Save Western Civilization > Save America

True Moment

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i agree.
its interesting- there are practically no homeless Jews. i've only seen one Jew living in a tent in a park in downtown Haifa, thats all.

You would think the concept of soap and water would also be too difficult for them to understand and thats why they stink of urine and filthy.

Welcome to the USA

These creatures are lower primites. They cannot be part of a civilizred culture, or a structured society. They are poor pririmates that evolution has left behind. If you want to take these creatures into your home nevermore go for it! Let us see how liberal you are when they cut your throat, rape your wife, daughter, mother, and maybe you! I am amazed that you foriengers love these primitives so much. Why don't you take them back from the paradise that you fled from and  make you society multiculrural. I will answer for you. You will say that 'my country' is unable to take care of these primitives. We don't want to have our wives, sons, daughter, mothers and fathers be raped, robbed, muredered, mugged and even worse. Let me ask you this question? If thiis country is so bad, why did you come here. Your type should go to africa where your can spread your liberal ideas among these primitives and show the rest of the white world on how to apprieaate the gifts of your fellow 'friends'. You have a better chance of bening killed by a black than a nazi. Go to africa and save the savages. We have a enough of liberals here. Destroy your own homeland, not mine.


--- Quote from: fjack on September 11, 2006, 05:40:07 PM ---These creatures are lower primites. They cannot be part of a civilizred culture, or a structured society. They are poor pririmates that evolution has left behind. If you want to take these creatures into your home nevermore go for it! Let us see how liberal you are when they cut your throat, rape your wife, daughter, mother, and maybe you! I am amazed that you foriengers love these primitives so much. Why don't you take them back from the paradise that you fled from and  make you society multiculrural. I will answer for you. You will say that 'my country' is unable to take care of these primitives. We don't want to have our wives, sons, daughter, mothers and fathers be raped, robbed, muredered, mugged and even worse. Let me ask you this question? If thiis country is so bad, why did you come here. Your type should go to africa where your can spread your liberal ideas among these primitives and show the rest of the white world on how to apprieaate the gifts of your fellow 'friends'. You have a better chance of bening killed by a black than a nazi. Go to africa and save the savages. We have a enough of liberals here. Destroy your own homeland, not mine.

--- End quote ---

stop the gayness, dude.
first you call me liberal (you obviousely didnt understand anything i said nor did you read my other posts here), then you complain why i live in america, when im actually living in Israel and never even been to america. you've sent me to bloody africa!!

hehe, you are a joke,
quit drinking.


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