well earlyer they said this is witchcraft,its a sin,the earth isn't the center of the univers,etc and this is another dogma,becous,you know,as they say,knowledge is power,and the apple in the garden of Eden is a metafore for knowledge
And yes,AP can be dangerous,somebody can "mind-rape" you,and that becomeing insane thing,it depends on you how are you gonna see something you expirianced,and if there is something your "body" can't see(like a diferent colour or what not(this is another theory seeing another colour etc))you won't see it at all,and induceing AP,it isn't chanting,you don't have to do rituals,thats just dumb,i think it can simply be done from a lucid dream
And i don't really beleve in god,well i don't beleve in angles devils etc etc,but there is somebody who created us(probably not as spasificly as i wrote)as well as atoms and small things witch are really complicated as hell,genial in they'r existance,happened by chance,thats just insain,did a formation from trilionz opon trilions of those atoms fall in place to create something as genial as a free thinking choncusnesch,and i think we need to further our chonchusnes by thinking,thus expanding our possibilities
-there is no such thing as an AP induced by drugs,and cults that try to teach you AP are verry dangerous (sorry for bad spelling ppl
