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Welcome to JTF!
rob shepherd:
I wish to thank all of you for your kind words of welcome. The struggle we all face has to be faced together or we will truly be destroyed by the terrorist organization of Islam. For years leading up to 9/11 I have been predicting that the Islamic mongrels would attack AMERICA in a dramatic and horrible way. People thought I was crazy, that nobody in their right minds would attack us. Well, guess what, the Islamos are not in their right minds. They cherish death like we, as AMERICANS and ISRAELIS, cherish freedom. Remember, united we stand, divided we fall. Keep going and don't let up. God bless AMERICA and God bless ISRAEL!!!!!
--- Quote from: rob shepherd on April 17, 2008, 09:41:51 PM ---I have just recently joined JTF. I am so happy to have found such a fine organization that feels the same as I do. All of my friends say I'm a fanatic and way too radical. I love AMERICA, and I love ISRAEL. The reason I feel the way I do about ISRAEL is that they are G-d's chosen people. The other is that they are the greatest ally we have against the terrorist organization of Islam. I was raised a Democrat but when I went into the army in 1980, I saw what they were about. I am sorry to say I served for a short time under the traitor, Jimmy Carter. But I am very proud and honored to have served the majority of my tour under the great Ronald Reagan. When I saw how Jimmy Carter put into power a communist in Nicaragua and how the Democrats cut off funding to the Contras. I couldn't understand this until a few years later as I learned how the communists had taken over the Democrat party. I have been a proud Republican since 1982 and have no regrets. I am, however, disappointed in the way the party has gone in recent years. They have no backbone and are scared to stand up to the commies and the Muslim and Arab scum. Political correctness run amok! Anyway, we can solve the Muslim problem in this country fairly easily. Outlaw Islam and kick out all Arabs. Also, lock the borders down and round up the illegals and send them home. If they return, they should be executed on the border as an example. Destroy Iran, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Syria, Jordan, land Pakistan! Drill our own oil and do research for other energy sources to replace oil in the future. Take out the regime in North Korea and eradicate the communist threat in our own hemisphere. Destroy enough governments and the rest will tow the line. Oh yeah, and turn Israel loose on the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi trash to do how they see fit. I could go on but I had better not. So in closing, I wish to say G-d Bless ISRAEL and G-d Bless AMERICA!!!!!
--- End quote ---
Welcome. We hope you enjoy your stay at JTF.
hey im only 23,but you are a great person for feeling the way you do and im with you 110%,if i had it my way i do everything you said, if we only had the millions of dollers we needed to have it all done and the power and the balls behind us
rob shepherd:
Thanks bigant. We can do it, we're the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!! We have put men on the moon. We have the capabilities to do anything. If you ever watch Future Weapons on the Discovery Channel, you'll see that we are developing new systems just to fight this war. Our technology is developing so fast it's pitiful. The dogs of Allah fear this and there is not much they can to to counter it except die. There is a rifle that is called the Masada, in honor of the brave warriors that died on that lonely hilltop when the Roman army came for them. Instead of surrender, they threw themselves on their sword and denied the Romans the pleasure of rape and torture. It could possibly be the replacement for the M-16. This disease called Nazism/Islam can be eradicated. We just have to get the rest of the world to see the threat they pose to freedom loving nations. Some nations will never get it, like the French. We've had to saves their asses twice in the last century from the Germans. How many times will we have to save them in this century? Other nations will come aboard only after they are threatened or attacked. And then there are some that just won't admit there is a severe threat just so they can keep in power. The majority propably fall into that category. That's the problem we face with the Democrat/Communist party here in our beloved AMERICA. Where's Gen. Patton and David BenGurian when we need them most. I hope I spelled his name correctly, if not, someone pleas correct me. We must spread the word about this abomination that is Islam. We must convince our people of the grave threat our nations and the world faces. Don't give up the fight, and never, ever surrender. God bless AMERICA and ISRAEL!!!!!
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