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Hello from a Non-Jew that is totaly agansit Barack Obama
Hi and I totally support your peoples website, I found your website through your video on Youtube, about if Barrack was a Muslim.
I posted your video on my Political Website and thought it would be cool if people could come on and post there opinions on the politics.
Are website is trying to help expose Barrack Obama, so if you can please join our website, and help us show the truth about Barrack Obama.
The Website is:
You Decide, You Vote, Thats what Were All about.
--- Quote from: ExtremePolitics on April 09, 2008, 06:06:52 PM ---Hi and I totally support your peoples website, I found your website through your video on Youtube, about if Barrack was a Muslim.
I posted your video on my Political Website and thought it would be cool if people could come on and post there opinions on the politics.
Are website is trying to help expose Barrack Obama, so if you can please join our website, and help us show the truth about Barrack Obama.
The Website is:
You Decide, You Vote, Thats what Were All about.
--- End quote ---
And I'm sure I speak for everyone here when I say
thanks for posting the video. :)
Cool site, by the way! O0
Welcome Aboard!
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