Author Topic: Brittain monitoring 30 terror plots  (Read 1651 times)

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Brittain monitoring 30 terror plots
« on: April 15, 2008, 12:53:26 PM »
For years, Great Britain and other countries of Western Europe have bent over backwards to accommodate the growing Muslim population within their borders. It has been nearly an “article of faith” that multicultural tolerance of Muslims, even militant Muslims, would promote peace and inter-faith dialogue, and diminish the possibility of terrorist attacks.

That “article of faith” is proving to be an illusion.

Over a year ago, Britain’s Daily Mail ran an article entitled “Multiculturalism drives young Muslims to shun British values.” The article noted that a study had found that “Multiculturalism has alienated an entire generation of young Muslims and made them increasingly radical…In stark contrast with their parents, growing numbers sympathize with extreme teachings of Islam, with almost four in ten wanting to live under Sharia law in Britain…13% said they `admired’ organizations such as al Qaida…”

Then last December, Germany’s Der Spiegel ran an article about Muslims in Germany entitled “Interior Ministry warns of radicalization of Muslims.”

Any student of history and the doctrines of Islam understands why this is the case. What we in the West regard as a high virtue (tolerance and accommodation) Islam regards as weakness and an implicit if not explicit acknowledgement that Islam is superior and we are inferior. The harder the West tries to accommodate Islam, the more it is seen by Muslims as weak and inferior.

This is why, in spite of everything Great Britain has done to accommodate Islam, to the point of the Archbishop of Canterbury stating that the imposition of shariah law in Britain is “unavoidable,” Islamic militancy in Britain grows and the threat of terror increases. (See the Reuters story below).

Contrary to the hopes and best intentions of those seeking to accommodate Islam, the reality is proving an axiom the West in general and America in particular must come to acknowledge: The tolerance of Islamic intolerance will simply promote more Islamic intolerance.,23599,23531638-38200,00.html