necessary steps "to bring to an end the illegal situation resulting from the construction of the wall."
  Israeli Reaction
  Israel rejected the July 9th Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice. A spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry stated that the international court had no authority over the matter and that the dispute should be handle bilaterally. As a result, he stated, Israel will not act on the ruling of the ICJ.
  Prime Minister Ariel Sharon also confirmed that wall construction will continue. He stated that, "the decision sends a destructive message to encourage terrorism, and denounces countries that are defending themselves against it.”
  Destruction of Palestinian homes, the only homes destroyed are family members related to the terrorist. The practice is done to discourage terrorism and it is very effective. It makes a terrorist think twice before they are about to go blow themselves up for some fake cause because they will know their family will suffer as a result. Unfortunately political correctness tells people this is wrong.

Regarding Russians who forged papers to get out of the Soviet Union and come to Israel. They are a problem, they are equivalent to the Mexicans in the US and come to Israel illegally. Just like Mexicans the Russians brought all their problems over to Israel including prostitution and the illegal porn rings and a mafia type of mentality. They have also infected Israel with the “Communism” bug (oh yeah I forgot Jews are responsible for that too). To top it off, they generally have a very arrogant attitude and are some of the nastiest people I have met.

Myth: Israel are war criminals, they kill Palestinians that only have rocks

Truth: To understand the story perhaps you should realize that the media exaggerates quite a bit about Palestinians being the poor victim.

In Gaza

We’ve heard the countless stories of kids with rocks. If someone is throwing rocks at me damn straight I’m going to shoot them. The PLA receives M-16’s from the IDF which was supposed to be the police force/military for Palestine as Sharon WAS pushing for some sort of Palestinian state to make the US happy, much like the US is trying to establish a new Iraqi military. They cannot be trusted and many of the arms are smuggled to Hamas terrorists. The other arms such as the AK47’s are smuggled in from the Rafah/Egyptian border. Sorry to say, while some people may think using an F-16 in Gaza is unfair, it’s better than sending in Israeli soldiers to destroy a terrorist training camp or headquarters in Gaza.

Regarding Palestinian Hoaxes

Muhamad Al Durah hoax for Israeli developed systems and weapons. Some of them are American however any that are, usually are modified heavily such as the F-16 to the point the only thing American about it is the "look"
Myth: Israel is a desert

Truth: It depends what region of Israel your talking about. Politically Israel is a very small nation however in the south It is mainly desert, in the north and the coastal towns it’s quite nice. The media seems to think Israel and Palestine look the same, lets compare the differences.

Rafah, Palestine

Ramallah, Palestine

Tel Aviv, Israel

Israeli Nature in the North

Myth: Jews control the US and Europe, they are all in it to support Israel

Truth: There are a number of Jews involved in the government yes but not as many as everyone thinks. From all the “White Power” websites I’ve visited people seem to think George Bush and every politician is a pro Israel supporter. There are Jews that are against Israel and are out there only to benefit themselves. A large amount of Neo Nazis seem to think Liberals are in favor of Israel when it is indeed the opposite. If you’ve ever talked politics with a Liberal most will instantly bring up Israel and the “occupation” and the “security wall”. They are an enemy to Israel just like Liberal Jews are an enemy to Israel. George Bush has pushed numerous times for Israel to leave “Occupied Territories” and in exchange would send money to Israel as part of the “peace process”. Why? It benefits US interests because then the rest of the bitchy middle eastern world is happy and will lower prices per barrel for gas. It’s nothing more than propaganda about “peace process”. Israel could survive militarily on it’s own fine as it’s become a large interest in the world with various military contracts. What it relys on is natural resources which Israel would have had plenty of had the UN not forced Israel to withdraw from Sinai. Anyone remember Jimmy Carter?

Just like the White race and it’s problems with race traitors, Israel has problems with left wingers who think giving away land will create security when in reality it’s a “false sense of security”. You sympathize with the enemy then the enemy knows what works and will push for more suicide bombings hence why withdrawing from Gaza did nothing. Problems include Liberals, some extreme Ultra Orthodox Jews who feel Jews are not supposed to have a homeland until the Messiah comes, the Russians, the Filipinos that do all manual work, and the US policy bitching about Israel selling UAV’s which didn’t even have American technology in them to begin with despite the fact the US has sold Israeli weapons to Saudi Arabia and Egypt.


Myth: Israel is a racist Jewish only nation. Arabs are suffering Apartheid

Truth: There is a huge amount of different ethnicities in Israel. A large amount of the population are Russian (Not Jewish) as well as a large Arab population (not the territories) read which also has citations of sources. There are a large amount of Bedouin Arabs who voluntarily serve in the IDF as well as Druze who are classed as Arab. There is a Christian population in Israel which consists of several mosques and churches as Israel is a very secular state. I wish everyone else could practice their beliefs in a Muslim country which is under Sharia law. Try building a Church or a Synagogue and see how long you last. I’m sure you won’t enjoy paying a Kaffir tax either.

Offered arabs their own country Palestine
Evacuated from Gaza and dismantled settlements
Provided power/water
Provided jobs
Allowed Palestine to have a government (Democracy)
Allowed Palestine to have police
Allowed Palestine to have a military (limited)
Gave Palestinians weapons (The PLA gets M16’s)
Withdrew from Sinai/dismantled settlements
Respected arab religious sights including Al-Aqsa

Peace (yet to offer this)

Theres not much the Palestinians can offer Israelis, they offer them a false sense of security if they give land to the Arabs.

