I'll say one thing true to the credit of the average Arab--
The Arabs in general live with a "code" of honor in which they usually exhibit gracious manners to strangers.
When Arabs invite someone into their tents or homes, that person, be they an Israeli General or some European tourist, is a protected and honored guest so long as they are a guest of their Arab host.
Even if you are considered their enemy, they will honor their "code" if they invite you into their living place for a discussion, truce, or to invite an American Marine officer who invaded Baghdad into their home.
During one's time as guest, the Arab will ply you with drink, food, coffee, candy...anything they have good they will share with you and insist you partake of their offerings.
[they might end up killing you later, but while a guest they are most respectful and gracious]
The average Israeli Jew could certainly learn a few things about manners and social graces from the average Arab.
If you don't believe me, go to Israel and see for yourself!