Save Western Civilization > Save America

Illegal Scum Poem By M.W.

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And the Illegal cockroaches are laughing at us by allowing them to get away with it. Thanks to our sell out whore politicians


--- Quote from: MasterWolf1 on January 05, 2007, 02:38:10 PM ---And the Illegal cockroaches are laughing at us by allowing them to get away with it. Thanks to our sell out whore politicians

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Absolutely true.  I tried to get a green card the legal way but it would have taken YEARS.  An educated and productive White Jew cannot get in why Mahmoud or Riccardo can walk accross the border...  It is amazing.  When I lived in the States I had to keep re-submitting extentions for the H-3...  What a sham!!


--- Quote from: Marzutra on January 05, 2007, 03:35:56 PM ---
--- Quote from: MasterWolf1 on January 05, 2007, 02:38:10 PM ---And the Illegal cockroaches are laughing at us by allowing them to get away with it. Thanks to our sell out whore politicians

--- End quote ---
Absolutely true.  I tried to get a green card the legal way but it would have taken YEARS.  An educated and productive White Jew cannot get in why Mahmoud or Riccardo can walk accross the border...  It is amazing.  When I lived in the States I had to keep re-submitting extentions for the H-3...  What a sham!!

--- End quote ---
This above all is what annoys me the most. People try to come here to America the correct way and are tied up in red tape for years. The Mexican roaches prance across the border and can have three generations of offspring in the same amount of time.   

I never had a problem people from other lands (good people of course) coming to the United States LEGALLY and to improve their life to what they had in their own home land.  However when it comes to some lets say the Muslims that do come here I do have a problem cause their loyalty is not with this country.  Their purpose is to harm this country.  The Illegals are criminals to begin with and have nothing going for themselves for this country other to turn it into a third world pig pen.

My big problem is not really with the people but their cultural and religious beliefs.  It seems as though most non-Christian/Jewish immigrants to the West do not respect our culture, customs, religion or in many cases legal legislation.  What chaps my ass even more is the fact that our governments appease and advocate all others over our own via: "diversity", "multiculturalism" and "the melting pot".  It is quite clear that the agenda behind these Leftwing lies is to undermine the only great culture to contribute to the development of the entire civilized world.  When one walks into a "multicultural" center, does one ever see anything about the culture that actually built the town that the center is in? 


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