Do you want to know why the middle east is the way it is? Because they've never accompolished anything, the majority of the middle east are full of a bunch of religious nuts and the only reason the world gives a **** about them is because they got lucky and landed in a desert with oil. They have never accompolished anything, they have never done the world any good, they have never invented anything, they have been nothing but trouble. The world has tried to help this place and the only country that has somewhat done something is the UAE which Dubai was built by a bunch of Europeans.

The Palestinianss are a bunch of ungreatful animals who don't have any respect for anyones culture and is perhaps a group of the largest hoax in the world. None of them have any ties to the Canaanites nor can they prove it. They destroy culture and history. Anyone remember the tomb of Joseph? It was a shrine in the West Bank in Nablus. In the weeks prior to February 23, 2003 (when the incident was first reported), Palestinians returned to the site and destroyed the carved stone covering the grave.

The continued desecration of the site by Palestinians, and Israel's banning of Jews from the site is a source of ongoing frustration and increasing anger amongst Jews.

The world feels the Palestinians are some unique culture of people who had their land stolen by them by Zionists. The truth and reality of it is the only logical answer is that the Arabs in "Palestine" today are indeed Arabs from Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and all over that claim they are the original Arabs who were supposedly kicked out. In reality the Arabs that lived on the land were nomads which are called Bedouin Arabs and live in Israel today in settlements in the Negev desert in peace. The "Palestinian" description is the biggest hoax of all time. And the only claim is that their religion says they are entitled to it even though they aknowledge they weren't the original people there simply because the Jews didn't accept Allah.

