Save Western Civilization > Save America

True Moment

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Hey all I am back, I went down to the South Jersey Shores over last week yea even witht he overcast cause it is the last week of summer.  Anyways, I was at Atlantic City for the day on Wed. And with some friends we were walking on the boardwalk there is a rail there towards the beach itself, now this was in the evening and we heard some strange noise under the boardwalk and this black babboon came out from under the boardwalk... Apparently someone never taught him how to use a public restroom.  Thats right he took a dump on the beach.  Ya know and then they question why normal people call them animals? I mean really what pigs.


--- Quote from: MasterWolf1 on September 02, 2006, 01:17:01 AM ---Hey all I am back, I went down to the South Jersey Shores over last week yea even witht he overcast cause it is the last week of summer.  Anyways, I was at Atlantic City for the day on Wed. And with some friends we were walking on the boardwalk there is a rail there towards the beach itself, now this was in the evening and we heard some strange noise under the boardwalk and this black babboon came out from under the boardwalk... Apparently someone never taught him how to use a public restroom.  Thats right he took a dump on the beach.  Ya know and then they question why normal people call them animals? I mean really what pigs.

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Nice to see you back Masterwolf1.

I have seen this form of beast releve themselves out in the open with bathroom facilities near by. I think its some form of laziness or spite. I call it n---ritis. They do this often in view of anybody around with complete disregard. At least this beast went under the boardwalk.

TY C, and I also guess that the idea of how to use a toilet is too much of a whitey concept for them.  Its not only them the arabs and muslims do the same the latin cockroach they do the same. Notice its all low form of animals that act just like animals.  You see a gorilla he relieves himself ( a real gorilla) where he eats sleeps and anywhere cause they don't know better. And black people want to pretend they are the kings and queens of civilization? They are still eating each other in Uganda.

I have seen 'black homeless' victims caked with their own poop. They relieve themselves on the subway platforms, in doorways, in school hallways and wherever they feel like. I have studied their habits and have come to the conclusion that they have not evolved into true homo sapien sapiens. The reason for their relieving themselves is that the animal instinct in them makes them 'leave their scent' such as a dog, cat and the lower primates. This is a strong instinct in animals. This is the way they mark their territory, attract the female of the species (and vice versa) and by doing this, it makes them feel safe when they smell themselves and gives them the senxe that they are 'at home'. This is probably why these savages spray paint everything they can. It is a way that the reconize their territory and it says to others STAY OUT!


--- Quote from: fjack on September 04, 2006, 05:41:02 PM ---I have seen 'black homeless' victims caked with their own poop. They relieve themselves on the subway platforms, in doorways, in school hallways and wherever they feel like. I have studied their habits and have come to the conclusion that they have not evolved into true homo sapien sapiens. The reason for their relieving themselves is that the animal instinct in them makes them 'leave their scent' such as a dog, cat and the lower primates. This is a strong instinct in animals. This is the way they mark their territory, attract the female of the species (and vice versa) and by doing this, it makes them feel safe when they smell themselves and gives them the senxe that they are 'at home'. This is probably why these savages spray paint everything they can. It is a way that the reconize their territory and it says to others STAY OUT!

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HAHAHA, this is why I love this site.


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