Author Topic: The man made Global warming lie is propagated by Jihadis to gain more funds  (Read 2536 times)

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Offline Taylor

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I am new here so please don't shoot me if you don't agree. I just wrote this article and I was wondering what JTF thinks.

The Islamo Fascist propaganda campaign funded by terrorist states at Think Progress are trying to criticize a school textbook not supporting the man made Global warming lie.

I am not that passionate about debunking the man made global warming hysteria. I am more pissed off about the consequences of believing it. Which are not using liquid coal and not drilling our domestic oil, which cause the jihadis to get more money by higher oil prices. The environmental lobby is responsible for the death of thousands and millions more in the future for the policies that they push cause a global funding of terror.

 The jihadis desire to propagate this lie so they make more money of their oil so they can fund more terrorism is apparent in the mass media manipulation of the facts and the jihadi moth pieces like think progress spreading the crap they do.  Watch the The Great Global Warming Swindle and get informed.

Sorry I don't know how to do embedded links here yet.