The security wall, perhaps America could learn some lessons how to keep illegal immigrants out. Blame the Jews for that too though ;)
The "fence" is a grim looking structure that is part barbed wire, part electrified metal, and part high concrete wall with a watch tower and sniper positions. It is designed to keep Palestinian militants out. Israel's frontier with the West Bank is 365-kilometers long. The Government has decided to fence the whole line, but has yet to publish the exact route. About $1.5 billion has been allocated for the first two stages of the project.
  It takes different forms in different areas. There are areas of the wall that are a huge concrete wall 8 meters high. It has watchtowers every few hundred meters, very similar to the Berlin Wall. On either side of the wall they have what they call 'buffer zones' so property is destroyed if it's too close to the wall. They also have trenches and a series of military roads with barbed wire on either side of the wall.
  The Israeli Defense Ministry also wants to build a second fence on the eastern side of the West Bank, in order to sever Palestinian areas from the Jordan   River Valley. During a tour in March 2003 to inspect the construction of the fence, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon spoke of the importance of an eastern security barrier, although it still has not been fully planned or funded.
  In interim peace accords, both sides decided that the border between Israel and a future Palestinian state would be determined by negotiations. As the peace process eroded during the past several years and suicide attacks increased, talk of a security fence became more frequent. Finally, the government agreed, and construction on the first phase began in June 2001, but there had been little progress in the following six months. Officials envision that the fence will eventually run close to 200 kilometers and will cost about one-million-dollars per-kilometer to build.
  By early 2002, after more than two years of a Palestinian uprising, many Israelis felt that building a high wall between the two communities may be the only way to enhance their security. According to opinion polls, more than 70-percent of Israelis favored the idea of a security barrier to control Palestinian access to Israel.
  In June 2002 Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon approved construction of a fence between Israel and the West Bank to help stop Palestinian militants from crossing into the Jewish state. Israeli officials say the fence will run about 110-kilometers from a point northeast of Tel Aviv to south of the port city of Haifa, running roughly parallel to the Mediterranean Sea. For most of the distance the fence will run along the currently unmarked frontier, known as the Green Line, that separates Israel from the West Bank. At some points along Israel's narrow coastal strip the country is only about 15-kilometers wide. The fence is meant to separate the Palestinian-ruled towns of Jenin, Tulkarm and Qalqilya from nearby Israeli cities. Before Israel captured the West Bank during the 1967 Middle East war, there was a fence along the entire area, which was then ruled by Jordan. The new barrier will follow the old line, but at some points will veer into the West  Bank, meaning the appropriation of at least 77-square kilometers of occupied land. At least 11 Palestinian villages will end up on the Israeli side of the barrier. The fence reportedly will take about one-year to build and will cost about one-million dollars per kilometer.
  Sharon reportedly was reluctant to approve construction of the fence because many of his supporters, including Jewish settlers in the West Bank, see it as a first step in giving up parts of the Palestinian territories, which they claim for security and religious reasons. Israeli Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, who drafted the barrier plan, says he opposes any unilateral decision about borders. He supports building a fence along the entire frontier and maintaining an Israeli military presence in parts of the West Bank until both sides negotiate a permanent peace agreement.
  In March 2003 Israel prepared to extend the controversial security fence in the West Bank farther eastward, in order for it to encompass more Israeli settlements. Palestinian officials have condemned the move, saying it amounts to Israel effectively seizing more territory. The Israeli Defense Ministry confirmed that it planned to move a security barrier around the West Bank to the east. The move will mean about 40-thousand additional settlers will be on the Israeli side of the fence. Among the settlements to be included in the new course of the fence is Ariel, one of the largest in the West  Bank, with about 20,000 residents. Ariel is close to the Palestinian city of Nablus, which is regarded by the Israeli army as a stronghold of militant Palestinian groups. About 3,000 Palestinians will be also be affected by the re-alignment, which will separate them from the majority of Palestinians living on the other side of the barrier.
  As part of the "Jerusalem Defense Plan" approved in March 2003, building also has begun around three parts of the capital city, which has been the most frequent target of suicide bombers.
  Supporters of the security barrier cite Gaza as an example. Barbed wire fences have been strung along the line between the Gaza Strip and Israel, effectively cutting off infiltration by militants. The Israeli barrier, only partially completed, loosely follows the 1967 "Green Line" that separated Israel from the West Bank, but it veers deeply into occupied territory at several points to protect Jewish settlements and leaves several Palestinian villages cut off from the rest of the West Bank. Israel contends the barrier is for security only and not meant to delineate a border for a future Palestinian state, which is to be negotiated under the final stage of the "road map." Proponents say the fence is a means of addressing Israel's security needs if there is not cooperation from the Palestinian leadership itself.
  Robert Satloff, director of policy at the Washington Institute for Middle East Policy, wrote in the July 24, 2003 Baltimore Sun that "more than the road map … the fence stands a good chance of transforming the political landscape between Israelis and Palestinians." Mr. Satloff says that the fence is "not, as some have characterized it, a Middle East version of the Berlin Wall." The Berlin Wall separated "one people Germans from Germans, denying freedom to half. Israel's security fence will separate two peoples, Israelis and Palestinians, offering the prospect of security to both." But most important, Mr. Satloff says, the fence has the prospect of producing what he calls a "rare political hat trick." Namely, reducing terrorism against Israel, raising the Palestinians' "incentive to fight terror themselves," and fueling an "internal Israeli debate" about settlements.
  There is also opposition to the fence. Some Israelis fear that it will become a de-facto border and will leave a number of settlements on the "wrong" side, well inside Palestinian territory.
  In February 2004 Israel decided to shorten its controversial West Bank security barrier in the hope of easing hardships on Palestinians. Observers said that the move was intended to win world support as the project comes before the International Court of Justice. Israel cut the length of its security barrier by moving it westward and reducing the number of Palestinian areas encircled by the project. The changes meant the final route of the barrier will be 600 kilometers, about 100 less than under the plan originally approved by the Israeli cabinet.
  American Perspective
  In a 30 July 2003 interview with Reuters, Secretary of State Colin Powell expressed concerns over Israel's efforts to build a fence that could impact Palestinian efforts to establish a state. President Bush, Powell said, has "concerns" about the fence. "He has a problem with the fence, as he said to the Prime Minister [Ariel Sharon], if the fence is constructed in a way or continues to be constructed in a way that takes additional Palestinian land and sort of prejudges what might be left for a Palestinian state, or if it complicates our discussions going forward," Powell said.
  In the press conference following the meeting between President Bush and Prime Minister Abbas, the President said he thinks the "wall is a problem," and he has discussed the matter with Prime Minister Sharon. "It is very difficult to develop confidence between the Palestinians and Israel with a wall snaking through the West Bank. And I will continue to discuss this issue very clearly with the Prime Minister. As I said in my statement today, he has issued a statement saying that he is willing to come and discuss that with us."
  In August 2003 the Bush administration was reported to be looking for ways to press Israel to halt construction of the fence, and that one option was reducing the nine billion dollar loan package approved by Congress for Israel earlier this year to help it cope with the economic effects of the Iraq war. At a news briefing, State Department spokesman Philip Reeker reiterated US concern about the fence project and said administration officials are pleased that Israeli officials have said they are taking US concerns into account. As to the loan package, he noted that the relevant legislation already provides for deductions for Israeli settlement activity and acknowledged that linking US loans to the fence project was under discussion. Secretary of State Colin Powell said a nation is within its rights to build a border fence. But he said when a fence "crosses over onto the land of others," and is built in a way which makes it more difficult to move forward on the "road map" to Middle East peace, this as he put it, "causes us a problem."
  Palestinian Perspective
  At its most basic level, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict remains a dispute about land. Accordingly, the issue of territory is a central focus of permanent status negotiations between the PLO and Israel, implicating almost all of the other issues on the agenda. The Palestinian position regarding the issue of borders is simple: the international borders between the states of Palestine and Israel shall be the armistice cease-fire lines in effect on June 4, 1967. United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 emphasizes the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war and calls for the withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the 1967 war.
  Palestinians describe the fence as another Berlin Wall that turns Palestinian areas into giant prison camps. Palestinians say proof that the fence is just an Israeli land grab is clear in its proposed location, which is not exactly along the Green Line. Israel is swinging the fence around some West Bank settlements and other areas the Israeli army wants to patrol. Israel says both sides will have to yield some territory for the barrier. But Palestinians look at the proposed location and see too many areas where they are ceding large tracts of land. Some Palestinian farmers say the fence will block them from moving between the villages where they live and the fields they work. Palestinians say the wall is being built in such a way as to divide Palestinian population centers from their adjacent agricultural and water resources.
  Phase one of the Roadmap calls for the Government of Israel to freeze all settlement activity including natural growth. The Palestinians say that both settlements and the wall must be stopped if a Palestinian sovereign state is to be realized. The settlements are the picture and the wall serves to frame the picture. Even if the Israeli PM were to freeze settlement growth, the PNA argues that he would still be able to continue de facto territorial annexation by building the frame with continued construction, i.e. building a frame around the pictures, that Sharon can later fill in through resumed settlement expansion at a later date. Similarly, if Sharon stops the wall but continues settlement expansion, he would continue to expand settlements, i.e., create the picture, and would subsequently frame it later by resuming construction of the wall.
  Phase two of the Roadmap calls for enhancing Palestinian maximum territorial contiguity. The wall and settlements will prevent the establishment of a viable Palestinian state with territorial contiguity. The wall and settlements are creating cantons and enclaves. Ariel Sharon says that he is meeting the Roadmap requirements of providing Palestinians territorial contiguity because he will construct roads or tunnels that would link the cantons. This is not contiguity, and it is not acceptable to the Palestinians. Take one example of the effect on the economy. The towns of Bidya and Salfit are 10 kilometer distant without the wall and settlements. With the wall and settlements, and the road used to establish contiguity, the journey becomes 80 kilometers.
  Sharon has indicated he would make concessions and evacuate some settlements. Recently, a list of 17 settlements to be evacuated was published in Israeli press. These settlements are smaller, isolated ones. While their removal will in essence makes things a bit less crowded, it will not address the lack of territorial contiguity created by the wall and settlements.
  Qalqiliya [Kalkiliya], with a population of approximately 40,000 has been enclosed on three sides by the wall; the only exit is a gate controlled by the Israeli army to the immediate east of Kalkiliya, the bottle shaped area. The effect of enclosing Kalkiya by the wall and the gate has been devastating. Unemployment in Kalkiliya is approximately 80%; approximately 1/3 of its businesses/shops have closed (600 out of 1800); and approximately 8000 people have left. Moreover, as a result of the Israeli roadblocks and closures of villages and the wall, Israel has severed access by the surrounding villages to Kalkiliya, creating instead islands cantons, as shown on the map by areas such as Habla, Ras Atiya, Izbat, Azzun Atma,). As a result, Palestinians from the villages are denied access to necessary health, education, and other social services. The settler by-pass roads are also causing the same effect of cantonization and isolation.
  International Court of Justice Ruling
  On July 9, 2004 the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the judicial branch of the United Nations, issued its Advisory Opinion on the case addressing the Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. By a vote fourteen to one, the ICJ found that the wall under construction by Israel in occupied Palestinian territory is contrary to international law. Moreover, the ICJ stated that Israel is "under an obligation to cease forthwith the works of construction of the wall" and "make reparation for all damage caused by the construction of the wall in the Occupied  Palestinian Territory".
  The Advisory Opinion was requested by the United Nation's General Assembly who wanted advice on the legality of the situation. The Advisory Opinion is based on the principles outlined in the UN Charter which prohibit "the threat or use of force and the illegality of any territorial acquisition by such means, as reflected in customary international law" and uphold the right of self-determination.
  Secretary-General Kofi Annan fowarded the ICJ's opinion to the General Assembly. The General Assembly along with the Security Council will take the necessary steps "to bring to an end the illegal situation resulting from the construction of the wall."
  Israeli Reaction
  Israel rejected the July 9th Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice. A spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry stated that the international court had no authority over the matter and that the dispute should be handle bilaterally. As a result, he stated, Israel will not act on the ruling of the ICJ.
  Prime Minister Ariel Sharon also confirmed that wall construction will continue. He stated that, "the decision sends a destructive message to encourage terrorism, and denounces countries that are defending themselves against it.”
  Destruction of Palestinian homes, the only homes destroyed are family members related to the terrorist. The practice is done to discourage terrorism and it is very effective. It makes a terrorist think twice before they are about to go blow themselves up for some fake cause because they will know their family will suffer as a result. Unfortunately political correctness tells people this is wrong.

