The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

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--- Quote from: yephora on January 05, 2007, 04:37:20 PM ---
--- Quote from: Cyrizian on January 05, 2007, 02:56:27 PM --- Something very strange is going on...

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The dhimming down of America is what's going on, if you get my meaning.

About the only way to arouse American men to the reality of their collapsing country is take away their sports. Plus a couple of nuked cities. Other than something that drastic they will slumber on, barely arousable to what's going on around them. Like the proverbial frog in the kettle of water: fire the heat up fast and out he jumps. But turn up the heat gradually and he'll sit there oblivious until he's boiled to death.

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Yephora its good to see you posting again since your posts are always the best!! What you say in you post is the absolute truth. The country has put 911 behind it. Sadly we are being boiled to death with no reaction. People are going back to the old mind set of if we just leave the Muslims alone they wont bother us. Bush was on target to begin with but got caught in the trap of fighting a political war. An aggressive campaign in Iraq up to the borders of Iran would have had different results. By  Bush halting the all out war in Iraq so soon in an attempt to reduce civilian casualties he allowed the situation to develop into what we have now.


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