Do you think America would be better if the South had won ?
You know, sometimes I ask myself this question, not out of being hateful- thats not the thing- but would not the south have been better OFF dealing with their OWN problem?? Now we have problems in biblical proportions- because they STILL have this slave mentality. SAD, really SAD, would that they could ALL be like Alan Keyes, he is a wonderful man, and Pastor Manning hits the nil on the head with his own people too- good man he is as well.
~Chaim ben Pesach, WONDERFUL program

. Yes, it is TRULY HARD to marry someone outside of ones religion/faith- too much of a disaster.. I do have a couple of friends, however that were willing to compromise and convert, That is the ONLY way it really works, too many arguments, just WAY too much strife- and if there is NO compromise, usually from the female, then it is a recipe for destruction. SAD, but I have known it to be the truth.
~I have gotten my CLOSEST friend- Joachim to join.

He says that when he gets to NY as well, he WILL be your personal body guard- and I am NOT joking- he was in security, lived in a black neighborhood- as a blonde, blue eyed German Jew- and Iran- is NOT afraid at ALL of muslims- was almost murdered himself in Iran, by the peaceful islamos.

~I sell on ebay a LOT, perhaps I will get blessed enough to help you- I HOPE SO, will see.