Regarding Russians who forged papers to get out of the Soviet Union and come to Israel. They are a problem, they are equivalent to the Mexicans in the US and come to Israel illegally. Just like Mexicans the Russians brought all their problems over to Israel including prostitution and the illegal porn rings and a mafia type of mentality. They have also infected Israel with the “Communism” bug (oh yeah I forgot Jews are responsible for that too). To top it off, they generally have a very arrogant attitude and are some of the nastiest people I have met.

Myth: Israel are war criminals, they kill Palestinians that only have rocks

Truth: To understand the story perhaps you should realize that the media exaggerates quite a bit about Palestinians being the poor victim.

In Gaza

We’ve heard the countless stories of kids with rocks. If someone is throwing rocks at me damn straight I’m going to shoot them. The PLA receives M-16’s from the IDF which was supposed to be the police force/military for Palestine as Sharon WAS pushing for some sort of Palestinian state to make the US happy, much like the US is trying to establish a new Iraqi military. They cannot be trusted and many of the arms are smuggled to Hamas terrorists. The other arms such as the AK47’s are smuggled in from the Rafah/Egyptian border. Sorry to say, while some people may think using an F-16 in Gaza is unfair, it’s better than sending in Israeli soldiers to destroy a terrorist training camp or headquarters in Gaza.

Regarding Palestinian Hoaxes

Muhamad Al Durah hoax

Myth: Israel has done nothing for the world.

Truth: Stop using this forum then seeing as PHP was pretty much invented in Israel
Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans, two Israeli developers at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, rewrote the parser in 1997 and formed the base of PHP 3, changing the language's name to the recursive initialism "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor". The development team officially released PHP/FI 2 in November 1997 after months of beta testing. Public testing of PHP 3 began immediately and the official launch came in June 1998. Suraski and Gutmans then started a new rewrite of PHP's core, producing the Zend engine in 1999.[1] They also founded Zend Technologies in Ramat Gan, Israel, which is actively involved with PHP development

1)-The Pentium MMX Chip technology was designed in Israel at Intel. Both the Pentium-4 microprocessor and the Centrino processor were entirely designed, developed and produced in Israel.

2)-The qualcomm voice codec chip for CDMA cell phones

3)-Did I mention Einstein?

4)-the bagel


6)-the neutron bomb (By Samuel Cohen)

7)-the majority of pharmaceutical drugs

8)-The Einstein Refridgerator

9)-Voice mail technology was developed in Israel

10)-The technology for the AOL Instant Messenger ICQ was developed in 1996 by four young Israelis.

11)-According to industry officials, Israel designed the airline industry's most impenetrable flight security. U. S.officials now look to Israel for advice on how to handle airborne security threats.

12)-Outside the United States and Canada, Israel has the largest number of NASDAQ listed companies.

13)-On a per capita basis, Israel has the largest number of biotech startups.

14)-Israel has the third highest rate of entrepreneurship -- and the highest rate among women and among people over 55 - in the world.

15)-The desertfication program (turning desert into green land)

16)-Medicine... Israeli scientists developed the first fully computerized, no-radiation, diagnostic instrumentation for breast cancer.

17)-An Israeli company developed a computerized system for ensuring proper administration of medications, thus removing human error from medical treatment. Every year in U.   S. hospitals 7,000 patients die from treatment mistakes.

18)-Israel's Givun imaging developed the first ingestible video camera, so small it fits inside a pill. Used to view the small intestine from the inside, the camera helps doctors diagnose cancer and digestive disorders.

19)-Researchers in Israel developed a new device that directly helps the heart pump blood, an innovation with the potential to save lives among those with heart failure. The new device is synchronized with the heart's mechanical operations through a sophisticated system of sensors.

20)-Israel leads the world in the number of scientists and technicians in the workforce, with 145 per 10,000, as opposed to 85 in the U.S., over 70 in Japan, and less than 60 in Germany. With over 25% of its work force employed in technical professions. Israel places first in this category as well.

21)-A new acne treatment developed in Israel, the ClearLight device, produces a high-intensity, ultraviolet-light-free, narrow-band blue light that causes acne bacteria to self-destruct -- all without damaging surroundings skin or tissue.

22)-An Israeli company was the first to develop and install a large-scale solar-powered and fully functional electricity generating plant, in southern California's Mojave desert.

23)-All the above while engaged in regular wars with an implacable enemy that seeks its destruction, and an economy continuously under strain by having to spend more per capita on its own protection than any other country on earth

Might want to stop using computers as well[/COLOR]
John von Neumann (Neumann János) (December 28, 1903 – February 8, 1957) was a Hungarian mathematician and polymath of Jewish ancestry who made important contributions in quantum physics, functional analysis, set theory, economics, computer science, numerical analysis, hydrodynamics (of explosions), statistics and many other mathematical fields.

Most notably, von Neumann was a pioneer of the modern digital computer and the application of operator theory to quantum mechanics (see Von Neumann algebra), a member of the Manhattan Project Team, and creator of game theory and the concept of cellular automata. Along with Edward Teller and Stanislaw Ulam, von Neumann worked out key steps in the nuclear physics involved in thermonuclear reactions and the hydrogen bomb.

Regarding medical advancement in the world

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Israel: Myths and Truths
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2008, 01:38:58 PM »
Myth: Israels economy is doing very poor

Truth: And the US’s isn’t? Seriously now the US has borrowed countless money from China, technically we’re all borrowing money from each other at some point. Here is some information regarding Israels economy
Israel has a diversified modern economy with substantial government ownership and a rapidly developing high-tech sector. Poor in natural resources, Israel depends on imports of petroleum, coal, food, uncut diamonds, other production inputs, and military equipment. It also has received substantial direct economic aid from the United States, including approximately $1.2 billion per year since the mid-1970's, although that regular annual amount has been being tapered off by $120 million per year beginning in 1998. Israel's GDP in 2004 reached $145 billion, about $20 thousand per person. The major industrial sectors include metal products, electronic and biomedical equipment, processed foods, chemicals, and transport equipment. Israel possesses a substantial service sector and the Israel diamond industry is one of the world's centers for diamond cutting and polishing. It is also a world leader in software development and is a major tourist destination. Tel Aviv was named by Newsweek as one of the ten most technologically influential cities in the world

Israel's strong commitment to economic development and its talented work force led to economic growth rates during the nation's first two decades that frequently exceeded 10% annually. The years after the 1973 Yom Kippur War were a lost decade economically, as growth stalled and inflation reached triple-digit levels. Also worthy of mention is the 1983 Bank stock crisis. The successful economic stabilization plan implemented in 1985 and the subsequent introduction of market-oriented structural reforms reinvigorated the economy and paved the way for its rapid growth in the 1990s.
  Two developments have helped to transform Israel's economy since the beginning of the decade. The first is waves of Jewish immigration, predominantly from the countries of the former USSR, that has brought over one million of new citizens to Israel. These new immigrants, many of them highly educated, now constitute some 16% of Israel's 6.5 million population. Their successful absorption into Israeli society and its labor force forms a remarkable chapter in Israeli history. The skills brought by the new immigrants and their added demand as consumers have given the Israeli economy a strong upward push.
  The second development benefiting the Israeli economy is the peace process begun at the Madrid conference of October 1991, which led to the signing of accords between Israel and the Palestinians (1993) and a peace treaty between Israel and Jordan (1994). The peace process has helped to ease Israel's economic isolation from its neighbors and has begun a process of regional economic integration that may help to stabilize the region. It has also opened up new markets to Israeli exporters farther afield, such as in the rapidly growing countries of East Asia. The peace process has stimulated an unprecedented inflow of foreign investment in Israel, as companies that formerly shunned the Israeli market now see its potential contribution to their global strategies.
  Israeli companies, particularly in the high-tech area, have recently enjoyed considerable success raising money on Wall Street and other world financial markets; Israel now ranks second among foreign countries in the number of its companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges.
  The United States is Israel's largest trading partner; two-way trade totaled some $12.6 billion in 1997. The principal U.S. exports to Israel include computers, integrated circuits, aircraft parts and other defense equipment, wheat, and automobiles. Israel's chief exports to the U.S. include cut diamonds, jewelry, integrated circuits, printing machinery, and telecommunications equipment. The two countries signed a free trade agreement (FTA) in 1985 that progressively eliminated tariffs on most goods traded between the two countries over the following ten years. An agricultural trade accord was signed in November 1996, which addressed the remaining goods not covered in the FTA. Some non-tariff barriers and tariffs on goods remain, however. Israel also has trade and cooperation agreements in place with the European Union and Canada, and is seeking to conclude such agreements with a number of other countries, including Turkey, Jordan and several countries in Eastern Europe.
  Until the last decade, Israel's trade with the Arab world was minimal due to the Arab League boycott. Beginning in 1945, Arab nations not only refused to have direct trade with Israel (the primary boycott), but they also refused to do business with any corporation that operated in Israel, or any corporation that did business with a corporation that did business with Israel (the secondary and tertiary boycotts).
  Israel is one of the world's major exporters of military equipment, accounting for 10% of the world total in 2003.

  The following statistics are from the CIA World Factbook[2]:
  GDP: purchasing power parity - $154.5 billion (2005 est.)
  GDP - real growth rate: 5.2% (2005 est.)
  GDP - per capita: purchasing power parity - $24,600(2005 est.)
  GDP - composition by sector: agriculture: 2.8% industry: 31.7% services: 65.7% (2003 est.)
  Investment (gross fixed): 17.5% of GDP (2005 est.)
  Population below poverty line: 21% (2005 est.)
  Household income or consumption by percentage share: lowest 10%: 2.4% highest 10%: 28.3% (1997)
  Distribution of family income - Gini index: 34 (2005)
  Inflation rate (consumer prices): 1.3% (2005 est.)
  Labor force: 2.42 million (2005 est.)
  Labor force - by occupation: agriculture, forestry, and fishing 2.6%, manufacturing 20.2%, construction 7.5%, commerce 12.8%, transport, storage, and communications 6.2%, finance and business 13.1%, personal and other services 6.4%, public services 31.2% (1996)
  Unemployment rate: 9% (2005 est.)
  Budget: revenues: $43.82 billion expenditures: $58.04 billion, including capital expenditures of NA (2006 est.)
  Public debt: 99.7% of GDP (2005 est.)
  Agriculture - products: citrus, vegetables, cotton; beef, poultry, dairy products
  Industries: high-technology projects (including aviation, communications, computer-aided design and manufactures, medical electronics, fiber optics), wood and paper products, potash and phosphates, food, beverages, and tobacco, caustic soda, cement, construction, metals products, chemical products, plastics, diamond cutting, textiles and footwear
  Industrial production growth rate: 4.8% (2005 est.)
  Electricity - production: 44.24 billion kWh (2003)
  Electricity - consumption: 39.67 billion kWh (2003)
  Electricity - exports: 1.47 billion kWh (2003)
  Electricity - imports: 0 kWh (2003)
  Oil - production: 2,740 bbl/day (2003 est.)
  Oil - consumption: 270,100 bbl/day (2003 est.)
  Oil - exports: NA (2001)
  Oil - imports: NA (2001)
  Oil - proved reserves: 1.92 million barrels (305,000 m³) 1 January 2002
  Natural gas - production: 200 million m³ (2003 est.)
  Natural gas - consumption: 200 million m³ (2003 est.)
  Natural gas - exports: 0 m³ (2001 est.)
  Natural gas - imports: 0 m³ (2001 est.)
  Natural gas - proved reserves: 38.94 km³ (1 January 2002)
  Current account balance: $500 million (2005 est.)
  Exports: $40.14 billion f.o.b. (2005 est.)
  Exports - commodities: machinery and equipment, software, cut diamonds, agricultural products, chemicals, textiles and apparel, military equipment
  Exports - partners: US 36.8%, Belgium 7.5%, Hong Kong 4.9% (2004)
  Imports: $43.19 billion f.o.b. (2005 est.)
  Imports - commodities: raw materials, military equipment, investment goods, rough diamonds, fuels, grain, consumer goods
  Imports - partners: US 15%, Belgium 10.1%, Germany 7.5%, UK 6.1%, Switzerland 6.5% (2004)
  Reserves of foreign exchange & gold: $29.69 billion (2005 est.)
  Debt - external: $73.87 billion (30 June 2005 est.)
  Economic aid - recipient: $662 million from US (2003 est.)
  Currency: new Israeli shekel (ILS); note - NIS is the currency abbreviation; ILS is the International Organization for Standarization (ISO) code for the NIS
  Currency code: new Israeli shekel (ILS); note - NIS is the currency abbreviation; ILS is the International Organization for Standarization (ISO) code for the NIS
  Exchange rates: new Israeli shekels per US dollar - 4.4877 (2005), 4.482 (2004), 4.5541 (2003), 4.7378 (2002), 4.2057 (2001)
  Fiscal year: calendar year
Myth: Israel sank the USS Liberty

Truth: Here is an article regarding the sinking of the USS Liberty

USS Liberty: Israel Did Not Intend to Bomb the Ship
By A. Jay Cristol
Mr. Cristol is the author of the forthcoming The Liberty Incident.

Editor's Note: This summer HNN devoted a special edition to Israel's attack on the USS Liberty in 1967 during the Six Day War, which resulted in the deaths of 34 Americans. Israel insists the attack was an accident. Many others contend it was deliberate, among them, James Bamford, author of Body of Secrets., which has attracted a great deal of attention. A. Jay Cristol, a federal bankruptcy judge in Florida, has spent 14 years researching the incident and has been allowed exlusive access to Israeli archives and officials. His long-awaited book, The Liberty Incident, will be published in March by Brassey. In the piece below, Judge Cristol critiques the claims advanced by Mr. Bamford. The judge's conclusion? Mr. Bamford is guilty of telling "tall tales."

Bamford: Describes the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty as "unprovoked."

Fact: He completely ignores that the United States had publicly announced to the world at the United Nations Security Council only two days before June 8, 1967 that it had no warships within hundreds of miles of the combat zone. The chain of reactions were started by an Israeli army report of explosions at El Arish. Since Israel controlled the air and the ground, they made the assumption that they were being shelled from the sea and a warship was in eye view. In view of the U.S. public announcement, it seems more logical for the Israelis to have assumed that a haze grey warship sailing within eye view of the ongoing combat was an enemy vessel rather than a U.S. ship.

Bamford: "Israel fighters and torpedo boats assaulted the ship for more than an hour."

Fact: The air attack lasted about 12 minutes and was terminated as soon as the Israel Air Force determined the ship was not an Arab ship. While the Air Force was initiating rescue operations, the torpedo boats approached, stopped, and began signaling to the Liberty. The response of the Liberty was to begin shooting at the torpedo boats which thereupon began the torpedo attack. It lasted less than 15 minutes during which time the navy torpedo boats believed they were facing an enemy who initiated the shooting at them.

Bamford: The Israeli attackers used "cannon fire, rockets, heavy bombs, burning napalm and five torpedoes"

Fact: No rockets were fired at Liberty. No bombs, "heavy" or otherwise, were used. The attacking aircraft were not armed to attack a ship. Had they dropped the standard 500 pound iron bombs normally used against ship targets, the Liberty would very likely have been sunk in minutes. (During the battle of Midway in World   War II, U.S. Navy dive bombers using standard 500 pound iron bombs sank three Japanese aircraft carriers in ten minutes.) Four napalm canisters [bombs] were dropped by the attacking aircraft. At least three and possibly all missed. The Liberty's doctor reported no treatment of any crew member for napalm burns.

Bamford: "Israeli reconnaissance planes had positively identified the ship"

Fact: A routine Israel Navy reconnaissance flight at dawn on June 8 sighted Liberty at about 6:00 A.M. steaming southeasterly and south more than 70 miles further west of El Arish. Positive identification was made and the information passed to Naval Intelligence Headquarters and the Liberty was marked on the battle control board at Naval Headquarters. Five hours later, the Liberty mark was considered old information and removed from the battle control board. At 11:00 A.M., shifts changed and the information about the Liberty was not known to the officer who assumed command. At about 1:00 P.M., when the presence of a ship steaming west, 14 miles off the coast of the Sinai and reported to be shelling Israel Army positions from the sea became a tactical issue, the Navy Officer in command did not know about the dawn sighting of Liberty many miles to the west.

Bamford: "Throughout the attack, according to survivors, the Liberty was flying a large American flag,"

Fact: Immediately prior to the air attack, the Liberty had a 5 by 8-foot American flag hoisted but because of the light wind conditions it probably was not extended. This is the Finding of Fact number 2. of the U.S. Navy Court of Inquiry of June 18, 1967. As a matter of fact, a reference to the formula for visual acuity reveals that a flag that size, if fully extended in good light would not be identifiable beyond 1323 feet and the attacking aircraft never came that close. It is also the undisputed testimony of the Commanding Officer of the Liberty that the 5 by 8-foot flag was shot away on the first strafing run. A second, larger, 7 by 13 foot flag was hoisted after the air attack and prior to the torpedo attack but it was engulfed in smoke and thus was not an identification factor during the attacks. The first actual sighting of an American flag on the Liberty was made by an Israeli helicopter pilot more than 30 minutes after both air and sea attacks were over.

Bamford: "Nowicki heard both the pilots and the torpedo boat crew members referring to the American flag during the attack,"

"Nowicki also heard the pilots talk about the American flag."

Fact: No reference to an American flag was made on any radio intercept until 1512, approximately 30 minutes after the attack was over. I have obtained transcripts of the Israel Air Force tapes which confirm this. I have an appeal pending before the National Security Agency for release of their tapes, which are the tapes described by Bamford. Release of these tapes by NSA will corroborate both what Nowicki originally told Bamford as well as the transcripts of the Israel Air Force tapes. That is the attack was a mistake.

Bamford: [The Liberty] "had its name painted in English in ten-foot letters across the stern."

Fact: The name Liberty on the curved stern of the ship was not larger than 18 inches and because of the curvature of the stern, was extremely difficult to read under any circumstances. The ships identifier, "GTR-5" was painted on both sides of the ship near the bow and near the stern but only the number "5" was ten feet tall. The "GTR" was substantially smaller. It was the sighting of these markings by the second wave of aircraft that identified the ship as not an Arab ship and resulted in immediate termination of the air attack.

Bamford: "Among those who never believed Israel's explanation are the survivors and the captain of the ship."

Fact: The captain of the ship, William L. McGonagle, testified under oath before the U.S. navy Court of Inquiry on June 13, 1967 "I realized that there was a possibility of the aircraft having been Israeli and the attack having been conducted in error." [emphasis added] [Court of Inquiry Record, p. 39] Bamford attributes rejection of the Israel explanation of mistaken identity to "The Survivors." This infers all the survivors. Again, this is not a true statement.

Bamford: "Among those who never believed Israel's explanation are ... Secretary of State, Dean Rusk and Chief of Naval Operations (and later Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) Admiral Thomas Moorer;"

Fact: Dean Rusk never accepted the Israeli explanation but when I asked him in an interview at Athens, Georgia on April 5, 1989 on what evidence he based his opinion, he conceded that he never read the U.S. Navy Court of Inquiry findings, the CIA Report, or the Clark Clifford Report. When pressed further, he said, "I did not make a career of studying the evidence."

Admiral Moorer was Commander in Chief Atlantic on the day of the attack on the Liberty and became Chief of Naval Operations on August 1, 1967. In two interviews in Washington, D.C. on February 10, 1989 and May 3, 1990, he explained that the Liberty's identity could not be mistaken because she was the "Ugliest ship in the Navy" and was larger in size than the Egyptian ship for which she was mistaken. The CIA Report concludes the opposite, that the two ships could be mistaken. Ironically, the findings of the U.S. Navy Court of Inquiry were approved by Moorer's office while he was the Chief of Naval Operations.

Bamford: [The Liberty] never fired a shot."

Fact: This statement is a lie. The evidence has been undisputed for more than three decades that when the torpedo boats approached, stopped, and began signaling, the Liberty began shooting at them. Captain McGonagle, the commanding officer, testified to this under oath at the U.S. Navy Court of Inquiry and reconfirmed it in a videotaped press conference on board Liberty when the ship returned to the United   States. He may be observed on videotape telling of the Liberty firing at the torpedo boats in the Thames TV documentary, Attack on the Liberty, aired on British television on January 27, 1987.

Bamford: "The evidence that Israel's attack was deliberate is overwhelming." [He refers to] "the mountain of evidence in my book indicating that Israel knew the ship was American."

Fact: All attacks are inherently deliberate. The question is: did the Israelis attack knowing that it was an American ship. Ten official U.S. investigations and three official Israeli investigations have all concluded that the attack was a tragic mistake or that there is no evidence to establish that it was not a tragic mistake. Seven U. S. Presidents, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Regan, Bush, and Clinton have all accepted the conclusion that the attack was a tragic mistake. Still, more than two dozen conspiracy theories, most of which like Mr. Bamford's conspiracy theory, are based on false or erroneous premises, and have been circulating for years. They all start from the assumption that all the above investigations were wrong or a deliberate cover up; that the Israelis knew they were attacking an American ship; and the only question is: "Why". Bamford's book presents a mountain of allegations but no credible evidence to prove the allegations.

Bamford: Refers to Marvin Nowicki plus "another Hebrew linguist" who, he says, "is" confident that the Israeli attack was a deliberate attack.

Fact: Here again Mr. Bamford lies. Dr. Marvin Nowicki, the U.S. Navy Hebrew linguist on the NSA EC-121 aircraft who heard the Israeli Air Force pilots' radio transmissions and supervised their recording, told Mr. Bamford exactly the opposite, that is Nowicki is certain the attack was a mistake. In an e-mail letter dated March 3, 2000, a copy of which was provided to me by Nowicki and which will be published in full in my forthcoming book, Nowicki wrote to Bamford, "...we recorded most, if not all, of the attack. Further, our intercepts, never before made public, showed the attack to be an accident on the part of the Israelis." Dr. Nowicki's letter to the editor of the Wall Street Journal published on May 16, 2001 unequivocally contradicts what Bamford attributes to him. Nowicki said in the Wall Street Journal letter: "My position, which is opposite of Mr. Bamford's, is the attack, ..., was a gross error." There are not one, but two other NSA connected Hebrew linguists that, according to Dr. Nowicki, have heard the tapes and share his - not Bamford's - alleged conclusions.


ABOUT JUDGE CRISTOL: He is a former U.S. Navy carrier pilot, and a lecturer for the Department of Defense on the Law of Naval Warfare. He retired from my Naval service with the rank of Captain. He is professionally knowledgeable about air combat and naval matters. He has spent fourteen years researching one question about the Liberty incident: did the Israelis attack her knowing she was a U.S. ship ("No") or was it a case of mistaken identity ("Yes")? This study was his doctoral dissertation accepted in 1997 by the Graduate School of International Studies of the University of Miami and is on file in the Library of Congress.

The quotations attributed to Mr. Bamford were taken from a statement he published in the New  Republic.

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Israel: Myths and Truths
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2008, 02:34:13 PM »
Great topic, thanks for your work!  O0

What was your name again in English? Cohen?

Meir Cohen